
Birth of Demonic Mage

Adui Hampshire, a normal mage and an alchemist from Laverdale who lived a pretty normal and depressing life. He had no social life, and work was everything to him. But when he is offered a job, that ultimately leads to some unknown treasure of the past, his curiosity gets better of him and he get entangles with people that he is no match for. These people rob him of everything that he holds dear in his life. Although left alive, Adui dies from inside. He starts transforming into this thing, a thing that could be described by one word. DEMONIC.

YashVardhan_OG · ファンタジー
62 Chs


In a trance, Charlotte stared at the chandelier above her luxurious bed. Her eyes stung badly, but she didnt care. All she could think about was her son's condition, it had been more than a month since his accident, and still, he was not showing any signs of waking up, which was making her worry.

She was tired out of her mind, black circles had formed under her eyes, but still, she refused to sleep. She felt that if she sleeps, and then her son calls for her, and she doesn't wake up. Or what if he passes away while she is sleeping? She would never be able to forgive herself if that were to happen.

Long gone was the Queen feared and envied by other nobles, now she was just a broken rich warrior, who although wants to have revenge, didn't know how. Now she had become this useless woman, with no motivation or drive. Jarad was her last hope of finding something about her enemy, but that turned out nothing more than a waste of time.

She was lost and didn't know where to go next, or what to do. She was out of ideas, like her, the council that used to give her sane advice for most of her tenure, was also out of ideas.

At this moment in her life, she was even considering the possibility of fetching her trusted sword and barging into Gizelle Salvatore's mansion and demanding some answer from her. Fuck all the politics, fuck all the noble customs, she wanted blood, she wanted some heads, and she wanted them now.


The sound of the horn got her out of her trance, it was a signal that was blown when an enemy had broken into the palace.

My son!

She immediately jumped on her feet, and instantly ran towards her sword that hanging on the walls as a mere decoration. By that time she started sensing people gathering outside her room, they were elite soldiers there to protect her from any harm. They were there so that no one would be able to make it to her room, but she didn't need any protection, she wanted blood.

With her sword raised, she exited her room, "What are you guys doing here? Who is with my son?" The commander of the group came forward. "Madame, we are tasked to save the crown in times like this…"

Before he could complete his sentence, she cut him off. "I am the strongest warrior in this fucking kingdom. I dont need your protection. But my son does. Believe me when I say this commander, if something does happen to him, I will have all your heads on a spike!" she then pushed him away and started running towards her son's chambers.

The elite force of soldiers shrugged, and started running after her…

Her heart started pounding faster and faster, the carnage before her was making her feel uneasy, so blood, so many corpses lying around in his son's little palace, she feared for worse, her imagination was not helping as well, it was going wild, she started imagining the corpse of her son, mutilated, her baby boy, lying in the pool of his own blood.

Tears started flowing down her cheeks, as she hastily followed the carnage, she eventually got to his room, the dead bodies of the guards that were stationed outside her room were the last straw for her, and she started crying her eyes out. None of the soldiers have ever seen Queen behave in such a way before, but there was nothing that could do at that moment.

When they entered the room, they feared the worst, but they were all quite surprised to see a clean room. There was no one in the room, Prince's bed was empty, and there was no sign of struggle or blood anywhere, seeing this a ray of hope ignited in Charlotte's heart.

As she was about to bark some orders to find out what happened here, it is when one soldier barged into Prince's room, as this newcomer was covered in blood from top to bottom, he was cornered by the elite soldiers, and they all acted too fast for that one, they instantly subdued him and got him on his knees.

"Identify yourself!" the commander barked.

"My name is Joel, commander, 10th battalion private, sir. I am here to meet the Queen."

"What do you want with me soldier?" she asked.

"My queen, you have to stop Prince Rupert. There is something wrong with him!" he yelled.

"Prince Rupert?" she was confused by his words.

"Yes my queen, he is the intruder of the palace. He is killing anyone that comes in front of him. My battalion was wiped out by him." Tears started falling down his eyes. "He killed everyone. Everyone!"

She didn't know what to think about all of this, there was a chance that this soldier was lying to her, trying to lure her in a trap, but she was ready to take a risk, after all, her son's life was at stake here. She then gestured to leave the soldier alone, out of bounds, the soldier got on his knees in front of her. "Show me the way soldier. And tell me everything that you know."


General Tarrain and his men stood their ground, they received a message that the Prince was going on a rampage, killing everyone in sight, thus he and his men waited beside the communication tower, ready to face the Prince.

Everyone was ready for battle, they were armed to boot, ready to subdue and capture the Prince, he was also ready, but unlike his soldiers, he knew the truth, there was no way they could subdue the Prince. He acted as if he was ready for the fight, but in reality, he was not. Their opponent is none other than Rupert Gorgon, the crown prince of the Gorgon kingdom.

Rupert was like another son to him, when he heard that he was attacking the royal palace, at first he refused to believe it, after all, he didn't have any reason to attack the palace in the first place, but after getting multiple reports of the same incident, he started believing in it.

He was an old man, he was also a Rank-15 as the prince himself. Which is why he was unsure who would be the winner if they fought. Both of them have similar power and experience, but the Prince is many years younger than him, thus that young man has a slight edge over him.

Who would be the winner, he could not tell, but he did know that when they will fight, one mistake could cost him his life…