
Chapters 2

I took a closer look at this gigantic room, apparently there were a lot of other users here. Each player is in their own capsule, the capsule stands 2.2 meters high. There were some players who chose to obscure the view of other players when setting up something that might just be their appearance.

I set my appearance with a 1% change. Black hair, brown eyes, standard face, 168 cm tall, and the change is the addition of white gloves which I myself don't know what they are for because they're free. Finally, after taking care of the nickname, I came out of the capsule.

[The F3482 capsule has been opened]

[New player with the nickname Rafio has come out]

A series of short announcements sounded as I exited the capsule. When I came out, I saw my clothes, only a white T-shirt and black trousers. I felt the contents of my pocket, it turned out that it contained a revolver and there were 2 of them.

[Do you want to get out of the Biscaro hall?]


I put my two new pistols back together and selected the "Yes" option.

[Teleportation gate opened ... ]

[Good adventures!]

A small teleportation gate appeared in front of me, I immediately entered it. For several minutes I oscillated inside the portal, it almost made me vomit. I hope this isn't too long.

[The teleportation gate has been closed.]

[You have arrived at the destination.]


Eh? Where did I land, why did it feel like I was stepping on a concrete roof floor? I looked down and sure enough, I landed on the roof of a tall building. Suddenly my hand glowed, precisely at the wrist. Something came out and it was in the shape of a ball. The ball stopped in front of me, the metal ball spoke to me.

"Master has come. Welcome sir! How can I help you? Do you want to know the first mission or the location of the nearest building? I can show you how,"

So many questions.

"I wonder why I appeared here?" I asked him

"Because Master is in charge of blowing up the Bank," he replied, pointing to one of the glowing buildings

"From here? With what?" I asked confused

"With your weapon sir," he answered simply

I checked my pocket, it contained 2 pistols. On my waist there was already a weapon belt, it contained 1 Lightsaber and a short Blaster that was 40 cm long. There are also 2 grenades.

"Where's the weapon?" I asked him

"On Master's back," he answered

I felt my back and sure enough there was a gun there. A portable rocket, a good weapon. The ball also showed its tiny hands and then it turned into its complete form which is a small humanoid. It has no wings but has booster rockets on its legs.

"Hi Master," he greeted, waving his hand at me

"Hi too. What's your name?" I returned the greeting and asked him at once.

"I don't have a name yet. It's your right to decide," he replied

"Okay, your name is now Fiko," I said

"Name set. Sync... Success, name saved," he said stiffly

"Let's get started," I said with a grin

I reloaded the rocket ammo and aimed it at the building that was too far away. The guns are ready to fire and everything looks difficult. Fiko turned into small particles, then he turned into sunglasses.

"Use this Master!" Fiko called me

I put it on too and the effect was amazing, The bank looks close now. There are two guards at the entrance, each holding a Blaster and his belt containing a Folding Shield ready to use. Beside them was a vehicle containing 4 extra guards–they were standing by the door. My other weapons are ready, just execution.


One rocket takes off towards the target.


The entrance was broken through, the two guards were still alive – damn, they weren't human. They were looking for the culprit now, 6 guards immediately spread around to check the nearby area. All right, second shot.

"Fiko, determine the closest target," I ordered to Fiko

"Behind the door there are 2 guards with Blasters ready to shoot. The surveillance camera has been successfully hacked, the bank visitors have also taken out their weapons as well. The closest target is the Teller Bank at 11 o'clock," explained Fiko



This time the rocket exploded directly on the Bank Teller table, very high accuracy. I rushed to my feet, I've kept the portable rocket back. I'm sure the guards just now have spread widely. Fiko returned to his original form and flew around my body.

"Congratulations! The first mission was a success," said Fiko enthusiastically

[Experience Points +10]

I move towards the door on the roof of this building, I'm sure it will lead to the top floor of the building. Fiko rotates around my body, he analyzes the environment and reports every time.

Finally I made it to the door and opened it without thinking, suddenly a laser passed by my right. Fiko immediately turned into glasses again and I put them on, Fiko's good disguise. I grabbed the Blaster then shot forward even though the door wasn't fully open yet.


Well, it's good that there was an explosion behind it. I grabbed the door again and opened it at the next moment, it turned out that the 2 Bank guards were the ones who shot from behind the door. They quickly found me too. The 2 guards got back on their feet, they already used the Folding Shield and of course it was used to block my shot.

I immediately went inside with my hand still holding the weapon, the enemy's first shot almost pierced my chest. I gave an immediate reply, 2 bullets came out straight away, Shotguns type. I jumped while they were advancing trying to catch my body, when I landed I immediately turned around and shot them in the back.


Yeah! One of the guards was incapacitated, the shot in his back went through the core of his circuit and caused him to explode. I immediately ran downstairs without minding the remaining guards.

"Sir! There is an attack from above," said Fiko warning me

"Okay Fiko," I replied, then dodged to the left

Finally I found the lightning elevator, I immediately entered and it just so happened that the elevator was empty.

"1st floor," I said as I tapped the holographic button

The elevator closes and descends very quickly. See you lousy robots! Less than half a minute the lift arrived, the lift opened and I ran towards the front. The lightsaber is still in place.

"Stop and surrender yourself immediately!" I heard a loud scream right at the front door of the building.

I immediately stopped running and grabbed the portable rocket on my back, Blaster immediately put on his belt.

"First," I said


The glass door had a hole in it and the critter's vehicle had a hole in the door from melting at high speed. I saved the rocket again and I ran towards 4 o'clock to steal the car that was on display there.


The door immediately closed and I sat in the driver's seat, this vehicle turned out to be a semi-military vehicle. There's a machine gun on the roof.

"Fiko, please control the speed of this car. I will take care of that lousy creature first," I ordered Fiko

"Ready Mr. Rafio," replied Fiko, he turned into a ball and left my face.

The car swerved and hit some display objects, then the car drove to the front of the broken door. I appeared above and held the machine gun with a big smile.


The firefight initiated by me started, the lousy robots also retaliated by firing their Blasters at me. Fortunately, all missed. As the robots got on top of their vehicle, I threw a grenade into the driver's compartment whose door was still wide open.


The vehicle exploded from inside, haha....

Even though the vehicle was destroyed, the guard gave chase the manual way using the booster rockets on his legs. Flying Robots Vs Stolen Cars. The car sped across the street, Fiko apparently used a small machine gun next to the rear view mirror to break up the speed of other vehicles on the road. I faced back and turned the machine gun towards the robot, next shot.


They are very agile in chasing and dodging. It's not a failed robot, it turns out.

"Let's catch it if you can!" I exclaimed, which meant challenging them explicitly.

PoV 3

Breaking News

"A mysterious rocket shot has destroyed the entrance and lobby of Uccasio Bank. A Bank Teller table has been destroyed after the second shot. It is suspected that the attack came from the roof of Felico Tower. The perpetrator has been identified and is being chased by the Bank's security." The news presenter reads the most recent news of the day

"Another armed crime case, when will it end?" Orega complained to his partner

"This is not the world of Utopia, you should know that," replied his partner, Juno

"Now I'll go first, I have urgent business," Juno said then went to the front while Orega just continued his eating activities which had been delayed

"Archel, we have a new assignment. Get ready soon," Juno said to his partner

"Ready to do Mr. Juno. Let's move quickly before the target is too far away," replied Archel

Juno got on top of his FEM and then Archel climbed on his shoulder. One gun was ready to go off on his belt. It didn't take long for his FEM to speed up.


I will make this story again with a different title, content and theme. Even though it's still the same VR game. I will bring this place back to life. Please support everyone!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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