

Story follows the journey of seven teenagers born in the world of soul land as they find themselves sacrificed in a divine plan to save a brand new universe from a problem the gods created themselves.

Starbrand29 · ファンタジー
12 Chs


This brought to end the ceaseless conflict between light and lightning he had faced when cultivating previously. His body underwent a few transformations, his bones muscles and meridians all got the tenacity and resilience of the mighty giant martial soul.

The defect generated by the shattering of his martial soul also seemingly vanished completely with the blessing of the fusion with the lightning illusory form.

Then soul power surged into his body like a never ending waterfall he felt his soul power rise rapidly from level level ten fast through level 20 until it settled down at level 25.

The Ant emperor soul beast was known as the Thousand Catties Ant emperor and in that instant it granted him two soul rings both of which were purple.

Yes the soul beast they had believed to be seven hundred years old was seven thousand years old. However for some reason he didn't receive a blowback from over absorbing a soul ring which was supposed to happen since he couldn't absorb a seven thousand year old soul ring for his first.

When he opened his eyes it was already the middle of the night, apparently he had been absorbing the soul rings for a little over ten hours.

Tang Chen was waiting for him and he had built them a fire, as Tang Yin woke up he instantly felt the difference, he had jumped from a soul master trainee to a soul grandmaster in ten hours.

Tang Chen was surprised when he heard what happened to Tang Yin during his absorption, he also revealed that when he absorbed his defective Eternal Angel spirit soul he recieved a white-gold orb in his sea of spirit except it has never cracked or attempted to take over his mind.

Instead it sends surges of energy each time he has a break through and makes his breakthrough easier, he says that he believed those surges are the reason he gains a pair of wings each time he has a breakthrough.

Tang Chen then reveals that while Tang Yin was absorbing his soul rings the Ant emperor he had killed provided a soul bone, it was a torso bone, the rarest kind.

Tang Chen told Tang Yin to absorb the soul bone which would provide an additional skill that he would need when competing with people above him.

Tang Yin wanted to gift the soul one to Tang Chen however Tang Chen told him that the soul bone would be incompatible with his martial souls. Tang Yin knew that was a lie of course but he chose to ignore it and absorb the soul bone.

His first soul ring had been Ant emperor Slash and his second soul skill was actually fury of the Ant emperor. He hadn't used these attacks yet but he sensed the soul bone skill instantly, it was called the Thousand jin barrier. It was a defensive skill and he couldn't wait to use these three skills.

He returned with Tang Chen to the tribe and along the way Tang Yin and Tang Chen agreed not to tell anyone in the clan about Tang Yin having his defect cured.

In one and a half years there would be an opening for Shrek academy and the two of them hoped to reveal his status at that time.

When they returned to the clan tang Yin's cultivation sky rocketed, with a purified body and Tang Chen to provide a sparing partner it would have been a surprise if he remained stagnant,

Within six months Tang Chen's soul power had risen to level 35 while Tang Yin's soul power had risen to rank 30. His bloodline strength on the other hand had entered the 50th rank which alone was a surprise to the both of them.

His third soul ring also appeared instantly and it wasn't what they expected it to be. With Hao-Tian hammer most skills were based on attacking as it was the best tool martial soul and it specialized in strength attacks.

Tang Yin's first soul skill fulfilled these requirements, Ant emperor was a very powerful attacking skill of the Ant emepror. Once triggered the attack triggered a wide blue slash the width of five clear sky hammers and thr length of the Ant emperor, besides the slash appeared tens of illusory pincers of the Ant emepror.

The attack had never been seen in thr History of the Hao-Tian sect however its effect mirrored once of Ancestor Tang San's hundred thousand year old soul bone soul skills both in appearance and destructive power. That is when he knew he had struck gold.

The second soul skill was the Fury of the Ant emperor, once triggered the attack summoned the Ant emperor spirit soul however it didn't come alone, the ant emperor spirit soul would appear and both to its left and to it's right an illusory clone of itself made from concentrated energy would appear.

The strike forced one to face three seven thousand year old Ant emperors but that wasnt all, theseAnt emperors had been buffed by the Mighty giant bloodline so although they were simply seven thousand d they currently carried thr strength of a seventy thousand year old Ant emperor in addition to wielding the lightning attribute.

This not only made the three Ant emperors stronger but also faster and more durable making them nearly indestructible if summoned at their full strength even a title duoluo would have to be careful when facing off against them. However that too was his problem.

He didn't use his soul skills as much during a fight because of their massive power, even as a three ringed soul master his soul skills carried the power of a titled duoluo straight from the first soul skill and it was terrifying. However with his current strength he couldn't sustain the skills for long as they drained his soul power incredible fast.

