
Black Blood’s Revenge

A Druid-like woman and her young Gargoyle show up from out of nowheres and start exacting revenge on those who wronged her family years ago…

EJMackey · ファンタジー
42 Chs

Chapter 23: Home Defense…

Rigor had the Circle ready for this very moment. They were reactive and aware that this was their home and they wouldn't be pushed around. They were ready to kill, but, -psssshhhhh- those doors opened and BlackBlood stepped out first with Gargy standing to her right. The casters in synchronized fashion all fired off first...

-Aero Bomb- Slicing Wind- Spewing River- Frost Night- Starch Blind- Beauty Stinger- Scorched Zone- Poison Tomb- Blissful Death!!!

Every form of magic they possessed was used all in efforts to totally destroy BlackBlood and her Gargoyle. The Oasis flashed a spectrum of every color each ball, beam, and laser blast of power that left their hand with no hesitation... They had her circled by their power and had performed what they thought was the perfect ambush...

-SsssaaaaThoooooommmmmbbbbb- There was a blinding Red flash, accompanied by something slamming downward onto the Oasis floor, and all of their magic was gone. None of their magic reached BlackBlood or Gargy, they were standing in the same place unharmed and untouched...

(Rigor) Wha... What was that?? I don't see anything, but some reason my eyes haven't readjusted. Hey attack them before anything else happens... Do it now so that all of this is finished...

(BlackBlood) Listen to me!!! If any of you try to attack me again you will die. You can't escape this. I am in control of this domain and it serves my will and mine alone...

(Circle Member) What??!! You don't control anything here!! Let's kill this damn Hornhead and be done with it...

The scraggly Druid raised his weapon and raised his foot to move toward BlackBlood...

-Zzzzzzmmmm- Out of the pool of blood, a sharp spike of blood pierced his body from underneath. The spike went in through his arse and came out through the very tip of his head...

And in an instant it went from a round pointy spike to a flat edge slicing his body down the middle as if cutting a loaf of bread. It happened so fast that his brain couldn't process it quickly enough to respond. But the backlogs of the brain tend to continue with its commands a short time after death...

His eyes were racing back and forth and gazing into the sky. His mouth was left gaped wide open, saliva trickling down the side of his mouth, his head looked down and his eyes shut for the final time as the back portion fell flat to the ground and his front half fell to a knee, followed by tumbling onto the ground...

Once the body hit the floor there was something peculiarly strange; no blood was surrounding his organs, no blood drained or leaked from his body period...

Two other Druids decided to check the body of their dead comrade and nothing happened... BlackBlood walked in between them and looked down upon them as they were checking the bodies. They took the two parts of his body and laid the front half onto the back portion, in efforts to make it whole...

They looked into each other's eyes and slowly the two frowned and snarled in hatred towards BlackBlood. Their friend was just slaughtered right in front of everyone in a manner which was unthinkable, all by one person, but it didn't deter them from making their own judgment...

Neither of them spoke a single word, they both acknowledged the other's next move by nodding and agreeing silently. They both stood up slowly and faced her...

-Strong Armament- -Full Body- They both used protection magic in attempts to counteract her powers. They were slowly filling themselves with more hatred as they stood in front of the Tiefling who killed their friend. BlackBlood could see it now and still she tried to warn them...

(BlackBlood) Revenge will get you k...

Before she could finish her sentence...

-Dreadful Strength- -Wallo Fists- While rearing back to land killing blows on her. They were thinking it was no way she could react quick enough to activate whatever power she was using...

They figured that if they were right next to her, BlackBlood would fall victim to their attacks and kill her instantly, releasing everyone from this attack of hers. Their efforts to thwart the hefty threat was all for naught...

-Zzzzzzzzzmmmmm- -Zzzzzzzzmmmmm- Both of them were impaled by spikes before their arms even had a chance to come forward. The one to BlackBlood's right, had been impaled sideways and the spike kept growing and growing and growing, and with it his body looked bloated and stretched. He was screaming in excruciating agony, he was engulfed in despair...

His eyes goggled and bobbled around his skull and a hissing sound was coming from him as if the air was being pushed through all of his pores. But the spike kept enlarging and then, -PPPPOOOOPPP- both of his eyes burst and then the hissing suddenly stopped...

That was not the end; meat and matter spewed from the pores of his skin, tube formed, and a jelly texture hit the floor of the Oasis... The matter coming out wasn't wet or splashing, instead just falling to the ground and breaking apart.. No Blood....

The one to her left was suspended in midair by two spikes protruding, one through each of his wrists. The spikes of blood started to rotate and swirl.

Whaaaaa!!!!!!!????? Whaaatttt doooo you want from usss??!!! The Druid said with dread covering his face, and tears of true defeat streaming down his skin... He didn't look this way a few seconds ago....

His flesh was drying out and his bones were starting to show through his face as if there was no meat, just skin and bone... Then long spiny spikes formed on the stalks of the bigger spikes and one rotation was all it took to chop his body in twain...

(Grada) What the hell is going on here???!!!

(San'Halo) I don't know Grada but should we go near it??

(Grada) Those are my people, I am the ruler of this Oasis... But damn how do we penetrate this????

Their eyes were amazed at the sight of what was supposed to be the Oasis... It was not what they expected, instead when the sphere came down so hard and fast none of the Circle was able to react. They hadn't even noticed it was inbound, and it hit the floor of the Oasis and exploded into a huge spherical-dome shaped blob encasing the Center of the Oasis....

BlackBlood's Blood Prison is an instrument of death!!!! Can Grada really get in before all his people are dead???!

To be Continued...

Next Chapter 24...

~Blood Oasis~