
Black Blood’s Revenge

A Druid-like woman and her young Gargoyle show up from out of nowheres and start exacting revenge on those who wronged her family years ago…

EJMackey · ファンタジー
42 Chs

Chapter 26: Raxor’s Edge Plateau…

The members of the Circle had a look upon their faces as though it was a huge mistake to follow BlackBlood to this Plateau. Their eyes were bucked, their hands were fidgety, and they were visually shook....

(BlackBlood) Chi.. Chi.. Chi.. Look at all of you, I don't believe you are all frightened at a Ceremonial Awakening... This is a cultural event here, see these are the Grand Goyles of the Universe...

(Rigor) Of the Universe? So your Gargy is from Royal Blood within the kinship of Gargoyles??

(BlackBlood) I am telling you 'The Weak Get Eaten'..

She turned around and faced the group of Gargoyles... They ranged in different sizes, colors, and ages. Some had wings as wide as the wings of a Bilk (Giant Bird located in Nova Abyss). But a hard thick leather skin as its sails instead of feathers.

Five of the Gargoyles stepped within close proximity of BlackBlood and the group... As they approached their size seemed to get bigger and stouter. As if standing next to a man child and you're just a regular human. The Five carried a little different air from the normal Gargoyle.

A slow dragging grizzled voice directed at the group caught their attention. It grumbled forth

(...) Mmmghh... Whereee is the creatureee...

This Gargoyle spoke the language of Humanoids very clearly to be a creature itself. These Gargoyles aren't anything like a normal creature of the Abyss.

The traits of this Gargoyle hadn't been anything they'd encountered before; his skin was a Dark Mustard color infused with charcoal coloring around his extremities. His face was very relaxed and calm, his eyes were a bit droopy like he was beyond his years in age...

(Rigor) Who are you? How can you speak our language so easily??

-Swwoooohhgg- The gargoyle had quickly closed the distance and grabbed Rigor by his neck, lifting him up in the air, one hand around his neck and the other waving over the crowd; better yet pointing toward them all... He then turned his death gaze toward Rigor, now eye to eye with him. Snorting in his face...

-Dooon't speeeakhh, watchhhh or you diiiieee-

The Dark Mustard colored Gargoyle looked at everyone in the group, its eyes giving off a gaze of pure malice. He placed Rigor back on the ground but with enough force that Rigor was on his knees helplessly in front of his people...

To Rigor it was too quick for him to react, forcing fear paralysis throughout his body. His very cells froze completely at the speed and aggression shown by the Gargoyle. His mind was forced to come to terms with the fact that they were at the whims of BlackBlood and these Powerful Creatures. It reminded not only him but the whole group of being trampled by TUSOK...

It was happening all over again, this time Grada was nowhere in sight. And even though he was, in a situation like this one, what could he really do? Outnumbered, in their land, their powers are unknown...

The mental strain forced some to kneel and hang their heads in submission without the gargoyle telling them to do so... The four other Gargoyles noticed their cowardice and just as quickly as they closed their eye lids a Gargoyle of the group of five snatched them up and quickly tossed them into the group of gargoyles behind them. It quickly became a Feeding Frenzy!!!!

Rigor stood up immediately and pulled out his weapon, pointing a ruby colored cleaver at Ogren.

(Rigor) I'm not gonna allow you to slaughter my people. There's a Hyena and Gargoyle here to fight. I ca...

-BlackBlood interrupts Rigor-

(BlackBlood) The Weak Get Eaten... I told you Rigor that if Grand Goyle hadn't felt some sort of resistance from you he would've killed you on the spot.. You truly are a warrior of sorts...

Ogren, the Hyena is in that pod right there. He should be exuding fear from the awakening earlier...

(Ogren) Mmmmggh Oopeen it.

(Rigor) Cerq, do as he says. Let Fiend out.

Grand Ogren walked over to the pod and Cerq pulled out his remote and pushed the button to open its doors. The door opened, Fiend ferociously leapt forward with both claws spread and mouth gaping with a slavering venom leaking from its fangs...

Fiend's aim was for the neck and head area of the Gargoyle. But -Whoooop- In a flash Grand Ogren flapped his majestic Charcoal wings and a gust blew the Hyena back instantly, sending it tumbling across the plateau...

Fiend quickly stood up, but instead of charging Ogren he decisively maneuvered through the group and around Ogren scurrying to Rigor's side in full protection mode. That one encounter proved a valuable lesson to Fiend; he cannot topple that MONSTER...

Some creatures would've whimpered and bowed down, but don't count on that happening here. Fiend has made up its mind to protect Rigor and if they die, they will die together. Even a creature as simple-minded as a Hyena could express gratitude for its master through the means of combat...

A Golden Brown, short and stocky built Gargoyle stepped forward from the other four and addressed Ogren. The Gargoyle's head was round and meaty, its shoulders were broad, leading to wings that looked meaty and thick as well. Its tail scraped the ground and left a noticeable trench behind as it moved forward... He spoke.

(..) Iiiittt hhhhaaasssss Wiilll... Tttthhhheee Bbbaatttlee iiisss bbborrrnn...

His voice was just as deep as Ogren's, but the dialect was a bit different; they echoed at a soft deep tone but his words lingered after he spoke, as if it were being enhanced by powers. But that's impossible, no creature can possess the powers of humanoids...

(BlackBlood) Grand Boppa has declared the battle worthy. The fight will start soon. The arena is right over there at the far side base of the Plateau.

The Gargoyles were moving towards the arena. They all flew down there to the bottom and gathered onto branches of leafless trees. BlackBlood led the group to the bottom, and as they approached they noticed the arena had a totally different feel...

The arena was more like a hunting ground for wild animals, or in this case gargoyles. There was green foliage spreading across the floor of the area, but none of the trees had leaves or bore fruit...

Between the trees another Stone Egg sits dead center in the area as if it was meticulously placed by a giant hand....

Gargy has been sleeping this whole time. Resting at the battlefield.

To be continued...

Next Chapter 26...

~Blood Oasis~