
Birth of Demonic Mage

Adui Hampshire, a normal mage and an alchemist from Laverdale who lived a pretty normal and depressing life. He had no social life, and work was everything to him. But when he is offered a job, that ultimately leads to some unknown treasure of the past, his curiosity gets better of him and he get entangles with people that he is no match for. These people rob him of everything that he holds dear in his life. Although left alive, Adui dies from inside. He starts transforming into this thing, a thing that could be described by one word. DEMONIC.

YashVardhan_OG · ファンタジー
62 Chs

Truth Revealed

'There was no other way Kaisel. There was no other way.' He reminded himself, as he was feeling guilty.

He touched the glass chamber holding Gloria, she was fully submerged in green liquid with only a small tube for breathing attached to her nose. She had been confined in this chamber since she had overdosed on red crystals, according to the standard procedure, she had to stay here for a few more months before he should let her out, but there had been a change in plans.

Currently, he couldnt afford to run this operation with the number of people that he has right now, which is why he needed her, there was no other way. Patrica needed a firm hand in the herding group, and Gizelle was not the one for the post. That is why he needed to get Gloria out. He knew that if he were to take her out before the process of detoxification was completed, she would suffer, and with her, he would as well. But he had no choice…

With a heavy heart, he went to the side panel of the chamber, with just one push of the button, the glass chamber broke and all the fluid came pouring out, soiling his robes, but he didnt care about that, he was most concerned about Gloria who also came out with the flowing liquid.

She washed up on the floor, now finally out, he saw that she was very weak, all of her muscles and body fat had vanished, and now she was all skin and bone. He instantly ran to his side and checked her body condition, she was fine, she was breathing, but was unconscious, it would take some time for her to recover, but she would be fine. He then picked her up in a princess carry and took her to their room.

It took Gloria some time to regain consciousness and then regain her bearing, and when she did, he was standing by her side, ready to comfort her…

She clenched her head. "Argh… How long was it out for?"

"2-3 months." Hearing his answer, she looked up, ignoring her pain.

She jumped and sat up straight. "What? Why did you wake me up so soon? Did something happen?"

He grabbed her shoulders and calmed her down. "We do have a situation. But everything is under control. We just needed an extra pair of hands."

She raised her eyebrows. "What the hell happened? And what was the task that those three little whores couldnt handle?" He then pushed her down again, making her lie down.

He then made an angry face. "Remember the Adui Hampshire, the fucker that was snooping around the manor? That fucker stole the inheritance."

She was not surprised. "He did? Even after meeting me? That fucker needs some Gloria's love it seems."

He shook his dead. "He is dead." She raised her eyebrow once more. "So what is the problem?"

He sighed. "Adui possessed the artifact carrying the inheritance. I saw the artifact with my own eyes at his house, but at times I didnt know what it was. But now I know."

She sighed. "So what is the problem? Cannot find the artifact?"

"Yeah. When we killed him, we set his place on fire. And then we lost it."

"What would you do now?"

"I dont know. I know for a fact that the artifact couldnt be destroyed by mere fire, Franc Ulaspas must have made sure of that. But for now, the artifact is missing. I have sent Sara to gather any information that she can about the artifact. But for now, we are in the dark."

She sighed, it is then she clenched her head once again, and her body started convulsing, it looked like she was having a seizure.

"KAISEL!" she screamed.

While he, on the other hand, stayed seated in his place, not even fazed by her seizures, he then slowly got up, rolled up his sleeves, and prepared himself. After a few seconds of convulsing. Gloria suddenly became still like a statue. Her eyes were closed, and it looked like she had fallen asleep again.

Abruptly, she opened her eyes, and her eyes were bloodshot, she looked at him while bearing her teeth, and like a rabid animal she started snarling at him, and before he knew it, she jumped on him, trying to take a bite out of his neck. As he was ready for the attack, he held her in place, it took all of his power, but he was able to constraint her in his arms.

She struggled a lot, she screamed and tried to bite him, but he didnt let her get close to her, he had been prepared for this. After a few minutes of struggle, she suddenly stopped, her bloodshot started showing some clarity, her drolling stopped and she regained control of her body.

It is then he let her go and let her lied down on his bed again. She looked tired, but with a small smile on her face, she asked him. "Did I at least manage to take a bite of you?"

He smiled back. "Nope. Not a chance." Both of them chuckled. She then closed her eyes and fell asleep.

