
Black Dragon Rising

Sometimes death is the end of a life- in reality, it is just a new beginning. If you were to change into another being, would you be the same as you were before?

Dragonett · ゲーム
3 Chs

002 The Naming

It took a few hours for the infighting and killing to calm down, with only twelve whelps remaining. The ones that died were weak, malnourished or had various problems wrong with their bodies. I could spy a few that had misshapen jaws, others with oddly bloated bellies and even some that had no arm or leg. The whelpling I killed could've lived, if not for me, as it was small and dark enough to hide- though not from me. Looking around, I studied my 'siblings' with a blank stare.

Most of the whelps shared the same details, namely having black scales, red-orange underbellies, red-orange webbings, and those piercing soulless green eyes. A few had a change in color, either a bright red or orange coloring, or darker or lighter green eyes. The couple that I would now focus on were a bit odd looking. One of them had a blue underbelly and webbings, no change with the eye color, but it also had the starts of a tailfin on its tail tip, like a shark almost. The other had a green underbelly and webbing, also no change in eye color, and strange nubby horns that resembled antlers instead of the sharp spiked horns on the other whelps.

Admittingly, it made me curious to my own appearance. I knew I had dark scales, and looking at my wings and underbelly revealed dark purple colors. I had yet to see my eyes, but I assumed they were the same green as my 'siblings'. Looking at my tail revealed dark purple fins like one of the dragons from that one movie- what was it again, ah right, How to Train Your Dragon was it? Yeah, reminded me of the black dragon, except dark purple like my underbelly. Looking at them, I tested out the 'rudders'. It was as simple as thinking of opening and closing them, one side, other side, both.

Curiosity sated for the time being, I turned as a small Drakonid walked into the 'room' (It was barely a room, more like a cave really) and coughed, gaining all of the whelps attention. He didn't look upset about the piles of dead whelps, if anything he seemed so used to it. "Lets go whelps," he started with a snappy tone, "Your brood mother awaits."

All of us gathered behind him as he stormed out of the cave, our wings beating to keep up. When the cave opens up to the outside, I immediately looked up and widened my eyes at the sight of the sky. It was beautiful, full of stars and a full moon looked down at us with a light so bright, I had to look away. Looking away from the moon, I saw a even more majestic sight- a large, fully grown dragon! The dragon was about the size of a house, maybe larger, and looked a bit... plain. Basically imagine all those unnamed whelps, grow it, and make it look like an adult and... bam, adult dragon!

The dragon looked down at us with cold, slitted green eyes. "Well, well... more than I was expecting." a female voice booms in the darkness, twitching her mace-like tail. She studied us for a moment longer before huffing, "At last my last brood isn't all that shameful... whelps, line up." she ordered with a wave of her massive paws.

Upon order, the other whelps and I lined up. I had the green-belly to my left, and the blue-belly to my right. The rest lined up next to either the green or blue-belly whelps. The Brood Mother (The only name I could come up with since she hasn't introduced herself) hummed, contently looking down at us with those cold eyes of hers, calculating our every move.

"You should be honored, for now you will gain your names. Now," she started, l tuned out for a while, noticing after the whelps were named, they moved to another corner. When it was just me and the two different-looking whelps, I tuned back in. "Now... come here, blue-one." she crooned with a tilt of her claw, looking menacing. The whelp with blue coloration stepped forth. "From this day forth, may all our foes know you as Aquasia. Take a seat at your siblings side, for you are now a member of the Black Dragonflight!" she cackled. Aquasia, a female whelp by the sound of it, nodded and quickly flew over to the other named siblings. "Green-one, step forth." she intoned next.

She gave the green-belly whelp a look over with a hum, "From this day forth, may all our foes know you as Ventusion. Take a seat at your siblings side, for you are now a member of the Black Dragonflight!" she cackled once more, getting me a bit annoyed. Is this seriously the same shit she repeated for Aquasia? At least its finally my turn. The Brood Mother turned to me, and gave me a look over, "Hmm, and interesting one you are... come forth, red-eyes." she beckoned.

Red Eyes?! Oh, never mind. Focus on that later, this is much more important! I approached her like how all our other siblings have and sat there, looking up at her, my neck almost cracking from the sheer size of her compared to myself. She smiled grimly, "Ah, the eyes of our great benefactor... you should be proud," she began.

"For it is with honor and glory, shall our foes fear you, with the name Ignisa to send all the mortals into their holes!" she ended, grinning with blood-thirst in her eyes. Ignisa? Is she naming the three of us after the Latin language or something? I don't even think they have Latin on Azeroth, at least not Earths' version of Latin. Shaking my head, I floated off to my siblings, lining up next to Ventusion.

"Now that you are all named... I have no further duties to hold here. You shall be trained by another dragon. This will probably be the last time I see you whelps, so behave." she scorned, a bitter look on her face, before swiftly lifting herself from the ground and walking away. Out of sight, I could hear her beating wings. The Drakonid from before approached, "Come, to your cave, whelps." he ordered with a wave of his weapon. Gulping to myself, I followed the rest back into our hole.

Apparently we had room cleaning services, as the corpses and eggshells of our 'siblings' had been cleaned from the room, the only thing remaining on the ground was the bloodshed that had occurred, along with the dead body of a boar. Feeling a bit hungry myself after the naming event, my siblings and I quickly flew at the body, fighting over the large (but small for our party of 12) meal. In the end, only 6 of us actually got a full meal, which included myself, Ventusion and Aquaia.

Now that I had time to rest, it was time to look at my sheet again, even though there would only be a single change, no doubt.

Name: Ignisa

Race: Black Dragonflight Hatchling

Level: 1

Title: None

Status: Satisfied

Health: 100/100

Mana: 40/40

Vitality: 5

Strength: 2

Intelligence: 4

Dexterity: 4

Speed: 3

Magic: 2


Unique Ability: Psychic Immunity

Unique Ability: Druidism

Natural Ability: Dragon Breath Weapon (Fire)

Natural Ability: Natural Disaster Affinity

Natural Ability: Dragon Scales


Fire Resistance [Level 1]

Heat Resistance [Level 1]

Cold Resistance [Level 1]