
Birth of Demonic Mage

Adui Hampshire, a normal mage and an alchemist from Laverdale who lived a pretty normal and depressing life. He had no social life, and work was everything to him. But when he is offered a job, that ultimately leads to some unknown treasure of the past, his curiosity gets better of him and he get entangles with people that he is no match for. These people rob him of everything that he holds dear in his life. Although left alive, Adui dies from inside. He starts transforming into this thing, a thing that could be described by one word. DEMONIC.

YashVardhan_OG · ファンタジー
62 Chs

Cold Mansion-1

The feeling of dread only increased for Adui, as he went a very familiar path to the mansion, the knight felt like the gatekeeper of hell, the cheerful and warm manor of Gizelle had transformed into a dark and gloomy place, which felt as if it was the house of the lord of hell.

Even the concentration of mana around the mansions was bonkers, he had never felt so much mana in one place, and such high concentration was even making him suffocate a little bit.

As they got to the door, the knight pushed the heavy mahogany doors of the mansion with a simple push from its hand, it was pretty impressive considering it usually takes around 4 people to open those heavy doors.

The heavy doors which usually used to open a gateway to a warm, cozy, and large luxurious mansion, today opened to the gateway to hell itself. Cold winds which could freeze even the fiercest fire came at them at full force when the doors were opened, with the breeze also came the thick smell of blood as well which made him rethink his decision to come to this place.

The knight turned around then started staring at him again. Its brown emotionless eyes felt as though they could see through him. "Shall we go in?" he asked the knight, who in turn chose to remain silent.

Is this guy mute, he thought. "Are you standing here because I need to go in alone?" The knight simply nodded his head. After taking one look inside the dark and cold mansion, he hesitated. I changed my mind, I don't wanna do this. Fuck the job.

It was then he looked back at the emotionless eyes of the giant standing beside him, he was tempted to run away here, and he was about to, but it was then the giant made his move, with a very slight but heavy push, the giant made him enter the manor.

The gate slammed shut as soon as he stumbled inside. Now alone in a very cold manor with its dark corridor, he started fearing for his life, the smell of blood was very thick inside, and the darkness was making his skin crawl in fear.

He couldn't deny it, he was a little curious about the smell of blood, the whole place smelled like multiple massacres happened here very recently and this place had bathed in the blood of all its victims. But he knew that wasn't true as he came to this manor not too long ago.

You are too young to die here Adui. Let's just meet that bitch's master and get out of here, as quickly as you can. Looking around the manor, he saw that there were no movements anywhere. "Hello? Is anyone there? Martha! Are you here?" he yelled, trying to call the head maid of the house. But he got no response. Where is everyone?

It was then he felt movements in mana on his right, he turned his head to see nothing there.

My senses are going bonkers in this place.

He then decided that he should go and look for the bitch's master himself, but before he could take a step, he heard a hoarse and ancient voice from his back

"Impressive senses you have, young mage." Startled as well as terrified by the voice, he took a wrong step and fell down on the floor. The cold floor of the manor did hurt a little, but the pain was nothing compared to the chills that he got when he saw the man who spoke.

The man had pale skin as if blood had never flown through its veins, his body skinny yet filled with muscles, and ruby-red eyes similar to Gizelle's but somehow more terrifying than hers. And he had silky white hair which came down to his waist combined with his pale white skin made the man look like a terrifying ghost.

The man was standing fully naked, he only hid his private with a silk loin cloth and stood there as if he was trying to show off his chiseled statue-like body. "…Did I startle you boy?" the man asked in an emotionless hoarse voice. The voice got him out of his stupor. He then collected himself and pushed himself up. "Oh… I am sorry for such an unsightly behavior milord. I get startled very easily."

"Who are you? And why have you come here?" the man asked while observing him from top to bottom.

"My name is Adui Hampshire, milord. Lady Gizelle send me here saying that you have a task for me."

"Ah… Gizelle sent you. Good, I was expecting you. Come, have a seat, and then we will talk." The man said and then started walking towards the sitting area. He followed behind him with a word.

Damn… I peed my pants. It is just a dab but still… Fuck! This is so embarrassing… Let's just get this over with.

The man then led him to the manor's sitting area. When Adui sat on the leather seats of the sofa which were very comfortable and bouncy in the past, he felt that they had become hard like a rock, while also being cold as an ice block.

"First let me start by introducing myself. My name is Kaisel Ulaspas and you Adui right?" The man spoke with an emotionless voice.

"Yes, milord." He replied courteously.

"Hm… Adui, I will be honest with you. The task that I have is very important to me. And I could go to any lengths to get the task completed… That is why I asked Gizelle to help me. According to her, she could complete the task. But she cannot do it diplomatically. As I insisted on completing the task with diplomacy, she told me that she could try sending a guy to test out the waters. And so here you are." A frown appeared on Adui's face.

"So… In a way, she is sending me to complete an impossible task?"

"Yeah. So if you are not able to get the land, it is okay. But I would still expect you to give your everything to acquire the piece of land, because the price for completing it…" the man paused, "... will make your life."

"I have to acquire a piece of land?" The man nodded his head. "Sara, would be a doll and give the map to Mr. Hampshire over here.", the man said softly.

It was then a cold hand grabbed Adui shoulder, startling him in the process. He was sure that there was no one in the room except them nor did he hear anyone coming in. Adui then turned around and saw a woman standing behind his sofa. She had a light see-through silk cloth, wrapped around her naked torso, she possessed silky white hair like the man and also had red eyes like him.

"Oh, I am sorry. Did I startle you?" she said in a sweet voice. She then pushed a rolled piece of parchment to him. Enchanted by the perky and stone-hard nipples of the woman that were peeking from her dress, he stared at them as if they were the most beautiful jewels he had ever seen. But then he immediately shook his head and came out of a stupor when he realized she might be the sister of the dangerous man over there.

"Thank you." He said and then immediately grabbed the parchment. He then rolled it open and saw a very familiar map of the whole Gorgon kingdom intricately designed on it. In the middle of the map was a red circle which he figured was the land that the man wanted him to acquire.

"You want this land?" he asked, to which Lord Kaisel nodded his head.

"Do you recognize the land?" Kaisel asked.