
Their drive

Jordan POV

For Jordan , asta and yuno were his greatest driving force that helped him to improve constantly and break trough his limit

when Jordan was younger he felt that his life was utterly hopeless, he felt that he was surrounded by morons

A guy who screamed a lot and talked about ideals who's was naive as to think that he could make am impact even though he had no talent

A simple mind old geezer who's simpleton nature prevented him from doing anything that would cause an impact .

Boy with enough talent that he could make a change but lacked the mindset to do so

But he must admit that he had come to love

these fool and learned to embrace their flaws

even though asta was noisy he meant the best in his heart. Even though yuno who was a crybaby in the past became stronger to protect the people around him

Jordan grew to love the people in his village and wanted to try his best.. yuno and asta were the ones who gave him the drive to be Better

A simple minded fool who had not a drop of magic constantly traning his body so that on day he can use magic. Finally a genius who didn't let his talent or the words of the people , forget his goal of becoming the wizard king not for greed but for the people he cared about

So he will do his best and break his limits to beat his rivals and become the wizard king. jorden had the power to control Ice

He could make weapons with the elements of ice ..it more like the weapons he produced had the attribute of ice , he could make bows and depending upon his mana the number of arrow, he could make sword who's power depended on his mana he could duel weild or use a double handed sword , he could make Armor that could gave him protection..but not to much as he has not mastered it