

Story follows the journey of seven teenagers born in the world of soul land as they find themselves sacrificed in a divine plan to save a brand new universe from a problem the gods created themselves.

Starbrand29 · ファンタジー
12 Chs


The supervisor who was actually a title duoluo remained along with a team leader from the previous attendants, the team leader stayed to operate the tower while the other three remained to observe the battle.

Inside the ascension tower everyone was shocked by Tang Yin's strength, although Rong xin had hundred thousand year old soul rings and soul skills she still lacked sufficient power and control to fully utilize her skills to their full potential.

Tang Yin on the other hand only used his hammer's consciousness as well as his third soul skill which should be his most powerful soul skill and he produced an amazing effect, little did they know Tang Yin's third soul skill was actually the weakest among his soul skills hence it was the one he frequently used in a fight.

Tang Chen then asked if anyone had any objection about Tang Yin being the captain of this little skirmish but he already knew the outcome. He knew about Tang Yin of course he had recieved a few of his blows before although Tang Yin was early holding back during their duels as he had never unleashed an attack of that magnitude.

No one objected of course as they all seemed intimidated by him, the force he had released at the start alone was so terrifying it had them shivering let alone the all out attack at the end of the collision, he alone had run into a ten thousand year old armored dragon that had gone berserk and he came out on top.

This was a soul beast that would have given soul emperors a hard time dealing with it so efficiently and he had defeated in in just a few seconds with one strike. With Tang Yin now in command he needed to know what everyone was skilled in if they are to plan this raid well.

He started by saying that he was a strength attack soulmaster and his brother Tang Chen was a front attack soul master, Rong Xin said she was a control attack soulmaster and her sister was an agility attack soulmaster.

Next came long Hai who said that he was a front attack soulmaster while his sister was an assisting soul master, Tang Yin then said that if that's the case then he has a new method for them to use.

He says that he will be in front as the strength soulmaster, Long Hai will be in the back to watch out for attacks from that way and so protect their rear, Tang Chen and Tong Ling were the fastest among them because they had wings and could fly so they will rise into the air and keep an eye out,

If they are attacked from the air it will be their job to face the thre first, as for Rong Xin and Long Jiu they will remain in the center where it's safe and where they could easily provide support to everyone.

Tong Xin then said that she has a skill that could make the job easier for all of them, she triggers her first soul skill spiritual detection sharingamd suddenly everyone gets a matrix view of the entire situation.

Everything within a 500 meter radius ws in full view and they could send trouble before it found them, Tang Yin asks her what she didn't use this skill the moment they entered the trial grounds and she says that they hadn't agreed on how to handle this fight yet.

They walk for a few minutes before they encounter a group of monsters, they were a pack of wolves led by the siverbrave beast that had taken on the appearance of of a golden fur wolf king. However Rong Xin's soul skill could clearly see through the silverbrave beast's disguise.

Now they needed to devise a plan of attack silverbtave beast aside from disguising itself could also copy a skill from a user to use in its fight, although the wolves were simply within the thousand year range the silverbrave beast was at least ten thousand years old.

Tong Xin said that she would like to take his as her second spirit soul do they needed to fight it. Tang Yin asked Long Jiu whether she had any attacking capability and she said that posesses the bloodline of the rainbow dragon which means that she could temporarily summon the strength of the seven elemental dragons however it would sap her strength at a fast rate as well.

Tang Uin told her to summon the power of the water dragon and face off against the silverbrave beast and all she needs to do is last 30 seconds. He turns to Tang Chen, Rong Ling and Long Hai and tells them that it's their duty to deal with the gold wolves.

He then tells Tong Xin to do her best to not only slow down the beast but also help long Jiu hold it off, Rong Xin says that hr silverbrave beast has great spirit power so in order to fully trap it she needs to stop using her spirit power until thr fight ends.

After everyone had recieved their task they enter the tree cover leaving Rong Xin and Long Jiu alone on the ground to face the oncoming beat hordes, it wasn't long before the beats were upon them

Their plan moved smoothly, with the silverbrave having over ten thousand years of cultivation but its sspirit strength helped it gain a human like intelligence allowing it to easily dominate the wolves.

Once they encountered the beast, long Jiu summoned her rainbow dragon and suddenly her body was covered in seven colored radiance, from her back huge wings sprouted however these wings weren't regulated dragon wings as they had blue, red and green colored feathers,

Suddenly all the blue feathers detached from her body coming together to form a gigantic water dragon that roared against the silverbrave beast, Rong Xin on the other hand utilized her second soul skill the imitation of fire and instantly attacked the beast.

