
Black battery

Dizzma_Master · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 3: New World, New Possibilities

    Layla  POV

I was going home with Sen, today we got attacked by some very strange creatures but he risked his life so we could all get out of the school safely

" I'm still so sorry for what happened today, I really hope that you're not angry at me." I said to him with a lot of guilt in my voice.

" *yawn* no sweat, although everyone in our school now hates me I will still be myself, at least I have one good friend", he said that like he doesn't even care for what I did to him, I gotta admit he is a very strange guy.

" Well I have to go, see you tomorrow Kasugo-kun." I smiled and waved good bye.

" Yeah see ya." he waved back, and after that we part ways, going to our homes.

                                          Sen POV

" Welp I gotta go to bed, today was a really strange day." I was still thinkin about that cat on a flyin book. Where could she be. " What was her name again? Yum, Yuma, Yummi! that was her name.", I gotta admit, I did forgot her name for a moment," And what was with that circle I created, it looked like it came from my hand? Nah, maybe it was a hallucination." I quickly fell asleep and waited for another day.


When I woke up I found myself in a large room full of yellow paintings on the walls and I was in A FREAKIN FRENCH BED," Where the heck am I?" I asked myself, I saw that my T-shirt, jacket and my red pants were on the wall hanger and my shoes were on some kind of very furry carpet. I took my clothes, put it on and went to see where was I. When I got out of the room I had what to see. There were a lot of hallways, I didn't knew which one led to exit. I was tryin to find my way out when.

" Hey! He's awake!" somebody was behind me, I couldn't recognize the voice. I started running as fast as I could.

" WAIT!" the same voice shouted, but I didn't stop. While I was runnin I bumped into some big man with a golden armor. " Are you OK?" the man asked and I couldn't believe my eyes, it was Garen, a character from the League Of Legends! He's also real. 

" Uhh Y-yeah!" I answered with a little shock in my voice.

" *chuckle* It's OK, you don't have to be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you." he said to me with a gentle voice.

" Um, i-is you're name Garen by any chance?" I asked him but I was still kinda nervous.

" Huh! You're quite right. My name IS Garen, it's nice to meet you and yours is?" he asked, I didn't knew that he would be this polite, in the game he's always very aggressive.

" The name's Sen, Sen Kasugo." I answered.

" Well Mr. Kasugo why don't you come with me, now that you're awake, someone very particular wanted to meet you." he guided me to one big room and I saw someone I also knew, It was Jarvan IV, the exemplar of Demacia. " WAIT?! If Jarvan IV is an exemplar of Demacia. Does that mean I'm in, HO-LY CRAP!" I was shocked again, I am actually in Demacia, the place where some of the characters in League of legends live. After that some woman wearin a crown started talkin to me.

" Welcome young man. My name is Lucia, the queen of Demacia, I know that you are probably all confused but we will explain everything to you. We were looking for a young mage who was in great danger and we wanted to save his life and train him, so he can be ready for the worst. We heard that one particular boy in one school of the other dimension had great powers that can be used for other good or evil purpose. After we heard for that boy we sent our best fighter to help him and to bring him back safe and sound." after she explained some part of the story, I heard one familiar voice.

" That's me!" it was Yuumi, and she was still flyin on that book of hers of course.

" Yuumi You're OK! I'm so glad. Wait a minute, you were saying that you were looking for a mage and that he was on the earth? Are you tellin me that was, ME?" I asked her with a surprised voice.

" Well, Yuumi said that you're very smart. Precisely, you are the one we were looking for." she answered.

" Wait, wait, wait, hold up, hold up. You are tellin me that I am some kind of a mage and that I can do some weird magic and other stuff? Nah, that's not me. I'm just a normal school boy who likes to play video games and to hang out with his friends. I honestly think you have the wrong guy." I couldn't accept that I am a mage, I mean I barely can make my own breakfast, how am I supposed to learn magic. No, that's not for me.

" If you are not the one that we are looking for, then how could you do the hard wind spell?" she asked me.

" Wait... WHAT? THAT WASN'T A HALLUCINATION?" I was shocked, that red circle was REAL! And she said it was a hard wind magic.

" Yeah, it was real. I saw it when you used it on Urgot, you blew him like a leaf right away from me!" Yuumi said with a cheerful voice.

