

Back at the Bai Clan's residence, a heavy air of foreboding lingered in the atmosphere.

News had long spread that the rising star of the Bai Clan, the renowned Bright Tiger, had been razed by the terrifying phenomenon of divine retribution.

Strangely, his whereabouts had been traced to various places of interest, including the ominous Demon Raiding Mountain, yet he remained unseen, shrouded in mystery.

However, whispers began to circulate that Xiao Ming's activities had been discovered amidst the recent bestial tide at the Demon Raiding Mountain.

Despite this tantalizing lead, it was quickly dismissed as just another rumor following the long, futile search for him.

Yet the gossip ignited a spark of hope in some of Xiao Ming's enemies, who now felt emboldened to eliminate him at all costs if he could indeed be found.

On this fateful day, one of the private pavilions of the Bai Clan creaked open.