
Birth of Demonic Mage

Adui Hampshire, a normal mage and an alchemist from Laverdale who lived a pretty normal and depressing life. He had no social life, and work was everything to him. But when he is offered a job, that ultimately leads to some unknown treasure of the past, his curiosity gets better of him and he get entangles with people that he is no match for. These people rob him of everything that he holds dear in his life. Although left alive, Adui dies from inside. He starts transforming into this thing, a thing that could be described by one word. DEMONIC.

YashVardhan_OG · ファンタジー
62 Chs

Jeremy Ula

As the Queen and her people left the inn, only then Adui was able to sigh with relief. The meeting only took place for about 5 min, but it was the most intense 5 minutes that he had experienced recently. He wanted to tell the truth, he wanted to tell Queen about the dangers of Ulaspas family, but he could not, he had his shellfish reasons.

When he made this plan, originally he wanted to convince the person coming to meet him to urge Queen Charlotte to contact J.M.A. as soon as possible. But as the Queen herself walked into his room, he thought that his job would become a little bit easier. But the news about the communication tower being destroyed completely shattered his whole plan.

He had planned that with his testimony, the Royal Family would contact J.M.A. and then they would take care of those pale white bastards, but now that was not possible. And now everyone living in this kingdom was in deep shit. Those books that were stored in the trunk had told him everything that he needed to know about Ulaspas family. And what he found out, was not pretty to say at least.

Hiding those books from the royal family was a very greedy decision, he didnt want them to know about the horrors that those books offer. Those books were the inheritance of Jeremy Ula, better known in the world as Franc Ulaspas.

According to the records of the kingdom, that Jarad found, Franc Ulaspas was supposed to be this hero who ended the ice age and killed a Magical Beast that wreaked havoc throughout Hearthgrove Island. But after reading the books, he realized that the man was no hero, he was the villain…

Adui stood up and walked to his window, he peeked outside to see three hooded figures exiting the inn, it was only after they had left, did he returned back to his seat. He sat down and started thinking about his next plans, the way he was now, he could not do anything, but he could act in the dark and try to give the Royal family a way to fight back.

The Great Beast of the Ice Age, better known as Vampas was a creation of Franc Ulapas's own creation. Not only that, those books contained records that told him that Franc deliberately let the beast wreak havoc around the kingdom so that he could gather better insight into his experiments.

Vampas are the reason that the Ulaspas family was here. Those beasts when devour mortal bodies produce these crystals in their body, which has incredible healing properties. It is the same crystal from which Gloria tortured him. It is a highly addictive substance that not only could heal but also increase the potential of the user. But it has its drawbacks as well. When a person uses it for a prolonged period or uses it excessively, it could make the awakened one's body stiff. And if they dont stop that then they will turn to statues.

By reading the books he knows how dangerous those beasts, or Vampas, really are. The way they are described in the books, he knows the ins and outs of the creatures, he knows their strength, and he knows their weaknesses, but he cannot outright spread the information. If he were to do that the Royal Family would surely ask about his source, and there was a high chance that the Ulaspas family would pay the visit to the genius who discovered the weakness of Vampas. So he was stuck between a rock and a hard place.

As Adui sat down, he remembered the letter that he had with him, it was the letter that he found in the trunk, it was the last testimony of Jeremy Ula, he immediately took it out, and read it once again, just for the sake of it…



The person who found the box.

I dont know who you are, what you are and what have you done. There is a chance that you are someone who has no idea about the contents of this trunk, and there is also a chance that the person you are the person who found my lab in Isla Continent, and that is why you are here. But whoever had found this box, and managed to open it in time, I congratulate you, now you own the last creation of Franc Ulaspas, the greatest Dark Mage the world has ever seen.

There are many things that I want to write in the letter, I want to tell someone my story, and I want the world to know my story, but alas, this piece of parchment is not long enough and I know that no one would care about kind life I lived. From what I have seen so far, the world will always remember me as the monster that I became, not the guy who I was.

I dont know whether you will destroy my last creation, or keep it. But I want you to know that there is only one thing that I have learned in my life, and that is, that strength can only be achieved with some sacrifice. If you are willing to sacrifice everything, from your humanity to sanity, for the sake of strength. Then this inheritance will help you.

There are a lot of things that I have not worked out, all of the books, The Ritual, it is all theoretical. I have not perfected nor experimented on the effects of the ritual, I dont know what would happen if you manage to complete the ritual, but I know this, you will gain strength as no one has seen before.

But it will cost you a lot.

Before ending the letter, I want to come clean. My experiments, my research, and my work have only brought misery to me and the world. In my end days, my research took the life of the woman who loved me despite knowing who I was and what I have done.

