

Story follows the journey of seven teenagers born in the world of soul land as they find themselves sacrificed in a divine plan to save a brand new universe from a problem the gods created themselves.

Starbrand29 · ファンタジー
12 Chs


He walked to the end of the square they were congregating in and overlooked a statue across the square, the statue was of three beings that he didn't recognize, they weren't apart of the Shrek seven monsters original or recent.

However from the age of the statues they came from the generation of Tang San, they were three men each of them wielding their martial soul, one of them was standing on a bone dragon, the other was floating with the seven kill sword behind him.

The third was standing on top of a green snake, their martial souls weren't that special however their placing in the academy signified honor and he didn't recognize them at all, just them a voice shocked him out of his trance.

The voice was soft and soothing and it was feminine, it told him that they were the elders that gave their lives to save Sea god Tang San's body when he was nearly killed by the Rakasha goddess' sneak attack in their fight back then.

The one with the sword was the best attacking duoluo at the time a hyper douluo of rank 97 called Chen Xin, the one with the bone dragon was his ally similarly a hyper duoluo but he was of rank 95 called Gu Rong,

As for the one with jade phosphorous snake, he was simply a titled duoluo of rank 93 called Du Gubo however his medusa gaze could turn the all energy attacks and energy life forms into stone and it was the lynchpin in winning the war against the Wuhun empire back then,

Tang Yin turned around to notice the girl speaking to him, what shocked him first was how pretty she looked, she had silver-blue hair and purple eyes. While Tang Yin's lightning blue eyes were sharp and terrifying her purple eyes were calming and seemingly held endless depth.

She was quite beautiful despite the fact that she was just coming into her age, she smiled at him and introduced herself as Rong Xin from the Tang sect, Tang Yin introduced himself to her and his origin as the Clear sky clan.

She the turned around to look at Tang Chen and she said she didn't know that Tang Chen had a twin brother, Tang Yin asked her what she was talking about and she looked at him surprised, she asked whether Tang Yin wasn't Tang Chen's twin brother.

Tang Yin didn't understand what they were talking about so he said that Chen and him come from different families but they share a common ancestor within the clear sky clan so they are sort of distant cousins.

Rong Xin told him that he and Chen look practically alike, they both share the same build and carry themselves in the same cool reserved way like they have the same mind, the only difference comes from Shen having golden eyes while Yin has blue.

Other than that one couldn't tell them apart, Tang Yin had never thought of this as to him Yin had always been a close friend and the only family he had left in the world but now that he thought about it they did look alike somehow.

He turned to Rong Xin and told her that he had never considered the fact but they aren't closely related, Chen was born in the Angel tribe hence his primarily martial soul is the Angel while Yin was born in the Clear sky clan hence his primary martial soul is the Hao-Tian hammer.

She then said that she has met Chen before and her sister took a liking to him but that was so long ago she didn't expect to see him again, she then says that their arrival to this place means that their soul power exceeded rank 30 at thirteen years old.

Yin asked what was going on and Xin told him that Shrek academy picks prospective talents earlier for special training, these students are called core students and as such are exempted from not only the entry tryouts but also the beginners assessment.

Yin asks what that was and she tells him that all new students will remain probatiobary students even after passing the general tryouts. They will attend the academy for the first six months after which there would be an evaluation.

In this evaluation core students don't actually have to participate and even if they do their positions carry no weight, its after this evaluation that the freshers become actual students of Shrek academy, the champions of the evaluation are similarly made core students to join those that were already there.

Core students are denominated by a golden margin along the green in their uniform and along their badges, Tang Yin asks her how she knows so much about the inner workings of the academy and she says that her father was one of Shrek academy's Shrek seven monsters before he joined the Tang Sect as one of the elders.

Tang Yin was shocked, Tang sect was one of the biggest organizations on the whole continent second only to Shrek Academy, although the spirit pagoda was growing at a fast pace it wasnt at the level of Shrek academy and the Tang sect yet.

Her father being an elder in the Tang Sect meant he is one of the upper echelon of the sect and probably a member of the inner sect. If she belonged to the Tang sect that meant her sister was also from the Tang sect.

However as he thought about it he realized that the so called sister looked nothing like her, although they were both extremely good looking for their age Rong Xin seemed calm, collected and intelligent while the sister was more open and seductive than anything else.

Yin then told her that she didn't look like her sister even in the slightest, Rong Xin simply smiled and she said that like him and Chen the two of them aren't blood related as well. She reveals that her father adopted Rong Ling when she was an infant.

The two of them grew up together hence the sisterhood but they possess no blood relations, still they regard eachother as siblings and that is all that matters, at that time Chen and Ling arrived before the two of them.

Chen introduced ling to Yin and Yin to Ling, however Ling didn't seem shocked that Yin resembled Chen, she simply welcomed him heartily. This led Yin to think that maybe he may have misjudged her previously.

It's possible that she was just friendly and her behaviour was misunderstood because of her looks, as the four of them were still chatting someone appeared before them and introduced himself as Zhang Min commonly known as teacher Zhang and he will be in charge of the core students well as class 1 of the first years.

He tells them that the twelve of them have been selected as core students of the academy because of their talent and achievements at such a young age, he then tells them that as core students they have some priviledges like free meals at the cafeteria.

The academy will also sponsor their next spirit soul when they reach a breakthrough and if there are any that have already reached the breakthrough they should see him after the briefing, he tells them that as core studnets they are exempted from elimination during the assessments however if they fail to reach the conditions at the end of the year they can be expelled just like any student.

Also as core studnets their conditions for advancing a class are abit stricter than those of regular students, if one fails to meet the quota they will be dropped as a core student and remain a regular student losing all the privileges that come with being a core student.

He then tells them that each of them will be issued an academy uniform which will designate them as core students however should they lose or destroy their uniform they would have to replace it at their own cost.

The advantage of the core students is that not only fo they get more resources for cultivation they also enjoy a discount for all their purchases in the academy, from there he told them that core students will live in a different dormitory than the rest,

The shrek outer court core students all live in the same building with different years living on different floors for both boys and girls, boys live in their building and so do the girls. He brought his address to the end on that.

He thendirected the students to where they can get their uniforms and he requested those needing spirit souls to wait for him. Tang Chen told Yin to wait for him and they will get a room together.

Rong Xin then asked whether Chen was at a bottleneck and Chen said that he broke through level 40 close to a week ago so he needs a second spirit soul. Rong Ling then smiles as she says that Tong Xin broke through to level 40 two days ago and their father told her to wait for Shrek admissions before getting a spirit soul.

Chen then asked her what level her soul power was at and she said that she broke through level 38 that morning, unfortunately her martial soul is as powerful.as an ultimate martial soul so she faces the same restriction ultimate martial souls face.

Yin asks what her martial soul is and she says that her martial soul is the Yin-Yang chaos bird, Tang Yin is shocked as he says that he didn't know the bird could be obtained as a martial soul and she said that her father said the exact same thing when her martial soul awakened.

He then turns to Tong Xin and asks her what her martial soul is and she says that her martial soul is kind of a two in one, she says that her father had the imitation demon beast while her mother had Spirit eyes as their martial souls.

Thry were both spirit type martial souls so when it was time for her to awaken her martial soul there was an accident of sorts. She awakened both spirit eyes and the imitation demon beast, however there was a resonance between her martial souls forcing them to fuse into one.

The strain of the process nearly killed her and her father needed to use some heaven and Earth treasures to make sure she survived, when the fusion was done her martial soul had become the three eyed imitation beast and her innate soul power rose to 10.