
Black dragon of hate _ High School DXD Fanfic

I don't have rights to Highschool DXD. Or for a photo. Read and you will find out.

Kriuswer · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

The first meeting of the Clouded priest.

When we returned to the club. Rias and Akeno went to her office to report. Me and Issei decided to sit down and talk. Koneko and Yutto went home.

I and Isse discussed what happened. Issei was sad because he was just an observer. He could do nothing. When he stopped worrying about his powerlessness.

(Issei) -Senpai I am worthless. I could not do anything. Koneko is almost dead.

(Krius.) - Don't break down, Issei. Know these situations as an important lesson. Train to become stronger. And don't let it happen anymore.

Issei gets up and clenches her writing. He says:

(Issei) - You are right, Senpai. I will become stronger and defend everyone. And I will become King of Harem.

(Krius) -Whatttt? !!!!!

When I was to ask what he meant. Rias and Akeno have come.

(Rias)- I don't know what you were talking about, but it doesn't matter now. Issei, you have a new customer. You have an address here and eat it is a matter of urgency. "Telling him this she handed him a note with the address.

When Issei left, Rias and Akeno sat in front of me and we started talking. We talked about Issei's behavior during the fight, among others. But I explained to her that this is new to Issei. I told her about the conversation between me and Isseiam. When I finished telling Rias, she praised me:

(Rias) - You really are the caring older brother Krius. Hehehe-She praised me blushing on the face. She additionally spiced up the effect charmingly laughing.

The atmosphere was really nice. Even Akeno started to convince me. She no longer talked about me because she had to. But because she was starting to like me. And the conversation that I began to please her. After this conversation, the three of us became closer to each other. Especially me and Rias. I'm starting to have suspicions. But I'm not sure.

Our nice atmosphere is spoiled by the message. Rias has telepathically received that Issei is under threat. That he is in danger.

(Rias) - Issei is in trouble. Just my alarm spell has been activated. Issei is in mortal danger. There is no time to collect the rest. The three of us will have to suffice.

Then Rias teleports the three of us to the client's house to which she sent Issei.

We quickly went to the main door of the house was open. We heard the sounds of fight. And the girl's scream.

(Rias) - Look, there's no time, I don't know exactly where Issei is. The house has many rooms. I will send you telepathically now. His spell bearing. "She said and sent me the bearing.

I wanted to help Issei. When I got the spell bearing. I decided to use one of my family's secret spells. Quick response spell. He's one of the most useless spells in my family. It allows for an instant teleport. To a person who is in danger. But two conditions must be met and that's the problem. First, the person had to wear an alarming spell. Which is not so bad. But the second condition is that during the incantation, the person at risk must be within 60 meters. I'm not saying it's a bad spell, but it's useless in my family. The Blade family is considered to be the best magic spell makers. I started the incantation takes a few seconds because it is a charm that must be.

When I started the incantation around me appeared a magic circle with the coat of arms of my family. I said, minati. egenum. found. translatio. "And then the circle teleported me.

I found myself above the wounded Issei lying on the ground. An exorcist was getting ready to deal the last blow when I appeared. My Dragon Hand, my Sacket gear appeared subconsciously. (Gift to absorb.) Which blocked the fumbling sword of light. Who was flying to Isseia.

When I caught the sword of light, I began to feel incredible pain. However, the pain was getting smaller and I felt even more powerful.

In the meantime I heard a series of notifications themselves. From my Sackred Gear.

> Absorb.

> Absorb.

> Absorb.

With each new Notification. I became a little stronger. And the sword of light slowly disappeared. The moment the sword was almost gone I heard Issei say "Senpai". Then I answered him blocking the exorcist's attack. "We're here to help you, Issei." The next moment Rias and Akeno entered the room.

When the exorcist's weapon disappeared. He jumped back and took out his jacket pistol. And he began to say:

(Exorcist) - Oooo, I see that almost the whole family came.

(Crius) - From him. Issei belongs to the Rias family. And he is my friend. Hands off him.

The exorcist will begin his clouded conversation with a terrible expression on his face.

(Exorcist) - And what is between you as well. You are upstairs and you are downstairs. - - He talked in a disgusting tone.

His words disgusted me. I did not understand how a priest could say such things.

(Krisu) - Keep quiet and fight.

(Exorcist) - Let's continue fighting, finally killing people like you is the meaning of my life. Shut up and get killed.

(Akeno) - Demons can bite back too, "she said with a slight sadism in her voice.

In that short moment I saw Akeno's face unknown to me. She is a sadist. I'm not saying it's bad. Give it to me. But that surprised me anyway.

Akeno after a short sentence. The exorcist freaked out a little. He said something about Akeno trying to seduce or kill him. I do not want to listen to him. I decided to use the blood of a dead client. Who was now dead a few meters away. Blood was already starting to clot. Only a small amount was usable. There was enough blood for a small sword made of blood. Which I sent to the clouded priest, he quickly jumped back. When I was about to start another attack, a portal appeared on the ceiling. And the priest began to rave about fallen angels. I felt something powerful coming. Rias felt it too so she said.

(Rias) - Bust, Issei, he is the most important now.

Rias began to form a teleportation circle. Akeno approached Issei and carried him under his arm. Issei fidgeted and yelling:

(Issei) - Let me go. Asiaaaaa.

When Issei started screaming I saw her. Girls in a nun's dress. Who was lying on the ground and looking. I also saw that his chest was exposed. When I gathered the information, I thought. This fucking priest was trying to rape a girl. It was easy to guess because Issei wouldn't do it. And even more, the nun did not show Issei's breast like that.

When the information came to my head. Something in me woke up. I felt incredible anger. Which is also posted by Issei in speaking.

(Issei) - This monster will hurt her. Let me go. He tried to rape her before. Come on .

Suddenly I heard a voice. Only for a moment. But.

(????) - I hate such beings. Kill

I didn't care. I only had anger in my head. I called my bloody swords and sent him to the priest. At the moment when the priest said, "You think I will let you escape." The sword hit him in the shoulder causing the arm to break off. When I was to attack similarly. The teleportation circle was activated and I was teleported with the rest inside the club. At the moment of teleportation I shouted "Wait" while Issei was calling the name Asia which it belonged to this girl.

The moment we showed up at the club I announced Rias.

(Krius) - There is no time. Teleports back. I have to help her.

(Rias) - You can't do it now. This creature must have appeared now. You don't have sans.

Still, I didn't dry up. I continued to create the circle. Rias, seeing this, came to me from the front and slapped my neck. Causing me to lose consciousness slowly. The blow made me lose my power over my body and fall to Rias. My face glowed straight on Rias's chest. I only managed to say "Is this heaven" And I lost consciousness. Rias flushed incredibly and then took me to bed behind Rias's office.

Sorry for the late chapter.

I have a question:

Do you already want some action (You know;)] But is it better to wait a little longer for development.

Thank you for reading.

Kriuswercreators' thoughts