I wanted to destroy my work, but I couldnt bring myself to destroy it, so I hid it, out in the open. I designed to seal off the puzzle in such a way that it would explode if the puzzle is not solved in a month, destroying my work and you with it.

But as you are able to read this letter, I know that someone was able to open the box. Use the knowledge that I have left behind very carefully.

Yours truly

Jeremy Ula AKA Franc Ulaspas


At first, Aduiwas shocked to read that he was supposed to explode as he was not able to solve the cube on time. But after reading books on Ulaspas family seals, he realized that when Kaisel implanted a seal on him, the seal that he got from Cube and his slave counter-attacked each other, making both of them void. In a way he should be thankful to Kaisel, he saved him from a very gruesome death.


2 weeks later.

Adui looked at the capital city stretched before him, Queen Charlotte had provided him with a mansion to live the rest of his miserable life, from the window of his study he could see the dense Gorgon City in all its glory, it was a rather beautiful scene, but he couldnt care less, his mind was preoccupied somewhere else, so much so that he could not appreciate the beautiful view.

Just a week ago, he got a piece of very devastating news, apparently, a city has fallen, no one was left alive, and all the populace of the city was badly mutilated by wild beasts, he knew precisely what that meant, while on the other hand, the rulers of this hunk of rock had no idea what that signified…

Because of the fall of the city, the Royal Family had called for extra arms from the whole kingdom, every awakened nobility was supposed to answer the call and send some of their able-bodied awakened ones for the expedition that the Royal Family had planned, they had decided to hunt these beasts down.

Also, the royal family had also declared Gizelle Salvatore a traitor, anyone who is found to be collaborating with her or with her comrades would be deemed a Traitor as well and will be executed swiftly, for the sake of justice of the Queen. All of these were futile steps, Gizelle had comrades that the Royal Family could not touch, all of this was a small tactic so that they could close all doors for Ulaspas scums, but it was not an effective strategy, he knew that.

The worrisome part was the Vampas had managed to destroy a whole city, which meant that now their numbers were in their 100s, he didnt know whether the destroyed city had any awakened one in its fighting force or not, but from what he had read about them, he figured that with this city, those monsters would become enough strong to go against awakened ones as well.

Currently, 5 cities in the kingdom are most secure from the Vampas, 4 of them belong to Dukes, they all have strong awakened forces that could repel an attack from those monsters, and the last one is the capital itself. According to his calculation, The Vampas would need to devour 5-6 more cities before they could get strong enough to tackle these megacities, and then there would be no place left to hide…


He turned around. "Come in." A maid came in and bowed to him. "Sir, Lady Clair and her family with an old man named Ben are here to meet you."

He nodded. He pushed himself up from his chair, grabbed his crutches, and started going down. He had become slower than before, so it took him a few minutes to get to the living area, as he silently walked in, he saw Ben and Clair looking out the window, the garden of the mansion was very beautiful and they were admiring it, sitting on the sofa were two angels who were two little copies of Clair.

The angels were jumping up and down the sofa when one of them spotted him, the girl stopped and became horrified as she saw his face, soon her sister followed her gaze and saw him, it is then they both ran towards their mother and hugged her legs, Clair when saw this turned around to see him.

Her mouth opened wide apart and she gasped. "Adui." She mumbled, which got the attention of Ben who also turned around.

He bloomed the brightest smile on his face. "It's good to see you guys."

It is then Clair gently pushed her daughters aside, she then walked up to him slowly, her eyes getting watery as she got closer to him, by the time she stood before him, her eyes started bawling her heart out. She stared at his disfigured figure, she opened her mouth to say something, but soon closed it, she couldnt get herself to say anything to him.

"It is good to see you again Clair." She nodded, holding back her tears. "It is good…" she took a deep breath. "..to see you too."

Immediately she gave him a big old bear hug, his body was in no condition to suffer through the pain, still, he gritted his teeth and endured it, the smell of Clair's hair, her being in his proximity was giving him enough strength to endure all the pain that his body gave him.

They then all sat down and started chatting with each other, Clair was very interested in knowing what had happened, and then she got very angry and frustrated as no one was telling her anything. He insisted that the less she knew, the less danger she would be in. When she saw that he was not budging, she quietly backed down, and then she introduced her daughters to him.

Diane and Julia were very terrified of him, he could see that on their faces, but when he showed them a little magic that he could do now, the girls soon got over their fears, and then all of them started chatting and playing around, soon the hallways of the mansion were filled with laughs of the little girls, making the gloomy place a little more cheerful.