
A goal had been set

He was not entirely soulless: He had great affection for the children of his targets and especially their mothers.


"Shoot!" Confirm white.

"Bang!" Executed the objective.

"I have the wife in my sights."

"Wait," she said, leader, "didn't you mention wife?"

"Confirm: Who else?"

-Child. His son is: Xuli.

"I must take revenge on that man, but not on his wife and his children." It's my rule. And I'll let you know. I'll get closer, before the police arrive.

-Good day. Anyone here?

"I'm from state security. Is everything okay?"

"How do I know that you are reliable?" Said Xuli's mother.

"How do you assure me that my son will be okay?"

"I give you my word, Senora de Latro, that both you and the child ... What's your name?"

"Xuli Latro, like his father."

—He doesn't know anything about what his father did, he doesn't deserve to die like that.

"Okay, ma'am, let's make a deal. Before the police come, we'll take you directly to the airport. We have two tickets to South America, a travel bag and a residence for you and your son: Xuli."

"From Do you want to come back here?" I would not guarantee the lives of anyone. We agree, and that your response is quick.

-It's okay. We will go with you.

—Xuli, she traveled with her mother to the airport, but at its facilities, 5 minutes after the plane took off, she slipped through the crowd, the mother did not notice it since she had taken some sleeping pills to sleep as soon as they got on the plane, he suffered from stress at heights, and that phobia of atmospheric pressure, caused him severe headaches ... He did it like this, for the last three years and he still had two years to finish his degree ... only this time he had to staying in the university residence, the problem was his son: and by work of the magic of spying, which he learned from his father: Xuli. He was left out of the plane!

A goal had been set:

"I swear I'll take revenge on these ...

Passengers, we are about to reach our destination after a 12 hour flight from South America. Please fasten your seatbelts before landing. From this point on, you have 15 minutes to get ready for arrival.

On the other hand, Xuli. She took from among her mother's things, the card: "America", which was the only key to enter the club of hitmen and spies.

"I'll take revenge, I swear."

"Not only did he study to be a spy, but he did counter espionage to bring cash." And the affluent life he leads now.

On the plane, almost everyone had already got off ... except Xuli's mother. Who fell asleep?

"Ma'am, it's time to go down." We reached the last stop of the plane. According to her ticket. This is your destiny. But do you feel good?

"I think I overdosed on sleeping pills." You know I had a big problem and I needed to relax ...

Suddenly, she notices that the seat next to the window was empty. My God: Where is it?

"I can't say: Nothing, it would alert everyone." And this

Mundo would find out who her husband really was: an undercover spy.

Xuli, chose to stay, because her father had already put him on alert, about what to do in those cases. So at just 11 years old, she enrolled in the spy academy, her father an outstanding student and teacher of so many agents serving across the country.