" You see, you are the mage, you don't have to worry. We have our best instructors for magic and combat, they can help you with your training. So what do yo..." I stopped her right there.

" Whoa, whoa, whoa, just wait. I'm sorry for interrupting but I can't do this. I mean I have a family and friends and I can't just leave them behind because I'm some kind of a mage. I have to go back home. My dream was to become a professional policeman and that I can be known all around the world for the name I made in the game. I'm sorry but, I'm not your guy. Maybe there are a lot of mages out there but, I'm not one of them." after I said all that the queen responded with,

" I understand, if that is what you think we won't force you to do something that you clearly don't want to do." wow she actually understood me, I couldn't believe that she would understand my situation.

" But my queen he's a... *mumbling words*" Queen covered Yuumis mouth after she was about to finish the sentence.

" Commander Garen will help you find your way back home. I wish you good life." she said good bye to me and I just waved good bye at them.

                                     Lucia POV 

I moved my hand away from Yuumis mouth to see what she had to say.

" *cough**cough* seriously Lucia, why didn't you let me finish. I told that he's THE ONE." she said to me with irritated voice.

" I know Yuumi but he doesn't need to know yet. When the time comes he will come to us by his own will, we can't force him we are not like that." I explained to Yuumi.

" OK but Why didn't you let me finish?" she asked.

" Imagine his reaction when realizes who he really is at the very beginning,  if he realizes who he is, he would probably leave us at once and he would never get a chance to train with us ever again. It's better for him to realize himself that to let him already know. Do you understand now Yuumi?" I hope that she understood what I said.

" Oh... OK I got ya. But what if doesn't come back anyway?" she asked very nervously.

" He will, I promise." I said to her, " We just need to be patient. You said his name was Sen Kasugo, right?" I asked her.

" Yep that's what he's called in that dimension." she answered.

" Good, we will address him by that name for now." I am hoping that he will come back soon.

                                       Sen POV

When I got back, I could see that it was almost time for school. I quickly changed into my school uniform and got ready to go. When I came to school everyone was still starin at me for what they think I "DID" to Sarunaija-chan.

" KASUGO-KUN!" and there he is the famous angry yell from Saruma.

" How DARE you come back here after all you put Sarunaija-chan through!" yep, still a freakin moron as always.

" Didn't I just saved your ass yesterday, oh yeah, I DID. I think that without me you would be a roasted chicken dinner for those monsters that attacked the school, I think that you would have been a great lunch for them." I reminded him. Everyone in the hall started laughin.

" I am not talking about that, I am talking about for what you did to Sarunaija-chan you bastard." If somebody would throw a steel hard brick onto this numbskulls head I would be grateful to him for eternity!

" Can I ask you somethin. Who punched the hell out of those monsters just for you to be safe? Who stayed in the school riskin his life for everyone to get out of the school. Who almost DIED for your sorry asses just for you to get out of the school so you can go home unharmed? And you idiot, I would rather beat the crap out of 'cause you did an absolute eff. So you can go and eff yourself 'cause I'm done being nice. Good bye and have a crappy day, dumbass." after all that I heard another one of his yell.

" Hey, WAIT JUST A SECOND HERE, I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU! COME BACK YOU SON OF A..." and I interrupted him with.

" Talk to somebody who cares 'cause I don't give an eff." man it feels so good to say that to him. I went to my class and it was time for our math class.

" I have good news for you Kasugo-kun." the teach said" I successfully convinced the principal to change the scoreboard, you got an A+. Good job and I'm sorry for yesterday."

" It's OK teach I'm just glad I passed the test." I said to him.

After our conversation I could feel an earthquake, somethin was off, this wasn't a usuall earthquake, it came from the city. I was scared 'cause my mom and dad live very close to Shibuya where the earthquake is happening.

" Ugh, teach may I please go a little early from the class. This doesn't feel like usual earthquake and my parents have a house at the place where it is happening so I need to see if they're OK!" I was hoping that he will let me go and to my surprise.

" Yes Kasugo-kun, you may go. You need to see if they are OK and I can't just let a student not seeing if his family is OK, just please hurry. I also think that there is something odd about this earthquake." after that Sarunaija-chan also asked.

