
Black Blood’s Revenge

A Druid-like woman and her young Gargoyle show up from out of nowheres and start exacting revenge on those who wronged her family years ago…

EJMackey · ファンタジー
42 Chs

Chapter 5: Weak I Eat…

Fllllaaaap- With one graceful flap of his wings Gargy slung most of the blood off his body and into the area where the other creatures were being held. He then kicked all the leftovers of the carcass over in their direction out of his way, and then turned his back. The notion was one that the creatures, animals, and holders alike understood: he was issuing a challenge to the others, and it was a bold challenge indeed. Gargy spit a small chunk of flesh from his mouth then looked down upon it with a twisted smirk. He inhaled as if he was going to let out a mighty roar of victory, but that wasn't the case at all....

Gargy pointed his bloody claw at the flesh morsel he spewed on the ground and in a deep gravelly voice he spouted "Weak". The crowd quickly livened up, mumbling and shoo shooing among themselves in googly-eyed amazement, as they had no inclination that Gargy was able to speak, but he was not finished. While pounding on his chest he said something else, "I Eat" over and over "Weak I Eat" while showcasing to the crowd his victory he walked around the Pit ranging out "Weak I Eat"...

(Voices from the crowd) "He's useless now, he lost to an outsider..."

"Damn San how the fuck did you allow this to happen??"

"He should just waddle back to the Guild in shame!!!"

"You should join your Imps!!!"

"What is to come of the farce??????!!!!!!"

San'Halo was still there, just a couple of feet away from BlackBlood, yet he seemed distant. His stare was now as hollow as the body of the dead Imp. To his credit, for a brief period during the fight his Creatures had the upper hand and in control. Then in the batting of an eye, it all came crashing down by the jaws of one Monster. Failure was really starting to set in and he was having problems coming to terms with the reality of his loss. His face now pale and clammy, he searched within his mind for a way out of his shame...

(BlackBlood) "This might be a good time for you to leave" She stood in his face and looked him in his eyes. San looked bewildered by her aura, it was terrorizing. "Yes, Yes, that's it, that's the exact reaction I was looking for, you brought this upon yourself by underestimating us and now look, your world is now turned upside down due to your ambitions. Again leave my sight or die"...

(San'Halo) "Kouncil, please listen to what I have to say. I would like to propose a new solution to y....

(Kouncil memeber) "San'Halo not only will you be giving up your Zones, we have come to the conclusion you're no longer part of this circle"...

(San'Halo) "What!!? How do you figure I deserve this? I am San'Halo, a hero of the Abyss and you Druids dare to banish me? I wonder what the Guild would say to your little games"...

(Kouncil Member) "Yeah San, you're right about that, but I also wonder what the Guild will say about its heroes being involved in such lowly events? Why would we wait to find out though? Seize him!!! We can't kill him but we can take him hostage until he settles down and realizes his errors...

(San'Halo) -waves hand in a circular motion- Zwooooooo- a portal opened up and he steps halfway in and turns back to the Kouncil, "this won't be the last you've heard of me, and if you think I will be taken hostage by you bastards you have another thing coming...." He stepped into the portal and was immediately teleported. But instead of another place he popped up in the area where the Kouncil members were seated....

(San'Halo) "How the hell did you prevent me from teleporting away from here? Aghhh What the hell is going on -zwooon-(the portal he called is still there with his destination peeking in the backdrop) Wha... Why is that portal still up there?? It should've closed behind me once I crossed over"...

(Kouncil Member) -Tsk Tsk- "San, San, San, did you really think we'd allow you to just teleport out of here unscathed? The arrogance of you, I normally send vermin like you into the afterlife but since you're a hero I can't necessarily do that now can I. Take him away and put him in the Dungeon until today's Carnage is done....

Through all the disarray of San & the Kouncil, BlackBlood had concocted yet another plan, she wanted to break San'Halo free eventually. She saw a potential ally in him, with him being on the Circle of Druids bad side now. She has an ally who had been on the inside of their clique...

(BlackBlood) "Let's get this show on the road. You have him in your custody, let's get on with this Carnage now. I just hope you have more than that in store for us going forward. Give us a real challenge..."

(Kouncil Member) "You hold no weight here! Shut up! We handle business in our manner, however continuing forward is what we'll be doing. For the Habitat Stage you won't be fighting first so go and find a place until your turn..."

BlackBlood and Gargy were escorted off the pit grounds into the crowd of the Oasis... Gargy & BlackBlood now seemed different to them all. Walking with a certain air to them, just oozing out menace and malice, the crowd had no choice but to make way and before long they were left with an area all to themselves to occupy for the upcoming match...

(BlackBlood) "Little one, look at how they cower in our presence. We have just arrived, right now their Kouncil no doubt is scheming against us. In their eyes we are threats who need to be dealt with expeditiously. But they will not be deceptive about it, it will be done brazenly as they still look down upon us. Let us observe this battle to come between this Dredk & Snag, it will be one of promise and also maybe entertaining. But first Little One, I see you really experienced my feelings. We shall continue eating these weak people…"

(Gargy) -Urn urn- He grunts and nods. "Weak We Eat"

(BlackBlood) "Precisely, we have to be wary of the unknown still, so don't get slacked. We shall wager on this next bout and from the looks of it we can wager our possessions. This is the part that must be carefully completed…"

The next match was set up to be a very intriguing one to all in attendance. The Circle had been anticipating this match from the start. The wagering period would start soon. It was the time before the matches where betting is held and terms are met toward picking a favor which results in the Habitat holding the matches....

Let us see what BlackBlood wagers on this upcoming match & the habitat stage kicks off....

To be continued....

Next chapter 6...

~Blood Oasis~