
BITE ME Forever 2

In a desperate bid to save my family from ruin, I found myself married to Viktor Volkov, a mysterious foreigner I barely knew. Little did I know, he was a vampire. Instead of fleeing, I felt an inexplicable longing for him, torn between love and the dangers that come with his nature. Would I resist temptation or surrender to my desires?

Eromami_Info · 都市
24 Chs

CHAPTER 36: A Fight For Love

I couldn't believe it. Never once had he said something like that to me. It made me shy and sad, while it should have been the other way around. James thought I was hot, and hearing him say that made my heart race. I didn't like the fact that it happened, not for him! I didn't want to enjoy his compliments but it felt good seeing him lust over me.

"You're gorgeous," James continued, his breath becoming agitated. "I can't stop staring at those beautiful lips, hips... and breasts." He traced a finger along my hips and rested his hand lightly on my waist.

I should have been pushing him away, but instead I found myself succumbing to him. His touch was tender yet passionate, exploring every inch of my curves with a need that made me gasp in surprise. Even after all this time his touch was rousing.

"James," I whispered.

His hands travelled further north until they reached my breasts. He started to feel them with his hands, and I felt myself getting wetter and more aroused by the second. His expert hands squeezed my chest and gripped it so tight that my nipples hardened and poked through my shirt.

"You're sexy. What I wouldn't do to you," he whispered in my ear. "I can see through this dress how big your ass is, how round and firm. You look more experienced now? Like someone who knows how to take a cock."

I blushed. Red, sultry heat ran through me at those words because he was right. I now knew how to take a cock. I had taken Viktor's perfect, fat cock more times than I could count. And he would tell me how well I took it, and how incredible I looked when I did.

"And your breasts. So round and full," James continued. He pulled aside my dress and pushed his hand underneath the fabric looking for my hard nipple. I gasped when his finger grazed over the sensitive skin. He cupped my chin with his other hand and leaned in. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. He was going to kiss me...

The stimulation went straight to my clit, causing vibrations of arousal. He made me wetter as he tugged my nipple. It turned me on so much that I wetted my own lips as I prepared to give in to the kiss...

That's when I saw it. A shadow passed by the window and I realised where I was and with who. This was James, not Viktor. I wanted to kiss Viktor, my husband, not this… shallow, inconsiderate asshole who left me at the altar and ran away with that maid! I smirked. I finally knew what it felt like to be the one who had the power.

James wanted me, but I didn't want him.

I pushed him away. "Get off me, James." He stumbled back, dazed and confused. "Who do you think you are? Leaving me like that and then feeling me up when you think I'm pretty enough for you now? You're pathetic. Look at you."

His hair didn't look so artfully mussed anymore, it looked unkempt. And he was drunk, probably broke after so much gambling. So he loved me but left me at the altar? He was a liar. A truly disgusting being.

"Lucy? What do you mean? I've always loved you." He came closer again and put his hands on my waist. This time I didn't like how it felt. I crossed my arms over my chest. "Come on, my love. You're so sexy... I just want to feel you. I want to see you on my cock." He said, removing the sheet and showing me his hard-on.

I rolled my eyes. Could he get more pathetic? He was begging me to have sex with him.

When I said nothing he kissed my neck, while whispering in my ear how beautiful I was. I just stood there and watched as he got on his knees, how he teared up and cried while he begged me to forgive him. The answer was yes, he could get more pathetic.

"Lucy, please," James sobbed. "Forgive me. I never meant to leave you. Please."

"James. Stop it. You're making a fool of yourself!" I said and I got up, heading towards the door. I didn't need to see this pathetic display of emotion. I was over James. He meant nothing to me. James got up and rushed over to me.

"Lucy, don't go, please!" He grabbed me by the shoulder and latched onto me like a love-sick puppy. He cried and cried. As he sobbed, he put his head on my shoulder. He was so close, I could smell him. "I'll become a better man for you, Lucy. Anything you want. I will give it to you! Please, I'm so lonely..."

But I couldn't concentrate on his words. Not when his warm body was so close to mine. I could hear his heartbeat. It called me to him, to the perfect, pale skin of his neck. I licked my lips as hunger coursed through me. All I had to do was lean closer. And nip at the skin. His fresh blood would trickle onto my mouth, and it would be exquisite.

I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat. All while he begged me to take him back. I could, and when I drained him of most of his blood, I could turn him into a vampire... He would be mine to control. I could make him suffer. Just like Naran did with Viktor. I closed my eyes and thought back to that day at the Red Moon… How Naran beamed with power, how she floated in the air, her eyes glowing red, and how Viktor, despite being overpowered, faced her as best as he could. How he came back for me when I was sentenced to death. How we fucked in the prison cell...

I looked at James with contempt. His swollen face, puffy from all the crying. James wasn't half of the man Viktor was. He was nothing compared to Viktor.

"Fuck off, James." I gritted through my teeth. I pushed him away using some of my strength. "You're not even worth my time."

James recoiled, pulling a face at me as I walked away. "You bitch! You'll see, you'll beg me to fuck you someday!"

