
Black Blood’s Revenge

A Druid-like woman and her young Gargoyle show up from out of nowheres and start exacting revenge on those who wronged her family years ago…

EJMackey · ファンタジー
42 Chs

Chapter 17: Left Behind…

(Cerq) He's coming our way Grada what's the plan??!!!! (Holders) Yeah how do we stop this thing??!! (Grada) Tsk Tsk Tsk... Settle down...

Grada slapped his two hands together with great force, and then he started to slowly spread them apart... A shining golden energy formed as an ever changing blob floated between his palms...

Come to me Surango's Needle- Grada calmly chanted while grabbing hold of the blob. When he reopened his hand, there was a massive bo staff made of Onyx glass overflowing with so much life energy it shimmered a rich golden hue... It sizzled and crackled in his arms as he warmed up with a series of high speed staff play....

Tusok didn't stop any momentum and blitzed Grada... Tusok swung with its top left arm, but Grada dodged the blow with ease... And in turn he would spin the staff behind his back and a quick hop and downward strike... Aiming for the head, Tusok would do something very uncharacteristic and attempt to block the blow. It was just a feint, but Grada smirked as he witnessed the change in actions by the Great War...

It hadn't attempted to block anything prior to this... It was powering through everyone in the room. From the time it first showed up, nothing but death followed in its wake... Grada seemed more confident now and he's radiating exuberance. It's almost as if he's a different being all together...

Tusok would reach for Grada, but instead the Druid would dance and tip toe around Tusok and -Woooh- woooh- woooh- Bommm! Grada wrapped the Great Effacer across the lower right back. The Great War went flying across the room into the wall....

Grada stepped back and looked in BlackBlood's direction. With efforts to boast Grada made the staff slice through the wind as if the Bo was singing a sweet melody...

Tusok would gather itself, and the area of its back that had taken the blow had begun turning to ash and was slowly spreading... -Thoomp- Thoomp- Tusok beats its chest in an aggressive manner letting Grada know it's coming....

Grada took on Tusok head to head. - Woooh-Woooh- Woooh- Bommmm!!!! Another blow landed before Tusok could even perform any significant strike this time, landing center mass across the War's chest. And with it came another mark of ash to match the one spreading across Tusok's back...

(BlackBlood) Chi Chi Chi... Well now Grada I'm impressed.... That's a fine weapon you have there, what is that glow exuding from it??? I mean it packs a punch, look at the 'War of Erasure' getting destroyed by only you...

(Grada) Ha!!! It is the Life energy of my clan... I attained this power during the Great Tiefling War.... I had to kill many of those loathsome Hornheads to attain this power...

(Hornhead is a Derogatory term for a Tiefling)....

(BlackBlood) It serves you well from my view. You seem strong, I didn't know you had such power. At first glance you seemed squeamish...

Grada eyes widened at the provocation by BlackBlood...

(Grada) My strength can only be measured through the scope of greatness, and that is unattainable by the likes of you...

BlackBlood smirks....

The threat of the war had lost some of its luster. Grada and company were in a good position to make it out of this alive. Grada was truly basking in his power versus the War that was killing everyone in its path before...

Tusok was in a bad spot, the ash on its lower back had overtaken the entirety of its back. It looked as if its skin was falling off as flakes of embers falling off coal inside a winter flame. The War is moving significantly slower after taking damage from the staff...

The Great Effacer would transform to its previous state, shedding its sleek form for the wider, burley look. Its independent arm uncurled from its back and balled up its fist and punched the wall behind it, causing Tusok to fly through the air towards Grada....

The effect was as powerful as a cannonball being blasted across a stage. Tusok's move was very straight-lined and a short distance at an amazing speed, but still Grada was prepared....

(Grada) -Chanting-

'Song of the Night' -whoooh- whooh- BOM!!!

'Wind of the Rift' Whooh- Whoooh- Whooh- BOMM!!

'Dance from Nova' -Whooh- Whoooh-Whooooh- Whoooooh- Whooooooh- BOMMMMMMMMM!!!!

Grada performed a flawless plethora of steps blended with twisting and balancing of the mighty staff. Each series of moves led to a devastating blow at the end. Tusok was knocked completely out of the room through the hole he entered...

(Grada) -panting- San do you need more time??

(San'Halo) No Grada, my Rift is opening now.... Let's go everyone...

(Grada) That thing isn't dead. We need a barrier or someone to hold it off and jump in at the last minute...

-Thoomb- Thoomb- Tusok was coming back inside and this time it was full of ash and one of its arms had completely deteriorated down to its shoulder. It stomped toward them in a rage, and it was BlackBlood who walked out to meet it....

San opened his Rift once she was close to engaging Tusok. The Great Effacer and BlackBlood would meet up face to face... They both examined the other for a millisecond then Tusok Blitzed BlackBlood...

Tusok didn't land a single blow, BlackBlood's defensive posture and slickness was impeccable. Then she stopped dodging and pulled out her Bone Dagger, but Tusok reached out with its Independent arm and grabbed her by the shoulders...

Its one hand was so big that its fingers spread over both of her shoulders with her head in between them. The situation looked grim...

(Grada) It seems you were all talking. Oh and I was going to kill you if this thing didn't... Hornhead!!! That's right I knew you were a Tiefling from the very first time I mentioned the War... I saw it on your face the hatred you harbored for me was undeniable. But look at you about to meet your end right here. Aet you and that Gargoyle will join her in death also San let's go....

They left the trio there in the hands of Tusok the War of Erasure....

To be Continued...

Next Chapter 18...

~Blood Oasis~