
BL- Desires

Emmanuel_Odunze · LGBT+
10 Chs



Am I drunk?

That is my chance for payback.

I should take pictures to stroll the internet, air-dropped for the world to see the shit he is both in and out.

But I didn't even move my hands or my eyes.

Something is wrong with me!

Hell No! It's not what you think!

I don't do boys.

I don't even date girls.

I'm a hard-to-get guy.

I don't like partners, controllers, or romance in general. But now I am speechless at a glimpse of my roommate.

Oh shit!!!

I should focus on the game, focus on dealing with him for publicly insulting me, and not fall for any distraction. Both genders are distractions!

Yes, I know this better than anyone.

So why can't I control myself in Collin's nude?

Why am I hard as a rock for the same boy who spat at my face?

Why? Why?!

I punch the wall and groan at the pain. "Fuck!!!"

"Bro, you have a room. Go in and rant."

The voice from the other side of the room screams because, let's face it, this hall is shit. Yellow card paper walls, no fucking privacy; God damn knows where Dad's money goes.

I groan again. He is right. I should be in my room, or better yet, my friend's room. Speaking of friends, a night at Jaxson's won't be that bad.

Wait. Is that fear?

Am I scared to face Collins?

Hell No! It should be vice versa. But I can't finish myself off.

I have to resist flashes of that fat ass before I do something gay. I'm not gay!

I turn my back and walk past the hallway, reaching for the stairs. Jax's room is the first on the right turn.

Jax has the whole room for himself. This would have been me, enjoying my fucking time alone. Thanks to Mom's persistence in my social life, now I see where it's landed me.

I push open the door, finally reaching it, and Jax screams. "LUCAS!!! Can't you knock?"

With slightly widened eyes, I'm quick to turn my head away. "Oh God. What the hell is this? The f—"

"Who the fuck is that? Who is he?"

The anger mutter halts my words and I let out a sigh. I'm used to my best friend fucking around and seeing a different girl every week; it doesn't come as a shock.



First, it was Collins.

Now this.

These boys just want to kill me!

Is there a fucking room without nudity in this hall?

"Calm down, Blondie. That's my best friend you're referring to." Jaxson mutters and there's a shuffling of sheets and exchange of words before he speaks again. "Bro, What brought you here? It's late."

"Forget it! I should leave you two."

"There's no need. I was about to leave." The angry blonde on Jaxson's bed exclaims. She gets out of bed and holds the big blanket to her chest, covering her exposed skin.

In a minute, she is out of the bathroom, fully dressed, and she shoots daggers at me, barging out of the room. I swallow down, fighting myself not to call her rude.

"I hope you're happy now," Jaxson growls at me.

I force a smile. "Not like you were doing something serious!"

"Oh! I wasn't, but you are, down there," Jaxson shoots back, pointing towards the evident prints on my pants.

"Shut up, fool!" I growl back at the idiot. "What led your eyes to it?"

He lets out a sick laugh. "It looks like someone is sex-starved. Just wank it off, bro!"

"Mind your business!"

"Is Rebecca at it again? Sending nudes, haha."

"That idiot..." I mutter to myself. "She sent some this evening; I've not viewed them."

We broke up after final exams in high school but she is still all over me. I can't count how many times I've used her to satisfy my urges. But she's not my problem now.

"My cream is on the bed," Jaxson yawns. "Just don't be loud; I need to sleep."

"I can't do it thanks to you!"

"Why not?"

"Because you would listen!"

"Go into the bathroom and lock the door."


I angrily throw myself on the other bed, hipped with clothes in front of me. My arm hangs down on the floor and I sigh.

"No masturbation...No Rebecca...Just me and my urges for a guy."


Did I just say that?

Jaxson's eyes widen. "Did you say something?"

"Umm..." I rake my hair, finding a curse word to shift his attention away.

His phone vibrates, doing the work. His eyes find his screen. The sleep vanishes and Jax smiles evilly. "It's a text from Helen."

What the actual FUCK!!!


My junior sister!

This fucking playboy! I swear I will kill him. Fucking kill him!

"Jaxson." I hiss. "Stay away from Helen. Don't even dream of her. I will kill you."

"Empty threats... empty threats..."

"I'm fucking serious!"

"Bro, Helen is so damn pretty... Rosy cheeks and silky skin. She's very delicate and small too. Ha-ha. Who won't crave such a wonderful creature?"

"I will murder you, man. Don't try me!"

It doesn't matter that we're best friends—I will kill Jax and bury him in the school garden.

Jaxson burst out laughing and I grunt in annoyance. He stands to leave the room and I can't chase him even if I want to. My cock is still painfully hard.

"GAH, I hate myself!"

I kick the clothes close to my legs to the floor. All this shit won't happen if I knocked before entering my room.

This is all Collin's fault.

He is comfortably sleeping, perhaps snoring in our room, and I am here fighting with myself.

I will make him pay.

I get underneath the covers to be comfortable. There is a beep on my phone.

What could the person want?

I ignore it. It will be useless. I grab the pillow to dig my head into the bedsheets, and another beep comes.

I pick up my phone in fury and click on the message.

Collin: When will you be back? It is late. I need to lock the door.

How the fuck did he get my number? I'm about to throw a tantrum when my eyes meet the second message.

Collin: Got your number from the hall group chat. Don't freak out, okay?


The attitude.

I quickly type a message.

Me: Scared a ghost would appear to take your life? Bro, man up.

I keep my eyes on the screen like a hawk, waiting for his retaliation. Two minutes have passed, yet no response.

I sigh heavily while tucking my phone underneath the pillow. What is it with this boy that just makes me do stupid shit... Fuck.... He is doing weird things to my head. But whatever it is, it will die. I must have my revenge.