
256. Slyfall

More time passed.

Noah had never stopped in his escape, he would only rest when his body reached its limits only to run again as soon as he recovered.

The continued use of the Warp spell and the relentless march were beginning to affect his psyche but he didn't dare to stop.

The Royals had cultivators in the heroic ranks at their disposal and Noah wouldn't bet on their negligence for his escape.

'If only I could stop overusing the Warp spell. Never mind, it's too dangerous.'

Noah was using his potions to refill as much mental energy as he could to support his spell.

The constant stress and efforts prevented for his mind to be at ease and slowed the pace at which his mental sphere produced energy, he had to resort to his stash of medicines to continue running.

Also, he could avoid using the Warp spell if he stopped crossing inhabited areas but he would risk entering in danger zones that way.