
Chapter 9

When I woke up I sat on my bed and held my head on my hands. I've never had such a migrain, since I was small I've had headaches, but never as bad as this one... I sighed, tried to regularize my breath and stood up to look for an iboprufen around the messy room.

Today was Friday, the last day of the horrible Death Week, the last exam. And I was free for the winter break... I could go back home to check up on mom.

When I found it I swallowed it without water and dressed in the first thing I caught. Then I walked up to the mirror hanged in the wall and open my lips in horror. I looked like a raccoon, probably due to lack of sleep. But it wasn't something difficult to cover for the times we were in, a lot of students spent the night studying and had the same look and didn't bother to cover it up.

I tried to make them a little less visible with some make up as I realised that those students didn't have nightmares where your father's killer is after you and even tries to strangle you to death, and they didn't woke up with their fingerprints all over their necks that recently had extended through all their bodies. I lowered my sight as a flash went through my eyes, I tried to hold in the tears.

I needed to hold on, I turned my hands into fists, just after the exam. Then I could go relax somewhere else and forget about everything. At the moment, the urge to flee was fighting with my responsible student duties. But, as my father said, we must do what's right.

So I took a scarf and went to the faculty to do the last one.

The morning went by, after I finished the exam I tried to look for Jenna but she was nowhere to be seen. Confused, I walked back to the residence and met Rector Maggi, who was discussing some materials with a delivery man.

"Skye!" She shouted when she saw me entering the old building. "One second" She asked to the delivery man who just rolled his eyes, quite tired of the insisting and controlling woman.

"Yes?" I asked with my head on the clouds, thinking about what to bring home, as she walked up to me.

"Your new roomate is arriving today afternoon," She said nervously, turning her head, checking that the poor delivery man hadn't run away while she was distracted with me. "so be sure the room is clean and you give her a nice welcome"

"What?" I yelled stunned. "Where is Jenna?"

"We received her resignation letter yesterday night." She explained still looking at the delivery man bringing up more and more giant brown boxes to the entrance. "Excuse me" She said as she walked up to continue discussing with the man.

I couldn't react. Jenna resigned? How was that possible? She was one of the best student's of the faculty. She loved her career. Why whould she do this? It felt like the ground beneath my feet was shaking. Why was everything falling apart. Well, now I could go to my room and cry to my heart's content and bathe in self pity as I ate ice cream and watched Mamma Mia on my laptop. Yep, that was the best plan I heard in the whole week.

I went up the stairs and opened the door ready to enter a spiral of self compassion when a loud voice distracted me.

"This place is a mess!" I was literally ready to kill someone.

I took a deep breath to calm myself before looking up to face my new roommate.

"Oh, you must be Skye" She said with sassy golden familiar eyes. What were the odds? Like really?

I could recognise those honey eyes, blond hair and short stature everywhere. But, heck, what were the fucking odds of her being my new roommate. Why? I clenched my fists. I didn't know if to start laughing, crying or hit something... or someone.

"It seems you remember me..." She said with shaky voice and shiny eyes that were fixed on my fists. "I'm really sorry about that night, shall we start over?" She said nicely, taking a few steps towards me, who was still holding the door knob with a lot of strengh. And she noticed and pointed to the thing. "I think you'll break that if you don't loosen up a little..."


That was the sound of the first clench of the golden door knob.


That was the sound of the second and thrid clench of the golden door knob.


That was the sound of the pieces of the golden door knob falling to the ground as I raised my hand and let it fall completely to the floor. Once I realised I had teared the fucking thing off the door I relaxed, destroying things was for sure relieving.

Then I extended my hand to the small girl and shoke hands.

"Skye" I said with a fake smile, trying to crash her hand while she holded mine. "Nice to meet you, roommate" The last word sounded pretty threatening.

"Surley" She said back, returning the strenght to the hand shake with vibrating energy that didn't surprise me, as she was a werewolf. "Same."

When we let go, I started picking my things from the floor, it was basically a lot of dirty clothes, as I didn't have time to do the laundry with the final exams. I was picking up some colorful lace panties when my worst nightmare walked up throught the door and saw me holding them with a serious face that quickly turned into a playful smirk.

"Those suit you." Really? Now him too.

"Do you know her?" Asked Surley as she gave him a kiss in the cheek.

"I have seen her around." He confessed as I raised my elbow. We only met once. And he tried to kill me. And barely got to do it.

"If you want to finish the job from that night, better get in line" I said as I continued to pick up the dirty laundry and put it on a high willow basket I had for it. The girl turned red and then I realised my mistake. Oh, God. He laughed it off and I tried to fix it. "He, no, he tried to kill me"

Then the small girl who had a hidden temperament that I didn't know of, hit him on the back of his head. And the thing sounded quite loud.

"You tried what?!" She asked with her face red of anger and her hands on her waist. Then, I noticed the big suitcase behind her, she didn't bring a lot of clothes.

"She hit you..." He tried to explain when I interrupted them with a bored voice.

"Get a hotel room," I went to the table bed and took my headphones. "no sex in the room"

"She's my little sister" Confessed the man with the same blond hair but violet eyes that they didn't share, neither the height, he was like two heads taller than her.

"Oh." I said surprised, was I dying inside? Like, nothing surprised me anymore.

"My name's Sean, " He said with a sexy smile that, in other circumstances, would have my legs melt like pudding. "and nice room, by the way" And now he was teasing, I must confess it was charming but I wasn't in the mood, so I just nodded and ignored them while I put on my headphones with the music to top volume and grabbed the first book in order to ignore them.

I thought they took the message as Surley started to put her clean clothes in the closet but Sean didn't clearly take the hint.

"You're gonna be deaf in a couple days with that thing" He said as he took my headphones off.

"Do you want me to break your hand again?" I asked calmly, expressing my anger through a calm and threatening voice. He just laughed it off.

"I'd like to see you try" I didn't know why, but he made me angry. Like so, so, so, so, so furious. I tried to hold it in but it wasn't my day and I wasn't in the most emotional stable situation. "Are you ok?" He asked, with a worried look.

When he reached his big and perfect hand to me, I got up from the bed and stormed out of the room, hearing Surley's voice yelling at him.

"Look what you did!" She sounded pretty pissed off, I thought as I wiped the tears off my face. "You made her cry!"

"I was just playing!" He tried to defense himself.

"She wanted to be left alone!" I couldn't hear anymore, I was kind of having a break down. And the hallway wasn't the place.