
Black Clover: Element of Destruction

In an unexpected twist, Ryan finds himself transported into the world of Black Clover, where his soul fuses with a native named Ryan. He possesses a magic called "Sword Magic," which has little battle power due to his lack of mana. However, his journey takes a riveting turn when he discovers a latent, enigmatic second magic. ... I'm rewriting the story, making many changes as I rushed in the first attempt, so the updates will be slow. Think of it as an AU. That's all.

Firesight · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

Finally Out

"Huh? Where am I?" Staring at the abyss in front of him, Ryan felt a chill run down his spine.


Cutting his thoughts was a pair of majestic red eyes that seemed to appear, tearing the space apart, staring at him with a deep intensity that made him tremble.

The Eyes seemed to bore into his soul, and Ryan felt as if he was unable to move or think.

Suddenly, before he could do anything, a voice rang out, breaking the silence.

[Okay, it's decided, I will form a contract with you.]

"What? Who's talking?" Ryan stammered, his mind still trying to wrap around what was happening.

The voice continued, [Listen, I don't have much time. When you wake up, go and touch the cube that contains my heart essence. It will help you to become stronger and also be the key to your exit. Break the first seal, and we can meet again.]

"Wait, what?" Ryan asked, confusion written on his face.

Suddenly, Ryan's eyes snapped open, and he felt a cold surface beneath him, realizing he was now lying on the ground.

Ryan shook his head, trying to clear the fog in his mind. He looked around and realized he was back in the same place he had been before.

He slowly got up from the ground, his body still feeling the effects of the strange force that had taken over him.

"What the hell was that? What was that thing?" Rubbing his head, Ryan wondered what had just happened. He had just experienced something extraordinary, something that he couldn't explain or comprehend.

Seeing no way to find his answers, Ryan began to concentrate on his task.

He had to find a way to get out of this place!

"If the voice said that was true, then..." he murmured, remembering the cube the voice had mentioned.

Taking a deep breath, he approached the crystal, and this time he was not overwhelmed by the pressure.

"Wow, the mana's overwhelming!" he thought to himself.

Ryan could feel a strange energy emanating from the cube, a power that seemed to be calling out to him.

His hand trembled as he reached for the crystal, and when he finally touched it, an intense wave of energy surged through his body.

The cube started to shine in bright light and started to melt in his hand.

"What's happening?"

But suddenly, he felt like he was being crushed by a powerful force, and he could barely breathe. He gasped as he tried to stand his ground, and he could feel the mana radiating from the crystal.


The melted cube started to climb upward toward his face like a snake, glowing in bright red light that seemed to glow brighter and brighter with each second.


The red liquid suddenly enveloped his face and started to spread all around his body and as it involved his body it's started to take a shape of Cocoon, and trapped Ryan inside itself.

Inside the cocoon, he clutched his hands to his chest as he felt an intense pain in his chest. He felt as if something had burst forth from within him, and he could feel a power coursing through his veins.

Ryan cursed under his breath but his voice can't come out as he felt a surge of energy within him.

All over his body, cracks of light started to appear, and he felt an incredible surge of energy coursing through him.

His muscles started to tense as the energy coursed through him, and he could feel them bulging and stretching as if they were being developed anew.

With every passing second, he felt that somthing is growing within him, and his body started breaking and reforming as the energy coursed through him. His undiscovered muscles crumbled and developed in an instant.

Ryan felt a strange sensation as his teeth began to sharpen, and his mouth filled with saliva as his canines elongated. He felt his skin hardening and his bones becoming stronger. He could also feel his vision sharpening and his hearing becoming more acute.

As the power surged through him, the grimoire floated around him also started to change. The pages of the book began to ripple and glow with a bright light, symbols and runes began to appear on the pages.

The grimoire that previously hovered in bright blue hue started to change its color to majestic purple. And A symbol of gigantic red eyes appeared at the backside of his grimoire.

Ryan barely had time to take in the crumbling cavern around him before he felt an intense pain in his chest and succumbed to the overwhelming power.

With a loud roar, Ryan could not handle the pain and passed out. And with that, the cocoon around him glowed brighter and...


As if it can't glow any further the bright red cocoon blasted, painting everything in red.


As the sun began to rise, its rays shone through the entire world, illuminating the vast expanse of the unknown place.


An Anti-magic bird poked at the head of A body that seemed to be sleeping without any care for the world.


Ryan slowly opened his eyes, his vision blurred by the bright light around him. The first thing he saw was A bird and its dead fish eyes, looking directly in his eyes.

"Ah, what's happening?"

He blinked and looked around, feeling a strange sensation of power within him. The bird, seeing him awake, flew back and sat on a tree near him.

Sitting up, Ryan felt as if he was more powerful and stronger than ever before. His body felt different, as if it had been transformed.

But at this time, he was concerned about something else.

"What the hell was that?" His hands ran down to his hair, and he noticed that his hair had grown longer than before. He touched his face and felt a sharper jawline, and he could feel his nails were harder and longer.

His muscles bulged and stretched, becoming more toned and defined. His chest and arms grew more muscular, and he could feel six-packs forming on his abdomen.

Ryan looked around in amazement; his previous weak body was completely transformed!

The dungeon was nowhere to be seen. Instead, a cracked landscape filled with trees had taken its place.

Many questions came into his mind, but one thing that he was joyful about was that he was finally out of the damned place!

Ryan looked around, still in shock at what had just happened. He slowly rose to his feet.

He wanted to take some time to process and absorb all that had happened, but he didn't have the energy or capacity to do that right now. His mind was too tired to think anymore, and all he wanted to do was rest and recover.

He quickly dismissed all of his thoughts, realizing he had to find a way back home. He began to walk, and as he did, the bird sitting on the branch of A tree also flew behind him.

The landscape slowly changed; after a few hours, he could see the familiar sights of Relmaur.

He quickly ducked into the shadows, keeping a low profile as he made his way back home.

As he walked, he kept his head down; he didn't know how his body had changed and how he currently looked like, and he don't want to attract anyone's attention.

He eventually made it back to his home, feeling relieved to be safe.

"I'm hungry," Ryan's stomach growled in protest, reminding him that he hadn't eaten for hours. He realized he was famished, so he quickly rummaged through his cupboards for something to eat. Having found some bread and cheese, he quickly scarfed it down.

After eating, Ryan collapsed onto his bed, exhausted from the journey. He thought about what had happened and all of the strange things he had seen and experienced.

With that in mind, he slowly drifted off to sleep, hoping he would find some answers in his dreams.

Meanwhile, the anti-magic bird outside his house observes everything with its dead fish eyes.

Hello everyone, let me know what you think about the story.

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