
Birth of Demonic Mage

Adui Hampshire, a normal mage and an alchemist from Laverdale who lived a pretty normal and depressing life. He had no social life, and work was everything to him. But when he is offered a job, that ultimately leads to some unknown treasure of the past, his curiosity gets better of him and he get entangles with people that he is no match for. These people rob him of everything that he holds dear in his life. Although left alive, Adui dies from inside. He starts transforming into this thing, a thing that could be described by one word. DEMONIC.

YashVardhan_OG · ファンタジー
62 Chs

Drac Ula-2

"I understand milord." Adui simply said. He could not understand the motive of this move, but he didn't voice out his concerns.

This time Sara chimed in. "And for the love of Tibba, change your fucking name. Adui, it is such a weird name."

"My name?" He was unsure, he quite liked his name.

"Yeah, your name." Patrica also joined in the conversation. "Adui is a very weird name. Think about the position you would be handling in the future, you would become a laughing stock with that name."

"Ah…" He was speechless. He knew that his name was weird, his father was the last surviving member of a tribe of this land, and he named him after the greatest warrior in the tribe's history.

Many people have commented in the past about his name, but he never changed it, his name was the only remembrance of his father, and he didn't want to let it go.

"Do you have a name in your mind, Sara?" Kaisel asked, to which she was happy to answer. "I don't know. It should be something that emanates power you know. Like Arthur, Cleagane, Drac, or Nathan."

"What about Drac? It means Lesser Dragon, yes? It would be a suitable name for him." Patrica said. Gizelle shook her head at her words, she didn't like his new name. "He doesn't look like a Drac, even a fart could blow him away, no one would believe him to be a Drac."

Till then Kaisel had already made his decision, he ignored Gizelle's comment and moved on. "Let's just settle on Drac. We don't have all day to think of names.". It was then he raised his hand and a magic circle formed in the air. As the circle glowed brighter, Adui started feeling agonizing pain from the right side of his chest. He ripped his shirt open only to see, a burn stamp of insignia of the Ulaspas family had formed on his right side chest.

Kaisel stood up, and then continued "Adui Hampshire, rise from your seat," he did what he was ordered. In a blink of an eye, Kaisel made his way to him. "Get on your knees." he complied.

"From today onwards, you are part of the Ulapas family, you are this family's 3rd rate member. From this day onwards you will abandon the name of Adui Hampshire forever and take the mantle of Drac Ula forever. You will serve this family and follow their every order till the day you die. If a day comes when you fail to follow orders, this mark of slavery will give you such an agonizing death that even Dryads would be put to shame. Are my orders clear?"

"Yes, milord." Kaisel smiled. "Now stand up, do you have more questions?"

Everything happened so quickly, that he still couldn't process what had transpired. "Milord, can I keep my surname? That surname is the legacy of father's tribe and I want to keep it alive."

Kaisel shaked his head. "No, you may not, the bearers of Ula surname had always been servants of the Ulaspas family. And you would honor that tradition as well. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."


As Adui was walking back home, his mind was racing with thoughts about what had happened, Opening a potions emporium in the capital, to increase their influence. What the fuck are they planning? I thought they were here for the inheritance.

The Ulaspas family members were searching for the inheritance, he knew it. But why would they need to increase the influence in the capital? What possibly could they get out of such an investment?

Why am I getting a feeling their visit to this land was never about the acquisition of land where inheritance is located? I think they might have come here for inheritance, but they also have something else planned. But the main question is what exactly does this island have to offer that is making such strong people go crazy?

He had a lot of theories and speculation about their motives, but in the end, nothing could be said for sure, especially not without any proof or information.

They are after something else, but what could that be? He had read about most of the cities that had ever existed in this kingdom, and none of them mentioned a resource that could make such high-ranking people go crazy, so it was safe to assume that whatever they were after, it is either far older than the records of the kingdom or is a relatively new resource which he does not know about, but they do.

Now that the Ulaspas family officially had a hold on him, he had officially gotten mixed with people whose power he could not even fathom, and in a way, he had already taken something of great importance from them.

The only good thing about his situation was that he could complete his first ring, he could surpass Rank-10, and become a Rank-11 Mage. He thought that he would never be able to reach that height, but now it was not his dream anymore, it was his future…

Tired and stressed from his life, Adui wandered in the streets of Laverdale, thinking of ways from which he could get out of that family's grasp. It was a fruitless walk, the only thing he acquired from the walk was a headache.

Now, tired he decided that it would be best to go home and relax, he was not in immediate danger, so he should take things slowly, for now at least.

While walking he eventually came across the business street of Laverdale. This street has many shops ranging from clothes, weapons, potions, books, clothes, and many more, Gizelle's shop was also on this street. Walking through the busiest street of Laverdale, he couldn't help but wonder about the shop that he would open in the capital.

He knew the potion-making inside and out, he could handle that part pretty well, he could also handle logistics and customer support, in a way he could run a successful shop without anyone's help. All he needed to do was find a suitable shop that would serve his needs pretty well.

I should probably find a shop with a good support structure, or maybe I should commission one. Gizelle's shop may look good, but the material used to make the building was so bad that the building itself is a travesty. And most importantly, that damn basement was a literal sinkhole.

Gizelle had to spend a significant amount of money to make the building suitable for trading, but that would not happen with his shop, he would see to it.

It was a funny joke for him, because sometimes his workers and he used to joke around that builder of that monstrosity must have made the walls of the building first, then it had built the basement.

Wait a minute, when making a building, usually, builders construct a secure base, and then they move up, assembling all the other floors as it goes up.

He had an epiphany, he was doing everything wrong from the start, the cube was never supposed to be solved face by face, it was supposed to be solved it as if he was constructing a building, from bottom to top…