
Black Blood’s Revenge

A Druid-like woman and her young Gargoyle show up from out of nowheres and start exacting revenge on those who wronged her family years ago…

EJMackey · ファンタジー
42 Chs

Chapter 3: Treble Imps…

Apparently the Heads of the Circle decides who fight, so they approved the 3v1 battle just as Black Blood asked, there was already a plan in place for rejected beasts and those under persecution... They have a system where members who own pack creatures hold the rights to these battles as if they're mop up crews of some sort.

(Circle member) "I have my Imp Treble waiting in the zone portal, - determined gaze and with a stern voice - would the Kouncil allow me San'Halo the honor of presenting our crowd with a melody of screams and soul shaking shrieks here today? I personally want to take that gargoyle's life but since we as holders are prohibited from performing the act ourselves, I'll settle for my beasts to discard this trash...."

(Kouncil) "We must make sure this doesn't happen again, it has become a situation of importance. San'Halo are your Imps up for the task, can they really dispose of the trash here? What do you propose if those Imps can't appease to our appetites? Will you just bow out gracefully and allow your job to be finished by an outsider? Just what are your plans San'Halo? Speak plainly of your desires and upon completion we see it done..."

(San'Halo) "I have 2 Zones within the Star Mountain, I'll give them up to the Kouncil if we fail. Now that we are here I would love to discuss my compensation for winning; all I wish is to gain a seat on the Kouncil. I've been doing all the dirty work since I've been here, 'tis time for a change. -In a quick but synchronized motion he swiveled his hands in a poetic manner- Feast your eyes on these mag....

(Black Blood)-BLOODY HELL!!!! -Rudely interrupts him- "It takes begging to punish those who wronged you? -Pft You all are pathetic, (she smiles) let's get this underway will you San... hago? San... hopo? San whatever the hell your name is, doesn't really matter, let's just start please. I long to see your creatures do exactly as you mentioned, but I do not think it possible, they shall be put to the test the same as this one I keep by my side...."

The beasts came forth out of a portal that San'Halo summoned and they didn't look too hazardous, but something about the way they approached the fighting and interacted with each other proved they knew each other prior to this bout.

(Black Blood) - mumbling to herself- "He has portal summoning and he trains his beasts in the method of cohesion and distraction. The perfect wiper huh? Well today will be the worst in his lifespan, there will be change but by us..." -she tailed off her thoughts with a devilish smirk-

The beasts were in the center of the pit, black soil, with some rugged boulders stuck up into the air almost as smaller sized cliffs. There was a Black Sphere that was suspended in the air, hanging between the opponents. It started to descend ever so lightly until it dissolved into the soil and with its dispersal came a thunderous, yet gloriously welcomed word....

-BEGIN!!!!- And so it did....

(San'Halo) "This could be interesting and could boost my favor with the Kouncil if this trash shows a little power and it seems like we destroyed a direct threat. Yes this whole day is in my favor..."

The hero was craving power and this was his chance to seize it, or so he thought...

The Imps surrounded Gargy with no haste, two on his flanks and one straight ahead of him, a triangular strategy of attacking... They had the numbers and constitute to be formidable, it may just be their day...

-tatatata- The Imp on the left flank, shoots in at his lower half, Gargy goes for a haymaker swing but before he could connect -scktt- (Blood seeps forth) A claw had ripped away some flesh from the right rib cage, Gargy quickly reacted to the threat.

This Imp went to make another move on Gargy, so he seized the moment and used his power that he inherited as a Gargoyle. A Skin hardening Technique that could be used only defensively, but the time did not last too long with this power. Again and again they pressed to gouge him & with quick striking ability from the right Imp coming so sudden. Gargy was forced into a minor state of confusion....

The last Imp who was on Frontal assault made his move a few seconds after the 2nd Imp... A few seconds was all he needed to land another blow. It became apparent that if Gargy was not careful, a major injury and eventually death was soon to follow. Another rip and tug of his flesh produced more trickles of blood. The Imps were attacking at a frantic pace, slicing and slashing but no mortal wounds.....

They were enough to keep the Gargoyle from becoming the aggressor, to onlookers it seemed one sided and would soon come to a conclusion. They were not wrong in this assumption in either case.... Gargy was forced under one of the cliff sides. He could not give more steps to his rear and they were too quick for him straight on, he needed time to settle down the pace....

-whhhup, whhhuuup- Gargy took flight to the side of the cliff in order to survey the area and gain some sort of advantage. He quickly pounced up the side until he was on top of the hill. He paced back and forth as he waited for the Imps to react, then suddenly he stopped and just stood there.

-Tatatatatata- The Imps scurried across the pit to circle around Gargy again. Same set up as before but this time Gargy had made up his mind it's time to take a stand.... One Imp moved to take his back but when he reached his mark Gargy was no longer there.... Whimpering was coming from the underside of the cliff....

Gargy leapt down unexpectedly and with his claws bearing down on the Imp directly under him, he left no alternative to the Imp but to defend... Too bad the Imp had not known such a vicious offense before, the plunge down helped Gargy gain momentum and multiplied his speed tremendously and in that moment he seemed as if he was a Reap Jip(ancient Bird) diving in to swoop its prey on a smoggy day...

-He Connects-

-Gnrnnrr- Gargy sneers as he entrenches his claws and gnashes his fangs into the Imp's arm and in one motion he jerked and flung the Imp in the direction of the sky. He quickly swooped up and barreled his shoulder into the Imp which in turn bounced it some 15-20 ft. away and was slow to rise but with its claws pulling itself up, it showed the extent of the attack....

There was a noticeable difference; its arm, it had been ripped completely open and barely hanging on, and its chest had a deep imprint of where the shoulder bone was buried during the air attack. The Imp looked as if his body was gasping for air to enter in, all the steam and techniques from the Imps were taken out of the equation in a flash. Gargy had landed just one hit and it caused major damage. The Imps had one glaring weakness - they could not fly, and Gargy was going to take advantage of it now....

Will the aggression of Gargy be the deciding factor or can the Imps bounce back from this menacing beast?

To be Continued...

Next Chapter 4...

~Blood Oasis~