Even the beast didn't seem to anticipate that attack so it was caught offguats for a second before it assimilated and suddenly its body was on fire. It had copied Rong Xin's skill but that was what they were counting on as in that instant it was attacked by long Jiu's water dragon.

The attack took it off guard causing it to lose its balance as it attempted to switch between skills, the power of the water dragon was way stronger than Tong Xin's fire control, however in the period when it dropped the fire skill to copy the water skill, there was a clap of thunder in the sky,

Tang Yin descended upon the silverbrave beast at the speed of lightning that it barely had time to raise its head before the massive hammer landed on its head unleashing the power contained within it.

The beast was defeated and its energies condensed into a ball of energy which was actually the spirit soul itself. Rong Xin took control of the orb and tur led around to see Tang Chen, Lobg Hai and Rong Ling holding off the rest of the wolves.

Tang Yin was meditating to regain his strength but in that time the entire place was bathed in a blinding white light as it seemed the sun was descending upon them, suddenly he light condensed into an orb and within it was a little fairy.

The orb fell towards Tang Chen and he took it for his second spirit soul, this was the spirit of light and it was as rare a light based soul beast as it can get, during their encounter with the wolf earlier the eternal angel within his body had awakened and seemed to be sending faint traces of energy waves out of him.

Now Tang Chen knew the Eternal angel wa summoning the spirit of light, amazing as that was it wasnt the end, the ground shook as it was obvious something was approaching them,

Rong Xin returned the spirit detection sharing and they managed to detect an o coming soulbeast towards them he size of a hill, theybinstantky recognized it as the mountain dragon but with their current strength they couldn't confront a dragonnof that scale.

Tang Yin had just unleashed a powerful strike twice in less them ten minutes so even if he could mobilize it a third time it wouldn't be strong enough to deal with this dragon. The rest of them although capable of great power didn't hav enough power over their skills yet.

Suddenly Long Jou shivered as her first spirit soul left her body without her condescend, this spirit was over 40 meters tall and didn't have wings but it did have a single golden scale at its forehead. This was the infamous overlord dragon and it was her first spirit soul.

Its appearance triggered everyone's spirit soul to appear, Tang Yin manifested the Ant emperor except it had grown to the size of a hundred thousand d year soulbeast, tang chen summoned thr Eternal angel except it had six wings instead of the original twelve.

He was wondering where the other six had gone but he tried not to show his confusion, Rong Xin summoned her silver moon wolf king except it was now a hundred thousand years old, and lastly Long Hai summoned his I've bear.

This was everyone's initial spirit soul but Rong Ling didn't release her spirit soul, however none of them had time to notice that and the mountain dragon finally came I to view, suddenly Long Jiu's wings glowed brightly and she subconsciously rose to the head of the overlord dragon.

At that time the mountain dragon king suddenly turned into energy and condensed into a ball of e energy that flew towards Long Jiu, no one knew how that had happened or even what ot meant, they simply knew that it happened.

Three of the four had already recieved their spirit souls leaving only one of them that still needed a spirit soul so they changed their path heading to he north where ice type soul beats should exist if this tower was mirroring real life.

This time they moved slower allowing the exhausted members to regain their strength, whenever they discovered soul beasts they moved out of their way and avoided them completely, a few hours later the temperatures dropped as they went forward,

They had arrived at the area specified for the ice type soul beasts, the only advantage was that unlike real life the coldness in this place wasn't extreme coldness, they avoided a few soul beasts until they encountered an ice kade scorpion.

Surprisingly the scorpion attacked them, which ofcourse wasnt good for it seeing as they had two extremely powerful people capable of wielding ice, Rong Xin simply reversed the situation by summoning fire while Long Hai used both his first soul skill frost bladeslash which produces several lines of frost in the air that attacked the scorpion.

Everything the slash touched was frozen before shattering and it was accompanied by the third soul skill named Icy meteor which summoned large icy meteors to rain down on the scorpion, however before they arrived,

Rong Xin had activated her third soul skill spiritual confusion followed by immitation of wing which condensed the wind I to wind blades that attacked and weakened the scorpion before it was obliterated by Long Hai.

The scorpion turned into an orb which Long Hai took and their mission had come to an end, they summoned an exit and prepared to walk out of the tower however what they found outside shocked them to the core.

There were three men out there and Master Zhang was the weakest despite the fact that he was already a great soul master of eight rings. This only meant he other two were titled duoluo and they seemed to be waiting for the six if them.