
Black clover: I am Legion

Black clover fanfic. Just writing for fun, read if you want to.

Bigbaby · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Chapter 1

The day was just like any other. The sun shone brightly, surrounded by an endless blue sky. A calming wind blew lazily, providing comfort where it could. Birds singing their songs to the wind and flying to a fro without a care in the world.

In a valley stood a village where people laughed and worked. The place was lively with people going about their business. There were people working the land, as was the case with peaceful villagers. Kids ran here and there, Their bell-like laughter brought smiles to those who heard it.

All in all, this was just another peaceful village. Yet, something was off about it. It wasn't the village itself, for it was nice and surrounded by rolling hills and a forest. What was off about it was it's people. Take this man for example, he seems like a normal farmer. Tilling his field, yet the manner in which he was doing it wasn't normal.

The man was tilling his field with a hoe, but the hoe was floating. And as the man moved down the path, the hoe would strike the ground, reading it for the seeds. The man had his arm outstretched, as if he was controlling it. Around his hand was a green glow, this same glow covered the hoe.

This man was using magic, and he wasn't the only one. Everyone in the village could use magic. It was a natural part of their lives. But this wasn't some rare phenomenon, for in this world magic was a common thing. In fact, it's rare for someone to not have magic.

Looking over to a hill that provided a great view of the entire village sat a single tree. It stood proudly as it swayed in the wind ever so gently. Sitting against the tree, enjoying the shade it provided is a young boy. The boy sat on the floor with his back against the tree. He had his arms behind his back with a piece of straw in his mouth. He was asleep, enjoying the beautiful day the best way he knew how.

The wind occasionally blew the boy's hair, causing it to tickle his nose. He had brown hair that hung loosely around his head, always threatening to cover his honey brown eyes. Smooth tan skin with a small mole under his right eye. His face was average but he had a charming smile. Five feet nine inches tall with a little meat on his bones. Not fat, but nearing what would be considered chubby, and he wore a simple black robe with a pair of boots and a pair of boxers. Nothing else lay beneath his robes for he likes to be free.

The boy's name is Sato, and he is a reincarnated person. He was reborn into this world fifteen years ago and has been living a peaceful life ever since. In his past life he worked at a McDonald's, punching in seventy hour weeks.

He worked nearly everyday to pay for the shit apartment he lived in. He worked so hard, dealing with a boss who seemed to never be satisfied with his work. Customers who would cause a scene over the dumbest reasons. Until one day his body just couldn't take it anymore. He died while in the process of making a quarter pounder with cheese.

Since his unexpected reincarnation, he has decided to take it easy this time around. To enjoy life to the fullest, in the most slothful way possible. Sure he may have a second chance, but that didn't mean he would bust his ass to near death. No, he would live this new life as relaxed as he could. Maybe even start his own family, a wife and some children running around.

Suddenly the wind picked up and it tickled his nose one too many times. With a yawn, he stretched, enjoying the popping of his joints and awoke. He lazily opened his eyes, taking in the picturesque view before him. Taking a minute to enjoy the view, he stood to his feet and yawned.

"Haah, what a good nap. What a beautiful day, life couldn't be better. And to think only fifteen years ago, I was suffering at a dead end job, working myself to death. Life sure is crazy."

Saying so he began making his way down the hill towards home. He slowly walked through the village, waving at people along the way. Not a care in the world.

"What a nice and peaceful life. I could grow old here."

He eventually made his way towards a church. It served as an orphanage, and it was his home. He didn't have the fortune to be born in a loving family. Luckily for him, this orphanage gave him all the familial love he needed.

As he neared the fence, his calm and peaceful countenance was completely shattered. With a high pitched voice that rang far and wide, his peace was disturbed.

"Sister Lily! Marry me!" Yelled the voice and source of Sato's frown.

"What is Asta up to now? The kid is a bottomless pit of energy. Maybe I should just go back to my tree."

Deep in thought as to whether or not he should turn back, he failed to notice a small child waving at him.

"Big brother Sato! Asta's confessing to Sister Lilly again!"

Sighing at already being found out, Sato made his way to the source of the commotion. What greeted him was a common occurrence around here.

"Sister Lily! I'll become the Wizard King someday and make you happy! So, please marry me!"

A boy the same age as Sato, though much shorter, yelled at the top of his lungs. He was short for his age with silver gray hair and green eyes. He held a flower in his outstretched hands while kneeling.

"Sorry Asta, but I'm everyone's sister." She replied, seemingly trying to be as nice about it as possible.

"Ahhh, I'm not giving up yet!" Asta went on his knees and proceeded to bang his head repeatedly against the floor as he pleaded to Sister Lily.

His incessant yelling gave Sato a headache. Not only that, his seemingly endless reserves of energy was draining for Sato. Even now, Sato leaned against the wall of the church and sat down, tired from Asta's nonstop yelling.

'How can he have so much energy? Almost everything he says and does is so over the top. I feel tired just hearing him.'

"Sister Lily, one more time!" Yelled Asta to a flustered Sister Lily.

"Stop pestering me!" She yelled and activated her grimoire. It's pages turned until it stopped on a particular page. With a shout, Sister Lily activated her spell.

"Water creation magic: Holy fist of love!"

Water coalesced around her, until it took the shape of a fist. Inside the fist was a cross and with her action of punching downward, so too did the fist move. The large fist of water slammed into Asta, creating a small crater beneath him. Seemingly realizing her mistake, Sister Lily ran to Asta, fearing she had caused his serious harm.

'I wonder, could this be considered child abuse?" Thought Sato while shaking his head at the scene. Suddenly, a shadow loomed over Sato. Looking up, he was greeted with the presence of another young boy. He was tall and slender, black haired with amber eyes.

"Hey Yuno, it seems Asta's at it again." Sato said in greeting while pointing over at the commotion.

With a nod of his head, Yuno made his way over. Just then, Asta, who seemed dead from Sister Lily's attack, sprung to his feet.

"I'm not done yet!" Asta yelled while running towards Sister Lily. But then a strong wind blew into him, sending him crashing to the ground. The source of the wind came from Yuno.

'Seriously people, he could die.' thought Sato, while watching the common scene.

Just writing for fun. Y’all know what to do, leave a comment and or review. Peace ✌️

Bigbabycreators' thoughts