
Black Blood’s Revenge

A Druid-like woman and her young Gargoyle show up from out of nowheres and start exacting revenge on those who wronged her family years ago…

EJMackey · ファンタジー
42 Chs

Chapter 28: Gargoyles vs Hyena Part B…

It looked as if the blow would prove to be very deadly as Gargy's chest bled profusely. Fiend followed that up by quickly spinning around and kicking Gargy square in the chest using his hind legs as if he were a horse or goat, but it worked, in fact it even knocked Gargy back a few feet...

That was the boiling point. See in the eyes of the Council it showed Fiend had the speed advantage and battle experience was also in its favor. (Council Members) Yeahhhhhh!!!!!!! Another one!!!!! He landed another one!! That's it Fiend you've been fighting for years show that little wart what you're made of!!!!!

Gleeful cheers and hoorays were ranging throughout Raxor's Edge. To them their lives were back in their own hands and a sense of comfort was enveloping all of their hearts, especially since BlackBlood stood among them and didn't open her mouth. She kept her gaze toward the bout, in what could be called disbelief in the eyes surrounding her...

Fiend pounced backwards to put some distance between himself and Garg. He looked in the face of Gargy and decided to lick the blood off his paws in order to taunt the gargoyle. His strategy was clear now, because instead of going in while the gargoyle was injured....

He wanted the space to maneuver and counter the slower gargoyle with hit and run tactics. Fiend had enough power to injure Gargy and the speed to land effective attacks on the thick skinned gargoyle, so it was the right plan. But none of the Kouncil Members accounted for the willpower of Gargy because they hadn't seen him injured in his previous bout, boy were they wrong...

Gargy took his claw and right over the wound he dug in and carved out a perpendicular wound, causing a bloody x to be prevalent across his chest. He didn't wince, he didn't blink or shutter. Gargy was an absolute Stalwart...

-Rrrrruuuuuuuuaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh- Gargy shook the forest of lifeless trees, and the Council's smiles turned to stone faces. Fiend high-tailed it into the top of the branches of the trees and just the same all of them felt Gargy's voice and anger and they all immediately knew their thoughts were premature at best...

The Grand Gargoyles circling the battle stopped their flight path and would all hover high above the fight flapping their wings, levitating in a manner none of the members had ever witnessed before. Gargy's roar was the signal of the real fight and they gave their undivided attention to the spectacle...

-Tomtomtomtomtom- Gargy rushed over to a tree next to the one Fiend was posted on and shoulder charged it the same as before, causing Fiend to react and dive bomb Gargy once more, but this time Gargy wouldn't wait for him to come within range. Instead he wrapped his arms around the trunk and uprooted the base of the tree...

As if knocking a bird out of flight he slung the tree through the air and it tumbled and twisted so fast that Fiend couldn't properly react to it and -Wwwwwhhhhhaaaaam- it cracked across Fiend's body, sending him flying through two subsequent trees and then falling to the ground laying on his side...


The sounds Fiend heard while lying on the ground were not quick steps but instead steps of determination and forceful assertion. He attempted to open his eyes and stand before his demise could be had, but a shearing pain ran through the middle of his body...

The pain was so sharp it forced him to quickly regain his senses and he noticed a shard of wood lodged into his side. He quickly bit into it and yanked it out. Instead of simply tossing it aside he smartly flung it in the direction of Gargy with so much force Gargy had to deflect it...

That's all Fiend would need to lunge in for a blow on an occupied Gargy, with his claws leading the way and mouth gaped open to land a decisive strike, maybe even a death blow...

His move was countered by Gargy with the back claw uppercut landing on the chin of the Hyena, sending him rolling backwards until he collided with the base of a tree twenty meters away...


Gargy was stomping towards Fiend once more, no sense of urgency at all. He knew the fight was everything but over. His power was immeasurable, his prowess was absolute. He would savor this meal with a torturing presence of unyielding inevitability...

Fiend didn't move, his eyes were closed, and his breathing was now heavy. His side was moving up and down in an extreme manner as if he was unconscious. Gargy would walk over and he grabbed a paw of Fiend and in an attempt to lift the big Hyena. Fiend was playing coy and then bit down into the shoulder of Gargy...

-Nnnnnnnnaaaaaarrrrrrrr- -Nnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaarrrrr-

Gargy snarled in pain as Fiend sunk his teeth into the flesh of the Gargoyle, but before Fiend could attempt to bite off a hunk of flesh Gargy still holding on would rip Fiend's claw off of his leg completely, causing blood to spurt out and gush all over the both of them. It was so quick that Fiend's reaction was delayed...

-yyyyyyrrrrrpppp- Yyyyyyyrrrrppp-

Fiend's instincts would quickly take hold of him and he would immediately let go of Gargy and gain substantial distance between them now. Writhing in pain and short a paw, he made it up the tree with the other three proving useful...

Rigor would now turn to BlackBlood with a stoic look and exhale...

(Rigor) BlackBlood, will you truly let us all live and never bother us again??

(BlackBlood) You are in no position to be boastful, your Hyena is at a severe disadvantage now. He's missing a paw...

(Rigor) My Hyena has Neurotoxins embedded into his core glands, Cerq made sure to help us open the restrictors that held it back before. So I'm sure the dose he just injected into your little gargoyle was enough to paralyze one of those hovering above. All he has to do is pull himself together and walk over and devour that troublesome wart you call a Gargoyle...

Gargy fell to a knee and his head now facing the ground, he slumped to the ground. The tide of battle may have just changed....

To be Continued...

Next chapter 29...

~Blood Oasis~