The soul skill from the soul bone didn't count as a martial soul skill however Thousand Jin barrier was a pure defensive skill that when activated causes intense blue light to spill out of the soul bone and envelop Tang Yin.

This blue light is almost tangible and sticks closely to his skin, covering his whole body almost like a carapace seemingly less like an energy type defense and more like physical armor.

It diffused both energy type and physical attacks to almost completely except if the attack exceeded his bloodline strength then the armor cannot diffuse it completely and luckily it didn't absorb that much soul power so it was a frequently used skill of his.

But the third skill paid no tribute to the clear sky hammer's skills as it simply provided an assisting skill. The third soul skill was the lightning and Thunder foundational physique, this skill allowed him to not only sense but completely merge with the thunder and lightning elements becoming one of them.

As a result he could use the lightning to amplify his attacks, defenses as well as speed allowing him to move at lightning speed.

So in essence the lightning amd thunder physique could be used as a strength attacking skill however it couldn't work on it's own with his current cultivation.

He could feel that to truly unleash this skill to its greatest effect he first needs to obtain a domain and then obtain a soul core, at that time he will be able to fully utilize the skill to it's full effect by relying on the domain and the martial soul form.

At the moment he opted to use it simply as an amplification skill. Since this skill didn't absorb that much of his soul power so it was a blessing in disguise, with its power added to thousand Jin barrier it was almost impenetrable and he could easily absorb the lightning elements in the surroundings to sustain his soul power and last longer in a fight.

This made him faster not only in a battle but also during his regular cultivation which would have allowed him to progress at an incredibly fast pace, unfortunately the purification had turned his martial soul into an ultimate martial soul just like Tang Chen's Angel martial soul.

This means that on arrival to rank 30 they receive a massive slow down in their rate of growth. In the next year Tang Yin faced that very problem, his cultivation felt muddled even with the foundation skill like he was swimming through tough sap.

Every single step he took was through strenuous work, he wondered if this was what Tang Chen had been feeling for over a year now however that delay wasn't to their disadvantage, this delay in upgrading didn't mean that they absorbed energy any less than they usually did.

It was a secret advantage that ultimate martial souls possessed, the time between the third to fifth levels their soul power would be absorbed at the same rate but advances at half the speed.

The excess soul power would be used to consolidate their power turn their soul power semi-solid so that in a fight, the one with an Ultimate martial soul lasted twice as much as their counterparts.

Within that year the two boys trained together honing their skills to perfection, the clan still didn't know about Tang Yin's revival however the time was coming that they could learn.

Soon after they had made thirteen years the clan held a meeting, all the tribe elders and parents who had children aged thirteen to fifteen years and had at least rank 25 cultivation would qualify to enter Shrek academy's qualifications.

However not anyone would be accepted, Shrek Academy had a quota for how many students they can admit in a year, their admissions never exceed one thousand in any single year.

All major clans were given a position of two students that would be taken directly and for those that didn't belong to any of the major clans, your talent would need to be scouted by someone from Shrek Academy and they should recommend you to the school.

Without recommendation from an alumni one couldn't get admitted into Shrek Academy's entry. Apart from the two spots given to any clan the clan could send a few more talents but those would have to compete for their place like the rest of the students.

Direct entry was granted to those special seeds from the big clans and those with outstanding talent. The rest of the qualifiers would have to go through a trial of sorts and only when they succeed would they gain entry into the academy.

The clan was sitting to choose the two that would gain direct entry and who if any left would go for the general tryouts, the first spot was automatically granted to Tang Chen and the other spot would have to be earned.

The elders called all the young talents between 13 and 15, it was a total of 5 kids, a bit lower than other clans but that was a general problem with the sect, soul masters were becoming rarer among them and no one knew why this was happening to them.

Of the five one was at 13 with a soul power of 15, two were fourteen with a soul power of 20 amd two were at fifteen with a soul power of 25.

It was the last two that got the opportunity to challenge one another for the spot however before they could duel Tang Chen interrupted them, He told them that there was another they hadn't checked and as he said that the doors to the elder hall swung open as someone entered the hall.

It was a young man with pitch black hair and lightning blue eyes standing at about 1.5 meters tall. His physique held the posture of a perfectly curved body of a young man entering his adolescent years as it had started taking shape,

he was dressed in black, blue and white in a common attire of the sect, inside the sect one could choose the color combination of their attire as long as majority of the outfit was black and it also had a white, the rest of the outfit could be one's personal color.