I didn't even glance back at those words. They held no power over me.


I walked back to Raoul, wondering if he was conscious yet. But he wasn't where I'd left him. I looked around the room in a huff. Dario's corpse had been neatly covered with some sheets. Did Raoul do that? Where would he have gone? I searched through the entire hotel, but I couldn't find him. Until I walked into the hotel lobby and there he was, drinking whiskey.

"I thought vampires can't eat or drink food," I said to him.

"I'm not drinking whiskey for its nutritious qualities," he replied. Before I could ask why he was in the lobby, he beat me to it. "You won't guess who's at the hotel," Raoul said smiling.

"Who?" I asked. I couldn't think of anyone that could be…

"Viktor," he said at the same time I thought about it. "He's jealous," Raoul said, laughing. I regarded him with a curious look. He was quite chipper for someone who was so badly beat up.

"Jealous? Viktor? Of whom?" None of what Raoul said made sense. "What are you talking about, did you hit your head?"

"Viktor is jealous of James."

I blinked. "Wha… whaaat?"

Raoul threw his head back in laughter, but started coughing soon after. "Ouch, it still hurts." He sighed, holding his abdomen. "I think he loves you."

I didn't understand. A rush of emotion passed through me. It twirled around me like the wind. Could Viktor be in love with me?

Raoul must have seen the torment in my eyes. "Viktor is with James right now," he revealed. "He said something about having a few words with him." Raoul took another sip of whiskey.

That didn't sound good. What could Viktor possibly have to say to James? They didn't even know each other! Should I go to them? What if Viktor said something or James did something stupid? It was highly likely that James could put his life in danger.

I spun around and raced back to James' room. The door wasn't closed all the way and I could hear them arguing... I looked through the crack in the door and found them standing very close to one another.

Viktor was so big and muscular, his whole body radiated power. He towered over James who was cowering. I tried not to scoff. It was only natural that someone as scruffy and cowardly as him would back away from a person like Viktor who was both attractive and strong.

A part of me felt the urge to rush to Viktor despite the way he left. I wanted to be close to him again, to feel his broad chest against mine. But I was knocked from my reverie at the words, "Did you call my wife a bitch?"

What? What had Viktor just said?

"You mean Lucy? She's y-your wife?" James asked. His eyes were still round as marbles, and his body trembled.

"Yes! She's my wife. How dare you call her a bitch?" Viktor snarled. "She should and will be respected. She's beautiful, brave and smart. She is so kind that she came here to save you, even if you don't deserve it! Do not speak to her ever again. Do you hear me?!" He was seething with anger, and the fire of fury burning in his eyes made James take a step back.

I gasped in shock. I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Viktor was standing up for me? He cared enough to protect me from being insulted by James?

My heart felt like it would leap out of my chest. His words were so sweet and filled with admiration for me that I couldn't help but smile. 

James spluttered. "Who do you think you are! I will do what I see fit. And if I wish to contact Lucy—"

Viktor grabbed James by the collar and hoisted him up. "You blew your fucking chance, back off. Never put a hand on her again or I'll fucking kill you."

"I'll touch that whore if I wish to! She wanted me to," James bit back.

Viktor threw him against the wall. He punched him, and some part of me liked what I was seeing. Viktor was defending me. It made heat rush straight to my vagina, made it throb as I watched Viktor land another punch and another.

Viktor didn't stop there, didn't stop at the sight of blood. It only spurred him on. He dragged James to the open window and held him with his head pointed to the ground.

James screamed. "Let me go! You're crazy! Please!"

"All you have to do is apologise," Viktor replied coldly. "Say that Lucy is the most intelligent, wonderful and attractive woman you'll ever meet. That you were a fool to leave her at the altar," Viktor tells him.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry," James sobbed and hiccuped through the words.

I took pity on him, there was no way that James would win the battle with Viktor. He was just a puny human after all.

I strode into the room. "Leave him, Viktor. He's not worth it."

Viktor turned around and let James fall to the floor with a thud. He barely looked at him once he had his eyes set on me. "Lucy," he breathed.

I walked right up to him and met him halfway. He grabbed me, wrapping his arm around my waist. It stole my breath, the way he looked at me at that moment. It took me by surprise then, when he kissed me. He caressed my cheek and closed the gap between our lips in a mere moment.

It was so gentle and caring.

Viktor turned around afterwards and stared James down. He still held me as if I would disappear if he let go. It filled me with joy.

"Don't forget who her husband is," Viktor said to James. His voice boomed, and he tightened his possessive grip on me.

James could only nod. Inside I wanted to smirk and revel in that feeling. James looked utterly humiliated. I imagined it was a similar face to mine when he left me at the altar in front of my family and friends.

I decided not to say a word while Viktor and I left the room, walking together, and I closed the door of James' room. I looked at Viktor's face and I couldn't believe my eyes... A smile tugged at my face. Was Viktor Volkov blushing?

"What was that about?" I playfully asked once we were out of the room.

"I… I…" he stuttered.