
Birth of Demonic Mage

Adui Hampshire, a normal mage and an alchemist from Laverdale who lived a pretty normal and depressing life. He had no social life, and work was everything to him. But when he is offered a job, that ultimately leads to some unknown treasure of the past, his curiosity gets better of him and he get entangles with people that he is no match for. These people rob him of everything that he holds dear in his life. Although left alive, Adui dies from inside. He starts transforming into this thing, a thing that could be described by one word. DEMONIC.

YashVardhan_OG · ファンタジー
62 Chs

Ulaspas Manor-2

With a sigh, Sara looked at her with pity. "It seemed like the great Tibba gave you a great set of big breasts but he failed to give you brains… If we attack then there is a chance that they could contact the J.M.A. and inform them about us. And if you don't remember, it is precisely why we planned to form a house first and then take over the throne. That way if J.M.A. hears about us, then they would brush it aside as it would be considered an inside matter."

"I know that! Jog your memory slut." Gizelle snapped, "I was the one who suggested we move this way and slowly carve our way to the top. But as now that is no longer an option, I think we should play this game more aggressively. It would be foolish to wait for any other opportunity to come by." 

Hearing her remarks Gloria who had been silent till then spoke, "I am with Gizelle. We should play it more aggressively."

Patrica was taken aback. Courteously, she asked, "Glori are you sure about this? You do understand what this woman is trying to say, right? Taking over the kingdom aggressively would not only gather the attention of neighboring kingdoms but also J.M.A." Gloria's expression didn't change as she heard Patrica's remarks. 

Sara then spoke, "Master, tell them that would be suicide. One simple call or one simple inquiry to the J.M.A. by the royal family could practically dig our graves." 

Kaisel then leaned forward and started rubbing his hands. It is only after thinking for a minute that he decides what to do next. "That crippled man had derailed your plans. But we still have a chance. I agree with Gizelle that waiting further would be foolish. Use the honey pot method and get close to the royal family and pick a target." All three of them nodded their heads after hearing his command. 

Gloria then grabbed his hand, seeing which he smiled, "You want to intervene, dont you?" 

Gloria sighed, "I didn't want to at first. But these three would need my help in securing the target…" 

He then turned towards the girls. "But let me make myself very clear. Gloria would only use her magic at a target, that you guys will lure to her. She would not intervene in any other way. This is your test, not hers. Remember that," Then all three women simultaneously said, "Yes master."

"Then dismiss." Then all three of them left and only Gloria and Kaisel stayed behind.

Gloria then got from her seat and came and sat on Kaisel's lap, and snuggled closer to him. "Should I work on a backup plan?" he then asked her passionately "You have something planned?"

"I might have." his mouth then moved closer to her and started devouring her luscious lips. His hands grabbed her waist and pinned her down on the sofa.

"Do what you have to do."


The small pathway to the Rose Valley was very moist and muddy, with every step Adui could feel the weight of his shoes increase as a small portion of mud would stick to it. It was a very silent night with the moon being the only source of light, and it was doing a pretty decent job illuminating the green forest all around him.

After finishing getting the deed of the land from both Baron Hubert and Geon, he made his way to a small village near the Rose Valley. He had the intention to travel to this valley and see for himself what it had to offer.

His journey to the village was very difficult especially when he had ditched Ben back in Huston, but all the extra work would be worth it if he could get his hands on inheritance if it exists.

His destination was the center of a basin formed by three mountains of the valley. It sounded simple at first, but it was not. The walk from the village to the basin was very difficult as there was a lot of climbing and descending involved. For a cripple like him, it was pretty dangerous as well as a tiring task.

As there were no big pathways, he had to travel on his foot and leave his horse behind. And if that was not enough, he could feel that there was something wrong with the valley.

Should I be worried? It is too damn fucking quiet out here. Since he had started descending in the valley, he had not heard the echoes of any animal. He had heard from the villagers that the forest in the valley is full of wildlife and the roars of mountain lions and howls of wolves echo all night in the basin.

He had prepared himself for anything that this valley might throw at him, but the silence of the valley was giving him another message.

As the villagers had told him, as he got to the center of the valley, the canopy of trees started blocking the moonlight. Before heading any further, he went off the trail to find a piece of wood and in return able to find a long stick.

He didn't want to dirty his cane any further, so he threw it inside the spatial bad that he got from Kaisel. From the same bag then he fished out a small bottle of sticky green glob. After smearing the green glob at one of the ends of the stick, he stored it right back inside.

He then folded his long sleeve up and raised his hands, his will then made mana inside his body to go to his arm. 

Ignite, he mumbled. 

A bright red color flame covered his whole palm, the flame didn't hurt his palm even though it was very hot. He then ignited the green stuff with the flame...

Now with a torch in his hands, he made his way deeper into the basin. Some of the villagers had told him that there were ruins at the dead center of the basin. And he was heading their way. 

Soon he started seeing moss-covered poles made of granite, the poles looked very ancient and had a lantern-like thing mounted on them. Seeing those moss-covered poles a smile bloomed on his face as he realized that he was getting closer to his destination.

After a 10-minute walk, he was finally able to reach the ruins that the villagers mentioned. These ruins were spread across a huge area, most of the walls of Ulaspas manor had long fallen on the ground, although some were still standing tall, but they looked quite fragile.

The ruins was mostly covered in moss and weeds, which made it quite hard for him to imagine what kind of place this used to be, it iwasonly after looking around the place did he found something very interesting.

In the dead center of the ruins was a big place that was as big as a ballroom. The interesting part about the room was that weeds and mosses around the room were clean, and the floor of the room was visible.

Exquisitically designed granite tiles were spread all across the floor. In the outer parts, every tile had some design on it, and together as a group, those tiles were making a very beautiful vines-like pattern on the floor. The center of the room was covered with much smaller tiles of different colors compared to the outer parts, together they were making an image of a very beautiful red flower.

The red flower had broad leaves and a stem full of thorns. He did not know much about flowers but he couldn't deny it, this is really one of the most beautiful flowers that he had ever seen in his life.

Wait a fucking minute. This floor… is too fucking clean compared to the other room's floors. He then knelt down on the ground and swiped his finger on the floor. No dust got stuck to his fingers.

Either this floor is magical and that is why it is so clean. Or someone very recently cleaned this floor. It was then he heard the cracking sound of dried twigs from behind. He turned around, only to be face to face with a black hooded figure with red glowing eyes.