
Chapter 5

As I walked into the bar with my black trousers and my white top, that clearly showed my blue bras, completely off with my schoolbag, I noticed that Mason wasn't lying at all. The bar was so different now, only with two tables occupied, one with an old man that holded an AA badge, who was clearly breaking his sobriety. The other with a couple probably on their first date because the boy was all nice dressed up and even faking to listen about the girl's nails. Either that or he was gay or a saint.

"Hey, you came" I turned to see that stupid boy behind the metal bar, polishing some glasses recently washed. He had a smile that went from ear to ear, pretty satisfied to see me there. I shrugged my shoulders.

"My neighbours decided to have a fight about some boy, " I explained while I walked up to take a seat on one of those high metal stools. "so I had to get out of there before Jen started being grumpy about them"

"Who is their crush?" He asked with a malicious laugh. "Maybe I know him"

"Oh, no" I said opening my eyes wide. That was a stupid confusion. "They ARE the couple, but turns out that one made up with a boy at a sorority party"

"That's drooling drama" He said leaving the glass and leaning forward, almost having his nose touch mine. "Tell me more about that as I serve you a drink"

"You are a cunning little bastard" I growled as he smiled satisfied, I belive we were building something cool here, with a little time and ignoring the fact he tried to kill me... Maybe we could be good friends. "Get me a vodka lemon, but short on the vodka"

"As my lady wishes" He made a small bow again and I used the time he used to serve me the drink to open my notes and start reviewing both exams I had the next morning.

As the night went through, the bussiness remained, as promised, a quiet place. It was a nice change, and surprising. I never thought I would end up studying at a bar.

I read and read until my head started to get dizzy and I didn't even get the difference between my name and the theory of physics, which was kind of disturbing. And convenient, because Mason walked out of the bar and asked me to wait outside for him as they were going to close.

I stepped out of the local reminding myself that, if I ever went back, I would bring a jacket. It was goddamned cold, maybe six degrees? Maybe less. Anyways, it felt like the north pole, only that Santa Claus wasn't around or else I would have asked for a ride home in his cool sleigh.

"Did you wait long?" Asked Mason closing the metal screen of the bar. "You are shivering, don't you have a coat?" I denied with my head, as my lips were busy trying to uesselesly warm up my hands. "Then you should bring one next time, it's cold at night" There goes the death of chivalrousy.

After almost killing him with my super deadly glance, we headed towards my dorm. It was a quiet night, I must admit, and that only gave me chills. I couldn't shake Victor from my head, the uneasiness of feeling his stare at my back, even if it was just my imagination, even if maybe he just wasn't around. I could feel him.

"How was your day?" I asked Mason, in a vain intent of trying to think of something else.

"As always" He answered with a surprinsing indiference, then I realised I didn't even know how old he was.

"What do you study?" I asked again with curiosity, I wanted to know more about him.

"I'm into Politics" I turned around at the second, laughing my ass off. "What?" He barked quite annoyed with a small blush on his cheeks.

"I seriously would have never imagined you in politics," I confessed enjoying the situation and his annoyed face. "anything else except that"

"Well, I'm also interested in other things, but my father convinced me to take the bussiness after him, so here am I" He said trying to look any other way than my foxy smile.

"And what else are you interested in?" I asked wanting him to surprise me even more.

"Before that I wanted to enlist in the Army," That was not surprising, I could actually imagine him as this sexy marine with a tonified body and a hard look. "but my mother brushed the idea away" He raised a finger onto the air and imitated a woman's voice. "Before my dead body, young man! she said"

I laughed, imagining the lovely and caring family he must have grown up in, and a bit of jealousy invaded my heart. I missed my father, I missed the times we went camping and played, burned candy in the fire trying to make it melt and ran around the forest like wild beasts with my mom yelling at us for being such brutes.

I didn't notice Mason looking at me, I didn't notice the sudden silent that invaded us as we were walking through the campus, as I was lost in my sweet past, and I certainly didn't notice the shadow that was following us and watched me hug goodbye to Mason and went up to my room.

But he did, and he went to meet the shadow.

"Sean," He called out to the man with a deadly serious expression on his face, one that he never showed the girl who had just stepped into her room with the feeling that everything was alright, that she was safe. "What are you doing here?"

The boy whose violet eyes betrayed his presence on the darkness, took a step out of it and growled to the other werewolf as a warning that he was pushing his patience.

"Don't get too friendly..." He advised him in a calm yet dangerous growl, he didn't like the girl, she smelled different that the rest of humans living in the campus. "She's not clear"

Mason felt a sudden wave of rage that made his hands turn into fists unconsciously, and was ready to attack his leader, his best friend, his childhood friend, his Alpha. For a girl. Even worse, a human girl. He sighted and rubbed his forehead, clearly exhausted.

"Let's go home" Said Sean hiding an order into a polite petition, Mason could only listen to his superior, he knew that he had to get away from that girl. Or things could turn out pretty bad with the pack.