

Story follows the journey of seven teenagers born in the world of soul land as they find themselves sacrificed in a divine plan to save a brand new universe from a problem the gods created themselves.

Starbrand29 · ファンタジー
12 Chs


The moment they noticed the ant they were incredibly happy from its aura it was close to a seven hundred year old soul beast.

However its size was close to a hundred thousand year old soul beast, this first troubled them however they soon chose to put it behind them.

The beast seemed injured which meant they didn't actually have to kill it, they could simply transform it into a spirit soul.

The clan had a manual that explained the process needed to make a soul beast into a spirit soul, First they needed to fight it as it still seemed malicious. Tang Yin triggered his bloodline as Tang Chen triggered his Angel martial soul.

It was the martial soul he was focusing on at the time and it currently possessed three purple soul rings which in itself was a miracle.

During the process to obtain a soul ring Tang Chen was given a 900 year Eternal Angel spirit soul from the Angel tribe. Since he wasn't with them anymore this was a way of cutting ties with him.

What they didn't tell him though was that this spirit soul had been defective for ages, it had been stuck at the 999 year cultivation for close to 5000 years without ever crossing over to 1000 years.

During absorption Tang Chen felt the defect however instead of detaching the spirit soul he sacrificed his cultivation and fed as much of his soul power as he possibly could into the defective spirit to correct its defect.

Surprisingly, as he nearly collapsed from exhaustion as his soul power was getting depleted the defect was corrected.

The spirit soul merged seamlessly with him and everyone was shocked to see that it not only provided him with a purple soul ring as his first but it had also purified Tang Chen's light so much that he developed his first pair of wings instantly.

The soul ring was exactly 1000 years old however for a first soul ring this was beyond great. Years later as he broke through to level 20 he developed a second soul ring instantly however what shocked Tang Chen was that the second soul ring wasn't 1000 years old.

As he broke through the spirit soul suddenly jumped from 1000 years to 5000 years instantly and hence both his first and second soul rings were both 5000 years old. But that wasnt the end to the surprise, he similarly developed a second pair of wings upon his second breakthrough,

It wasnt new for the Angel martial soul to have two pairs of wings however that only happened during thr second baptism, the second baptism was so hard and dangerous that only soul saints were advised to undertake it.

When he broke through level 30 the soul rings jumped to 9900 years old as they were one step away from turning black but he also developed a third pair of wings, it had happened before in the Angel tribe but most people who obtained this third pair needed to rech the hyper duoluo level.

This alone signified that Tang Chen's Angel martial soul was different, there was a change to it that the Hao-Tian tribe couldn't detect, if he had been in the Angel tribe maybe they would have understood what was happening to him but they had abandoned him and he had no desire to go back.

His soul skills were also not the standard skills of the Angel tribe, his skills had multiple layers and they weren't regular skills. His skills were more of concepts which gave him multiple ways to exploit their usage.

His first soul skill was Angelic principles, it didn't have a specific skill but rather gave him the ability to use any of the principals of the Angel's when he triggered it so his skill would be incredibly unpredictable.

There were nine Angelic principles and each time Tang Chen broke through a new principle would be awakened for his first soul skill. The first principle he had awakened was Angelic protection which gave him a form of armor called saint Armor.

Hard light constructs in the form of armor would form on his body tha diffused both energy and physical attacks to a great extent. When he broke through level 20 he obtained the second principal called the speed of the Angels.

This principal was just as it sounded, it gave Tang Chen a boost of speed making him nearly untraceable during flight, all people would see was light after images. When he broke through level 30 he obtained a third principal named the healing of the Angels.

This allowed him to not only regenerate his own body healing himself indefinitely but he could also heal others by releasing holy elements over them, this skill was mostly toxic to those of the dark element as it purified the dark element.

His second soul skill was the powers of the Angel's and it too was a concept, there were five known powers of the Angel's and with this skill he had access to all of them except not immediately, like the first soul skill the powers would awaken with time.

He obtained this skill after reaching level 20 and instantly unlocked the first of the powers of the Angels called the power of Justice, once triggered Tang Chen would release an Angelic brilliance that would reach deep down within all his enemies and cleanse them completely of all enmity towards him.

If the hatred is rooted too deeply then the person may not withstand the cleansing and they would die, that was how dangerous this skill was, Tang Chen thought he would awaken another power on level 30 but nothing happened, it seems this skill awakens a power once every 20 levels.

His third soul skill similarly was a concept called the virtues of the Angels, there were seven known virtues of the Angel's and this skill wasnt an attacking skill but rather a buff skill, it could be used on Tang Chen himself but he could also use it on others,

If they were his allies it would amplify their virtues making them more efficient in a fight however if they were his enemies it formulated a form of spirit attack making them confront their own virtues, the guilt coming from the virtues would weigh them down and attimes even incapacitate them.

Tang Chen awakened this as his third soul skill and instantly recieved the first of the virtues, the virtue of compassion, once used compassion would fill him granting leniency to those he would have killed, that effect was also carried on to his allies however if it was used on his enemies, their compassion or lack there of would haunt them making them unable to hurt him or his allies.

The less compassion one had the more powerful the skill would work and the more compassion one had the less power the skill would have on them, this skill also ignored power differences as it worked the same even against powerful foes.

Tang Chen instantly unleashed his third soul skill as well as his first soul skill to hold the beast down so that Tang Yin could deal with it. Since soul beats didn't have that much intelligence to begin with the compassion skill was very powerful against them, still he unleashed the principal of protection on himself as well as Tang Yin.

Both of them then gained the saint armor which made them a little safe when facing the enemy at hand, with these two skills they would definitely win this fight.

Tang Yin instantly unleashed his hammer which was infused with his bloodline strength and he bludgeoned the soul beast to near death. But the power of compassion was on him and he pulled his last attack which would have killed the beast to strike at a different location.

He then implemented the spirit soul technique and surprisingly he found no resistance, instead the beast was passed on instantly. Its power flowed deep inside his body as its body was vaporized on he outside however that wasn't the most shocking part to him,

As he was absorbing it a grey gold orb entered his forehead and settled into his spirit sea, it filled his spirit with an oppressive might like it was attempting to take over his body however suddenly a gold light shot out from the clear sky hammer and entered his sea of spirit.

This golden light penetrated the grey gold orb and broke apart its defense, the orb transformed into an illusory humanoid form as it was chained down by golden chains into his sea of spirit.

Suddenly the golden light that was holding it passed through the chains and into his body. The avatar was fused directly into Tang Yin's bloodline and it merged seamlessly granting his bloodline a physical form.

The light attribute was stripped from his body completely as his bloodline was granted a pure lightning attribute.