" May I go with him, my parents also live near Shibuya city, I need to see if they are all safe and sound" the teach agreed that she should go with me and so we were on our way to Shibuya.

" Do you think that our families are OK?" Sarunaija asked.

" I really hope so." I replied.

When we arrived I could see a blue troll making havoc in the center of Shibuya and I exactly knew who he was. It was Trundle, the troll king.

" HAHAHAHA! THIS WILL BE MY KINGDOM NOW TO RULE! NOW FEAR ME, FEAR THE ALL MIGHTY KING OF TROLLS, HAHAHAHA!" He was makin some ice structures and other thing on the center of Shibuya. 

" Sarunaija-chan go and see if you're parents are OK! I'll stay and see if I can help some people to get out of here!" after that she told me to be careful and I responded with," I will just go!".

" Hey Ugly! Why don't you attack someone your own size?!" I yelled at him.

" HAHAHAHA! AND WHAT WOULD YOU DO! YOU WANNA ATTACK ME PUNY MAN?!" I can tell you that his breath really stinks.

" Phew wee, somebody didn't brush his teeth in the mornin" I let out a small joke, but...

" DON'T YOU DARE MOCKING ME BRAT, I WILL CRUSH YOUR BONES AND EAT THEM FOR LUNCH!" I tried to intimidate him a little so he can start chasin me and I would give those people some time to get out of here.

" First you need to catch me ya stinky troll, nana nana na na!" I said to him, and then...

" RAAAAWWWRRR, I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" I can see that I really pissed him off.

He was chasin me all around the Shibuya market until he grabbed me from my hidin spot and yelled " TIME TO FLY FUNNY MAN!" he threw me at the wall luckily the dumpster was under me so I had a safe landing, but my back started to hurt like hell. 

" OK! That, was one unpleasant flight!" I said to myself. I needed to find a way to stop him or he will hurt more innocent people.

" What can I do to stop that monster, I am just a tiny man to him?!" after that thought I started to remember the words that the queen said to me " That's right! I am a mage! But I don't know any of the spells! Wait, the queen said that at the roof top of our school I did some kind of wind magic, OK so I just hold my right hand and aim it right at the Trundle and say hard wind, I just hope it will work like last time." I got back to the place where Trundle was and he immediately turned his face to me.


" NIGHTY NIGHT TRUNDLE!" I pointed my hand at him and yelled " HARD WIND!" a large circle appeared again and a large gust of wind threw Trundle at the wall. He had very bad injuries on his body.

                                           Trundle POV


                                           Sen POV

I could see that Trundle was retreating. But I also god rally bad injuries. Maybe that queen was right, if I'm a mage, I should learn more about the spells and other combat skills so I can face enemies like these. I got back home and contacted Serugaja-san and Sarunaija-chan. Their parents were OK and nothing happened to their homes. " Well that's a relief." I thought to myself.

" I need to see that queen again, if I want to be stronger and be able to protect my family and friends, I should be ready for the fights like these." the next day I woke up in the exact same bed and in the exact same room. I went to the room where the queen was waiting for me.

" Hello, we meet again." she said. I cut right to the chase.

" Listen, you offered me a great instructors for magic and combat tranin, well I would like to take the offer!" I said to her.

" Are you sure, once you take this offer there is no turning back, and remember your training won't be easy, you will have to work hard to even exceed your own limits! So are you ready to accept the challenge?" She asked, but I need to do this for the greater good and to protect my loved ones.

" Yes I am, but I have a question." I said.

" Yes?" she said.

" Will I still be able to come back to my world and to see my friends and family and would I still be able to go normally to my school?" I asked quite nervously.

" You don't have to worry about that, you will still be able to live a normal life but you always need to be careful and you battle those other monsters you cannot be recognized by other people, you need to keep your identity a secret. As for your eyes we cannot do anything about that, they will always change the color depending on your mood. But when you turn into your mage form, your hair will become white and your outfit will change." well that was some serious explanation, now I know why my eyes are constantly changin colors. But I was relieved when I heard that I would still be able to live a normal life.

" OK, so when do we start?" I asked.

" Tomorrow morning, please don't be late." she said.

"I won't I promise!"

                                            Mordekaiser POV


" Excellent, those were the news that I wanted to hear, *evil chuckle*."