
Birth of Demonic Mage

Adui Hampshire, a normal mage and an alchemist from Laverdale who lived a pretty normal and depressing life. He had no social life, and work was everything to him. But when he is offered a job, that ultimately leads to some unknown treasure of the past, his curiosity gets better of him and he get entangles with people that he is no match for. These people rob him of everything that he holds dear in his life. Although left alive, Adui dies from inside. He starts transforming into this thing, a thing that could be described by one word. DEMONIC.

YashVardhan_OG · ファンタジー
62 Chs

End of Adui Hampshire-1

Adui had been working on the cube for a few days now, after completing the first two layers, he had come to a point where he had to get a little bit creative to work on the last layer.

After getting to this stage, he started working on a set of moves, an intuitive way to move the pieces of the last layer around, without actually scrambling the first two layers. Coming up with these moves was hard enough, the harder part was to keep up with how each move changes and affects the orientation of a particular piece.

He had found some moves that could change the places of 2 given pieces but also could change their orientation as well. He had found some moves that changed the orientation of all the side pieces at the same time.

He had been struggling and working on these moves for a long time, but today something happened that gave him an idea. As he came back from the City Watch's Tower, while rotating the doorknob of his door, he had an epiphany. The rotation of the doorknob gave him an idea of a move set that could change the place of centerpieces of a layer, he already found the one from which he could change their orientation.

Soon, he was able to come up with a similar move set from which he was able to shift the corner pieces around and he already knew how to change the orientation of these pieces.

He realized that if he was smart about it, it would only take these 4 move sets to solve the whole cube. He just needs to apply them intuitively, so that everything falls right in place. He ran inside, got on his desk, took the cube from his spatial pouch, and started working on it. While working, he got so lost that he didn't notice the time fly by…

Wait a minute, is this it? He looked at the cube again. It was not solved yet, but all the pieces of the cube were in such an orientation, such that, it would only take one simple move set, and the cube would be solved.

He couldn't help but chuckle. He then instantly got up and raised his hands in the air, he had won, he had solved the cube, finally. This felt like a dream to him.

He slapped himself just to make sure this wasn't a dream. He got on his desk once more, he took the cube in his hands to check it one last time, he could have been wrong after all. But the results remained the same. He was just one move set away from solving the cube forever.


He looked down, his stomach was roaring, he was hungry. He smiled and then put down the cube back on the table.

With a spring in his step, he went to the kitchen, it was then he realized that he thought that the sun was about to set, he had wasted one whole day on that cube. But he didn't have one ounce of guilt, instead, he was happy.

He put up a pan on the stove and started melting butter, he was about to reheat the steak from the morning. He put some garlic clove and some other herbs into melting butter. When the butter had reached a certain temperature, he brought his lovely steak from his dining table.

Nice and slow, he reheated the meat, soaking it in hot piping butter. Once again his house was filled with the delicious smell of steak. Although he was hungry, he took his sweet time in preparing it, because this steak was very special, it would not only ease his hunger but also would serve as a celebration dinner. So he wanted it to be perfect.

He had a fine bottle of wine, someone gifted it to Gizelle a few years ago, but he forgot to give it to her. He would have never heard the end of it if she had realized that she received this gift after a 3-month delay, so he decided to keep it.

She wouldn't have cared about the bottle anyway. Although he was not a fan of drinking, today was a special occasion, so tonight he decided to get hammered.

He lit up a nice scented candle in between the table, accompanied by a fine quartz glass filled with blood red wine, beside which was a plate full of delicious and juicy steak, this dinner was perfect.

While sitting, he looked at the empty chair beside him, which made his happiness fade away. He had no one to share his achievements with. His only friend didn't want to talk to him, and he didn't have any family. He was all alone.

After a moment of self-pity, he started eating. The juices inside the steak were still preserved and they squirted all over the plate as he cut himself a piece. He picked up the juicy piece with his fork and was about to eat it.


It was then he felt a movement of mana from his left, he turned but saw nothing.

"A steak dinner? What the occasion?" Hearing a female voice from his right startled him, he fell from his chair and saw Patrica Ulaspas standing beside him. He recognized from the muscles she had, otherwise, he would have mistaken her for Sara.

"Milady!" he was surprised to see her in his house. It was then he felt mana moving behind his back, before he could turn around, someone kicked him from behind, making him fly towards the nearest wall, decimating his dining table in the process.

He broke his nose as he slammed into the wall, he could feel blood trickle down from his nose to his mouth, it stung like hell. He groaned while clutching his nose, it was then he felt a tug, someone grabbed his shirt and pulled him up. They then made him sit down on a chair.

He opened his eyes, to be greeted by Gizelle, she had a signature smirk on her face, probably she was the one that kicked him. Patrica showing off her iconic muscles-covered body, stood to the right, expressionlessly, staring down at him. It was then he heard heavy footsteps, it was coming from his study room, and someone else was there.

His heart skipped a beat when he heard footsteps, the cube was in the room from where he heard the footsteps, and it was lying on his table where it was visible to anyone. If someone realizes what that cube is, then he is as good as dead.

"You wanna give it ago?" Patrica asked Gizelle, She shook her head. "I don't wanna get my hands dirty with his blood" Patrica shrugged her shoulders. "Suit yourself."

She then came and stood before him, before he could say something in his defense, Patricia landed very soft a punch to his stomach. From an outsider's eyes, that punch may have not looked like much, but it carried insane power. As it landed, he felt all of his innards being crushed simultaneously. He instantly started vomiting blood.