As he was about to leave her here, his attention went to his pocket, he fished out a silver palm-size glass that was vibrating. He tapped the glass with his finger and Sara appeared in the glass.

"Did you find something?" he asked, hoping for some sort of clue.

Sara nodded. "I have some leads, but I am going now to check them out. But during the investigation, I found something, that I think you should know."

"What is it?"

"Drac or Ado, whatever he was... I think he might still be alive."

He raised his eyebrows. "What? No. That is not possible. I made Gizelle give him poison before we set off. And then I set fire to his house. If poison didnt killed him, surely fire would have done the job. I am sure of it."

"Well, just now I checked the memory of a guy, he was responsible for keeping an eye on Drac, and the Royal family ordered him to do so. This guy's memory showed me that they never recovered the body Drac."

He looked confused. "The poison would have surely killed the guy instantly… Did someone take his body?"

"I should i know that?"

"Do you have any lead on the artifact?"

"I have some."

After thinking for a while, he spoke. "Check your leads, if they lead you to a dead end, then start looking Adui. If he is indeed alive, then there is a chance that the cube might still be with him."

"Alright." Then Sara disconnected the call.

It is only after talking to Sara, did Kaisel starts thinking about how Adui could have managed to slip away from the situation. He knew that there was no way that antidote of any type could have been administered to him in the time frame that they left him with.

'If there was no antidote, then how the hell did that guy manage to slip away alive?'

He also started thinking about the chances that he got something out of the cube, maybe that would have helped him to slip away, but he then dropped that idea. From what he remembers about the cube, it was not fully solved when he first saw it, he was close to solving the damn thing, but it was not solved.

'Before going into his house, I made sure that the people keeping an eye on him and his house were all taken care of. I did perform magic on those guys myself, so there was no chance of error in that. So what I am missing?' he thought…

After he had tucked Gloria in the bed, he went to the only people who were with him that night, he wanted to ask them whether they saw something peculiar that night, maybe they would be able to answer his concerns. When he entered the Pig Pen, he saw Patrica and Gizelle sitting and having tea.

Both the girls stood up as they saw him coming in. "Kaisel." Patrica greeted him.

"What are you girls doing?" he thought that he should start by lightening the mood.

Gizelle then raised her cup. "We were just having some herbal tea."

He nodded and then decided to be direct about it, "Girls, I am not here to ruin your tea time or anything like that. I am just here to ask you guys some questions."

Patrica then chimed in. "Like what?"

"I wanted to know whether you saw or find something peculiar the day we killed Adui. Did you find something peculiar about him or did you feel something weird about him?

Both the girls gave it a thought, and in the end, both of them shook their heads, they couldnt think of anything. Patrica then couldnt help but ask. "Why are you asking?"

He sighed. "Well as it turns out, Adui or Drac Ula is still alive. That fucker's body was not found in the debris."

Kaisel noticed a subtle change in Gizelle's expression. Gizelle then spoke, "Well, that is strange indeed. But are we investigating that nobody?"

"That nobody may possess the secret inheritance of Franc Ulaspas." Kaisel said, shocking both of them with the revelation. "I dont know how, nor do I know when. But I saw an artifact in that fucker's house that day. I am suspicious that the artifact that I saw was the inheritance that I am looking for."

Patrica then clenched her fist. "We have to find him. Alive."

"Yeah that is the thing, we dont know where that fucker went. I think that he might still be in Laverdale, but that is just a very optimistic guess, nothing more. By now he could be anywhere on the island, making it very hard for us to find out his whereabouts."

Patrica nodded and went back to sipping her tea when he noticed that Gizelle on the other hand didnt dare to make eye contact with him, and was uneasy at the moment. Sensing something peculiar, he asked her, "Gizelle, are you sure that you made the poison correctly that day?" She looked up, terrified as she didnt know what to say.

He instantly noticed her uneasiness. "Are you okay?" he asked. She meekly nodded her head, so he asked, "So why look so tense?"

She didnt answer, and this time Patrica also noticed that she was acting weirdly. "Gizelle is something troubling you?

Then letting go of the facade, he asked her straight away, "Gizelle, answer me." He said authoritatively, using to seal to make her tell the truth. "Did you poison Drac?"

She didnt say anything, and started looking down, she was not making eye contact. In the end, he used the seal on her compelled her to tell him everything. She was able to resist the seal for a few seconds, but then she broke and spoke. "No." She replied in a low voice…