
Bitten:My Story

Welcome to My Life I’m Bitten,Come on and let’s figure this life out together what do you say!

Sam_Nabors · テレビ
3 Chs

Reuniting with family and the alpha

After waking up from a good nights sleep I felt this overwhelming pain and anger, but it wasn't mine I just couldn't figure it out until I heard Wrex in my head; " it's not emotions you feel but that of your blood!" I didn't understand at first until I realized it was Elena who was hurting so much so I ran out of my room to find nick and maybe he could help me find my sister...hopefully.

As I was running across campus I finally spotted nick talking to Christy and amber, a couple of cheerleaders I had 'studied' with before. When I finally get close to them christy and amber both say hi to me while blushing as I greet them back I start pulling in nicks arm telling him I had something important to ask him while he seemed like he was in a daze from my interaction with the hottest girls on campus as that what everyone keeps telling me.

" nick I need your help finding my sister!" I say worriedly while my eyes keep glowing showing him my lack of control at the moment.

" what are you doing, stop doing that and who is your sister?" Nick says confused and also worried about my eyes glowing in public like this.

" I can't stop it that why I need to find my sister, and my sister is Elena Michaels."

As I see the look of suprise and fear going across nicks face I know he knows what happened to my sister so as to not make a scene by tearing him apart I ask rather harshly while squeezing his arm weather hard.

" Nick where is my sister!"

" Oww...she is in stone haven clay bit her a couple of weeks ago, we don't know why I can take you to her but I have to call my alpha first!" Nick said while trying and failing to free himself from my grip.

" fine hurry up with it, I need to see my sister now or you'll be missing an arm in a couple minutes!" I say while showing that my canines have grown out.

" okay let's go ahead and head that way I'll call otw!"

" good then let's get a move on!"

As we heads towards stone haven I can see nick keeps taking glances at me trying not to be caught.

"What" I ask him getting extremely annoyed at nick at the moment.

" how did you do that I've never seen a wolf change in certain areas like you can it's really freaking me out!"

" I don't know I've just always been able to do it but what did your alpha say"

" he says he will be waiting and that you and Elena have some weird blood bond that lets you feel each other and I guess it's super rare!" Nick says confidently while making sure he got everything right from the phone call with his alpha.

" Alright then that atleast explains why I'm feeling all her pain and anger but now why did clay bite her?"

" He said he was saving her, so if I was to guess she probably saw Jeremy after he came back from his run and was preparing to kill her!" He says nonchalantly until he heard my growl which caused him to swerve a little due to the fear he just experienced from my growl.

" I see so I take it it's one of your pack rules to not let humans in on your secret?"

Nick just nods his head and stays quiet the rest of the way to stone haven which I have to say is rather beautiful especially with all this forest sorrow sing their house, but back to the problem at hand, the closer we got to the house the great my pain became it was hurting so bad my claws extended out of my nails I was pretty much looking like Scott from teen wolf without the magic sideburns.

When we finally reached the house I hopped out and ran towards the front door when suddenly it opened with who I presume is their alpha Jeremy, who I tackled to the ground with my claws at his throat showing I was the one in charge now.

" We're you going to kill my inter before clay bit her and don't lie?" I say tge last part while my claws exerted more pressure at his neck.

" yes I did it's pack law for all countries from here to Germany that no human can know our secret or they must be elementary but clay bit her before I could and I thought she was good as dead until she shifted a couple of nights ago but she continues to be in pain which is why I'm guessing your here" Jeremy answers calmly while my claws are still at his throat.

" you guess med right we will finish this talk later first I need to see my sister now!" Leaving no time to argue I entered the house looking for her until Jeremy pointed towards what seems to be the basement where I found both clay and Elena but Elena was in a cage but by the look on her face she looked confused most likely by the pain disappearing as I entered.

" Please tell me you both remember me!" I ask cautiously.

"JASON!" they both say at the same time.

" yes it's me, but I am surprised that you remember me Elena I was like two when I left the orphanage and clays family adopted me and you little bastard you the hell told you to run off without me dumbass!" I said while glaring at clay.

" I'm sorry brother but I don't really remember much from back I can OkY remember you and there's not even a lot I remember about you other than you being my brother and saving me from that wolf!"

" I see so up to this point you didn't really know I existed but I am glad you both are here but I am sorry about this clay!"

" sorry about WAHHHH...." clay never got to finish because right after I said that I punched him square in the jaw hard enough to knock his big ass against the wall."

Clay looked at me as if begging for an explanation as to why I just punched him.

" there are two reasons why I punched you 1 is because you ran off after we found mom dead and 2 because you went and bit Elena my sister but you also saved her life which I am grateful to you for so thank you little brother!" I say feeling better after finally getting to release all this anger I felt in that one punch.

" Now get my sister out of that cage and let's go have a normal family reunion huh!"

Hope you guys like it sorry it’s shorter than usual having health issues rn!

Sam_Naborscreators' thoughts