


" Malcolm "

" Yes Sir, I know, I know, Yes definitely, Consider it done " I automatically bow every word I say, even in the phone, His aura still gives heavy and dark feeling

I dried those sweats in my forehead by my arm after that scary phone call

That Guy ...

That Cray Guy, I slightly feel sympathy for that little pimp but who cares?

She's just a burden but luckily she became a golden born treasure which supports myself

After those Married couple died due to the accident, I feel like Im in the edge of cliff where I will just wait for my death but then thankfully, there are some properties that they own which left for us ... No ... Just for myself

Since Im still young to manage those things, A person from a government went assist to manage those businesses and properties until I reach on the legal age and It went well even though, Im not okay with it

Until my 18th birthday, I feel free but not totally because of this little burden

I dont have a choice but to feed this pimp and the worst part is when I discover that those couples have a ready trust fund plan just for her future and she is the only one who has the right and the access to claim it when she turn in legal age

But I set that aside since I still have some cash to spend with in every way I want

I feel like that time is the best years of my life, I spend there, and here and there

But just like how everything, When it has a starting point there is a last stop

The business knot in bankruptcy and I realize the savings which I used to see as unlimited turn into nothing same as empty one

I was frustrated and those loansharks became a oil which makes the things worse

What's wrong with my decision to enjoy life to it finest?

I just want to be happy and experience to be rich since I was a child, I live in the poorest part of poverty life

So I do not have any choice but to sell those vacation houses, cars and other properties and went back at the old house where I left that Little b*tch

I almost went crazy in desperation, Those people who I thought as my friends abandon me, Feeling so hopeless until that night ...

( flasback )

" Brother, Im so happy to see you again, we will now- "

" shut the f*ck up you Little nothing but a big mouth to feed! So useless! " Because of my stress and depression, I let my anger vent to her

This is the first time we met again since I left to spend all of her parents assets but I dont even feel any guilt but actually the opposite

I kinda felt fresh while taking this little pimp as my punching bag to let out my anger and frustration

Even those couple adopt me, I dont feel grateful to them

Mr. And Mrs. Estrella

And their only own flesh and blood daughter ... Precious Sol Estrella

Hmmm... If Im not wrong this child is now 5 years old

I dont know how she survive after I abandon her here in few years, well I do sent some cash but it was just a small amount and I usually forgot to send some so I felt like surviving for her as a little naive child is impossible

" Brother ... " Seeing her pitiful state

While she was crying, I observe her head to toe

Small, skinny but she still look like a rich child

She possess those beautiful traits from those couples

My lips went curve into a grin because of a great idea

" Precious " After calling her name, She suddenly stop her weeping

" Brother " She stand up and act like moving forward to me but I raise my hand to stop her

" Fix yourself, you are not child anymore and come with me " after my instruction, I saw her bright smile like I give a treat to a dog

" Y-your not g-gonna leave me a-again? " I almost rolled my eyes with her drama

" Come " Seeing her sitting in my car, I feel like I wanna kick this dirt out

Endure... Endure Malcolm

After this, You're surely have some cash again to spend to clean and buy another car again

By thinking that, My heart became more eager, I stared at the little tramp on the backseat and grin wider

Finally I reach my destination, I open the car and get down without even looking at the brat

She's not qualified for me to do something like opening the car door for her

Ahhh, How I miss this but before I get in the establishment, A Bulky Guy stop my entrance

" Sir Estrella, sorry but my boss already told us that you are banned already and not allowed here " Hearing that insult, I can sense those eyes on me

This is B*llsh*t!

" what are you saying huh! " This f*cker really met my qualifications to be my enemy

I want to punch him but I did not expect that he was a lot faster than I am

His heavy fist gets touch in my face which resulted that black bruise on my cheek

" You F*cker! " I shout til my throat hurst

I cannot accept this humiliation

" Brother! " I push harshly the pimp without even care even if she will kiss the floor with that force

Who said to be nuisance and stupid to interfer

" Look at him, He's Malcolm right? The arrogant bastard? "

" Yeah, look at him now, A dirt is definitely a dirt "

I grit my teeth with much anger hearing those dog's insults

How dare them!

Wait til I get my glory again, let see if all of you can still laugh at me

I made an oath on myself to return this lowly treatment to those who look down on me

But the question is How...

I turn to look again to the brat, whose crying again like a pig

Useless... Stupid! Stupid! Stupid trash!

Her parents is also trash! Why did they birth to such useless thing like her!

Why can't you just die! To lessen my burden!

After cursing and cursing

I suddenly heard those people stop from laughing and at the same time, That stupid child also stop crying

Then I look at the one who is also stupid enough to coax that useless thing

Who is he to think highly to himself and give him a permission to get involve to other's business

But when I saw how well dress that man, I change my mind

" Little cutie, stop crying, My boss want to give you this "

" Stop there! Dont touch my sister! " I act like a protective one and met the eyes of the man

The warm face he has when he was coaxing the trash get change in moment then voluntarily my eyes went to the young man who is in the middle of men

The Heavy and fearing aura of this brat is not normal to his age

And he's kinda familiar and obviously he is the boss

My knees automatically shake

" Hey " My eyes get back to the man

" Take the Girl in, My boss wants to talk to you " My mouth just zipped and then nod

The bulky man who gave a bruise my face was now like a puppy who saw his owner, behaving like a submissive one

Now I am sure, the Background of this young man is far from ordinary

My lips went up

Hmmm... I know, Im sure this night is will be long but definitely good for me

After a long discussion the man and I was the only one who are doing the talk and it is all about my Stupid Stepsister but the young man only said three words but still gives the pure fear in my system

" Shes Now Mine "

( End Of Flashback )

Hmmm... Her cooking is not bad but how can I compare it to those cash

Ever since, I often receive some money from that young man, Well whatever she will have is MINE so I cannot see any wrong from keeping those money for myself

But now...

" Precious, Get youself we'll have guess tonight " her glassy brown eyes give a confusion sign

I laugh in her naiveness

One of the condition of that young man is not to let any guy get near to this brat so I never let anyone even my co partners in business be in my house

" Are they your friends? " Feeling iritated by her nonsense question

Im treating everything abouth her as nothing but nonsense so even her presence are more unnecessary than an air

" Shut the f*ck up and do what I said! " I saw her flinch and nearly jump at fear and surprise

" S-sorry Bro- Malcolm "

Finally ... This Heavy Burden will be untangle to my life

I feel sorry but not really

She may die after but Who is she for my sympathy?

Precious... My Precious Sister goodluck with your new life or maybe next life hahaha