"I asked you to call me before you get here so I can come wait for you." Lan Haiyang scolded Cheng Jian when he found him sitting alone at the bus stop. Hugging his body. "Have you been waiting long?"
"It's okay. I didn't want to impose." Cheng Jian said as he stood up to follow Lan Haiyang.
Lan Haiyang couldn't believe his ears. His high maintenance, overbearing friend had just sounded like a considerate person. "What? What did you just say?"
Cheng Jian smiled at Lan Haiyang's facial expression. "I'm learning a lot of new things at my job."
"You... Sell popcorn at the cinema. Other than how to make popcorn, what could you possibly learn at your job?"
"Just... In the one month, I've worked at the Cinema, I've encountered people from all walks of life. Most of them are unbelievably rude, obnoxious and downright unpleasant. They look down on me just because I'm a salesperson."
"Really?" Lan Haiyang asked in a sarcastic tone.