After Being hit by a fast moving object a simple man gets to meet a Rob who agrees to fulfil a request or two from the simple man Let’s watch the journey of the Simple man to world Strongest Wizard. I don’t own anything other then my OCs
Sorry for not publishing chapters this month, I've spent the last month Editing and rewriting earlier chapters, even wrote a couple new ones to help the flow of the story
This is for all my stories not just this one 😁)
~Minato POV~
It's been a couple months since my run in with Raijin and since then I've spent most of my time training my body instead of my magic like I have been for the last few years, I was trying to increase the use of the [Flying Raijin] which needed me to improve my physical fitness.
But since my run in with Raijin, I was able to see how far my magic had fallen compared to my physical abilities. So I sought to fix the situation by creating new spells for offensive and defensive purposes.
For example the [Wind Shield] is essentially a shield made of rotating wind to defend against attacks. The only thing I haven't improved on in the last couple months was Storm Magic, I only have the one spell [Storm Magic: Susanoo's Sword] and even now I still struggle to cast it 100% of the time.
It's lead my to believe that I while I have runic magic as an affinity. I also have Storm magic as my other affinity, Storm magic being a combination of wind and lightning gives me the ability to use both Wind and Lightning separately.
I've also come to the conclusion that I'll need my grimoire to use and make anymore Storm Magic spells. Which just so happens to be where my family and I are currently heading.
~Scene Change~
~Location Grimoire Tower~
"Come Big Brother, hurry up" Asa says trying to pull her brother up the hill.
"But I'm sooo tried" Minato draws out. "Pull harder Asa"
"I'm trying, I'm trying" Asa she's looking a little teary eyed. Seeing this Tori, Minato's mother starts to radiate dark and powerful mana.
"Minato, you wouldn't be bullying your little sister now?" Tori questions sweetly but her aura says differently.
"Hah no of course, I'd never do something so cruel" Minato reply's quickly sensing the danger. "Here Asa let big Brother Minato carry you up this hill?" he follows up as he puts Asa on his back and darts up the hill to escape the potential wrath of his mother.
"Pussy" Kashi whispers just before Minato can leave. Minato pauses and turns towards Kashi with narrowed eyes, before he smiles.
"Mom, Kashi told me yesterday that he hated your cooking and that he prefers the cooking of the Boar Inn" Minato calls out. As soon as he finishes speaking everyone freezes and turn to face Tori who's suddenly gained an immeasurable amount of mana.
"It appears you boys need to be taught a lesson" Tori states with a serene smile.
~5 minutes later~
"Argh I hate you" Kashi groans from the ground, "hate you soo much"
"Yeah me too" Minato agrees.
"Come let's get a move on the ceremony for the Grimoire will begin shortly" Ashfore tells the two boys, Ashfore is Minato's father.
Deciding to get a move on the Namikaze family, plus Kashi make it to the Grimoire tower in just under a minute. Entering the Grimoire tower the family stands together and awaits the tower master to begin the ceremony.
"Look it's the Namikaze's" One of the people in the tower whispers.
"That young ones quite handsome, no?" A young woman says looking towards Minato.
"Who's that dark haired boy. Do you think he's their servant" An arrogant looking man says.
"Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls, future Wizards of the Clover kingdom. I welcome you all to your Grimoire selection ceremony" An Old looking fellow says from the balcony above everyone.
"Now I don't feel the need to explain how all this work, I assume you all already know. But I should tell you the basics" He continues.
"A Grimoire will choose their own wizard, and it shall only work for that wizard. Grimoires are also invincible, in the sense that they cannot be destroyed unless it's user is killed. You all understand?" The Tower master asks getting nods from everyone.
"Wonderful. Now let the Grimoire Ceremony BEGIN" He shouts final and with the wave of his hand Grimoire start to descend to their chosen partners.
Almost immediately a White Grimoire that shines with a pale white light leaves its place on the shelf and begins its descent. It floats down slowly awhile as it radiates a feeling of being protected by an unbreakable shield.
The White Grimoire slowly descends and floats peacefully infront of Kashi. Kashi holds out his hand and the Grimoire gently lands with in it.
"Thank you" Kashi says to his Grimoire. Before turning to Minato with an awfully smug smile.
"Oi what the hell you smiling at?" Minato questions but Kashi doesn't get to answer as another shining Grimoire begins its descent.
This one is a deep and powerful blue, while it shines with an almost purple like glow. It also was appears to be ancient runes written on its cover.
This Grimoire naturally floats into Minato's awaiting hands. It's a 3 three leaf Grimoire with the size of your average book.
But before Minato can inspect his Grimoire further another Grimoire begins to lower its self slowly. This particular Grimoire glows a bright gold colour, it also gives off a wild and untameable feel.
It floats slowly and under the watchful eyes of everyone floats before Minato. Holding out his hand, the Grimoire lands gently into his palm.
The Grimoire in question looks like it has two covers, the front is a bright cyan blue colour that appears to have lightning bolts dotted around it, the back cover is a whitish green with what looks to be gushes of wind on it.
Clasping both Grimoire in his hands Minato let's a grin form on his face. "Well this is a surprise" He says to his family.
Which pulls them from their shock induced states. "Haha that's my boy" Ashfore says slapping Minato's back lightly.
"Why are my not surprised" Tori says shaking her head.
"Big brother is the best" Asa follows even though she doesn't know what's happening.
"We should get a move on" Kashi reminds us.
"Ah yes, we still have much to do" Ashfore agrees pushing his family gently toward the exit of the tower.
"Where we going?" Asa asks confused.
"To get Minato's and Kashi's gifts" Tori tells her, while picking her up.
~End of Chapter~