

"Where am I system," I said after waking up in a spot that I didn't know

["Host currently you are in the world of Highschool DxD"]

"Yes I know that but the specific place and I remember this place should have a few challenges"

["Currently you are in the occult research club room and the challenge is that you have to make all the women in the occult research club fall in love with you if you fail then you are stuck in DxD and as rias' servant"]

"Ok the challenge is not hard and I'm planning on taking all of the women of each mc I meet.... Wait did you call me a servant how dare you"

Me hearing that I'm going to be a servant caused my Gilgamesh instincts to take over

["Host I'm not trying to offend you but currently, you are in rias' peerage and if you fail the challenge you will be stuck here and you will still be in her peerage thus making you her servant"]

"Ok sorry for yelling at you System but how did I get stuck in her peerage and if I'm in her peerage doesn't that mean issei isn't"

["Wellbeing her servant is part of the challenge and for lore reasons, your family was killed by fallen angels because of your sacred gear and rias was looking for help and she found you wounded and sensed your magical energy and she used her evil pieces to bring you back to life"]

"Ok, but why is Rias looking for help... oh wait don't tell me the current plot is the rating games"

["Host yes it is"]

"Well at least god has some empathy this challenge would be so much harder if it was later in the series because Rias would be in love with issei too much and I would be trouble sum"

["I forgot to mention that Issei is still in the peerage and being in the peerage has some special effects that will remain until you complete the challenge"]

"Ok system show me the effects"

["Ok Host"]


[Name] [Unknown}

["Host please tell me the name you want to have"]

"Well since I am Gilgamesh please put it as Gilgamesh"

["Ok Host"]


[Name] [Gilgamesh]

[Strength] [7->10]

[Agilty] [15->18]

[Inteligence] [17]

[Charima] [45]


[Gate of Babylon] [B+]




[Divinty] [A+]

[Status Effects]

[Devil] [Weakness to Holy objects]

[Rias's Peerage]

[Loyalty] [You feel Offended when people trouble or insult your Master]

[Master Servant Relationship] [When commanded by Rias you have a 20% to be forced to do as she says]

[Divinity] [A+] [You are Immune to Holy objects]

[Rook Piece] [+3 Strength, Agilty]




Just looking at the effects given by being in Rias's peerage makes my Gilgamesh Instincts go off

"System why are some of my abilities Locked"

["Because you haven't unlocked them but when you do it will be rewarding because some of these abilities even Gilgamesh hasn't unlocked"]





Oh yeah I should go and meet Rias and the others

~Meanwhile outside the room in the occult research club~

"Who do you think the new guy is," said Akeno excitedly

"I don't know we didn't even see the new guys face but knowing how our luck is its probably another pervert like Issei," said Koneko

"What kind of person do you think it is Issei Rias said he was very strong are you scared," said Akeno teasingly

Meanwhile, a certain pervert was thinking

I'm kinda worried what if this guy takes Rias or my future harem

~Meanwhile inside the room~

Kinda offensive for Rias to sleep with Issei naked and he's a massive pervert and not me, biased much, and yes I'm jealous who wouldn't be well she will be mine eventually

As I started walking towards the door I could hear some whispers but I couldn't understand and obviously, I'm not going to get attacked it's too early in the storyline for this to happen

As I opened the door

"Welcome to the Peerage" shouted Akeno, Koneko, Asia, Kiba but not Issei

As they said this they opened their devil wings

When I looked around I saw a beautiful woman with long back hair and a big bust

Then I saw a cute girl with white hair that was shaped like cat ears and a flat chest

After her, I saw a girl with long blonde hair and a small chest

I saw Asia and Akeno had a small blush on their faces

~POV Change~

As the door opened we saw a handsome guy who looked in his teens with golden blonde hair and blood-red eyes

While he was handsome there was something different about him he seemed to be graceful with everything the way he walked, his hand movements even the way he breathed it was almost hypnotizing

But that wasn't all in his eyes was something demonic as expected of a devil but I could feel something else something divine

~Pov Change~

Weird did I do something to them why are they blushing but I guess I should introduce myself

"Hello everyone my name is Gilgamesh and I am a new devil and I should be in your care for a long time" After I said that I gave a charming smile and I could clearly feel Issei's discomfort causing me to smile even more

little did I know they were all questioning why I am not surprised about me being a devil




*Author Note Do you guys think I did an okay job writing this and if you find something incorrect please comment because I haven't watch DxD for a long time and may forget some details

Though it should get better because I am currently rewatching DxD so chapter uploads may be slower

Thanks for Reading:)

SevenHeavenlySinscreators' thoughts