
Bird (The Novel)

He wasn't dreamy. No. Dreamy was what you called magazine models and pop icons. The leader of the Valdezian Mafia certainly wasn't dreamy. He was dark. Dangerous. Evil. Whatever he was, he had Karla's full attention, because she couldn't look away. •~♥~• "I'd do anything for my family.". That was Karla's anthem as she joined the C Cartel, and became its assassin, many years ago. She is now known as Bird, a ruthless killer who's favorite method is seduction. Her final assignment is to take out her most dangerous target yet, the Valdezian Mafia's leader, Lord Raul. If she does this right, both her and her father can walk away from the cartel, free. Karla gets herself into an auction, and is bought as Lord Raul's mistress. However, she soon finds out, Lord Raul isn't just any mafia king, but an old high school love interest. And what if she is more than slightly attracted to him? 18+ WARNING: EROTIC AND VIOLENT SCENES PRESENT

that_candy_girl · 都市
30 Chs


Relaxing on a couch in the balcony of the Valdezian Mansion, Karla thought about the previous night. Raul had walked out of an ambush alive (somehow), but bleeding. Noticing the nasty gash on arm, it hadn't looked serious to her,  but it surely had to hurt. Karla had moved on autopilot, grabbing wine to tend to his wound. One who knew her predicament would have said she did that to gain his trust, but at that time, nothing had been on her mind, except the urge to help Raul feel better.

Up to the current moment, Karla still didn't understand why she had felt that way. Was is because she still saw Raul as her friend? Certainly not. She had long decided to leave the past in the past. Whatever action she had taken last night was because of a recent emotion, but she didn't know what yet.

Anyhow, she didn't have time to waste pondering on bygones. This was day five at the Valdezian HQ, meaning she had two days left till Nana kicked her out. An entire five days had passed, and Karla had made zero progress with Raul —except that one time when he had kissed her. But he'd only done that to spite Fuchsia, the blond from the other night, so that was struck out.

Same with the past two days, Karla hadn't seen Raul the entire day. She had eaten her breakfast in her room as usual, and had chatted with Mandy while she(Mandy) did her chores. Pushing her head back, Karla peeked into the room behind her to check the time on the wall clock. It was a little after 11 am. Lunch would be due soon.

There and then, a lightbulb lit up in her brain. Wasn't the popular saying "the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach"? She would cook Raul's lunch. Since direct seduction wouldn't work, she would use a more conventional method. There was no guarantee that her plan would work —she might not even be allowed to prepare Raul's meal— but she might as well try. She was running out of time and options.

Karla got up from her couch, and made her way to the kitchen downstairs. Standing at the open door, she studied the room. It was large, with immaculate white tiled floor and matching walls. It looked like it took a lot to maintain, and that the housekeeping was up to the task. The appliances were modern, but didn't look overly expensive. It seemed like the head cook liked the kitchen equipped, but simple. As expected, two maids, May and Reece —Karla had gotten used to their names and faces by now— worked around the gas cooker, preparing a dish in a large pot. They hadn't noticed her yet.

    "What, if I may ask, are you doing here?" A voice behind Karla asked.

She spun around to look into the displeased eyes of Nana. As usual, her lips we're unsmiling, as she stared at Karla.

    "If you are hungry, then wait for your meal in your quarters." She continued. 

Karla slightly raised her hand in protest. "Oh I'm not hungry. I mean I am." She smiled sweetly. "But that's not why I'm here."

Nana narrowed her eyes, causing more wrinkles to surround them. "Then why are you here?"

    "I want to cook for Lord Raul."

A short and stifled laugh bursted from inside the kitchen, and Karla swerved to see who made it. Reece had a hand over her mouth, and was avoiding their eyes, but there was no doubt it was her. Karla clenched her teeth. She had almost forgotten how annoying the maid could be. Not giving Reece another thought, Karla faced Nana again, smiling even more sweetly.

    "Can I?" She asked.

    "No." Nana replied bluntly.

    "Really? Why not?"

    "Lord Raul only eats the food I make. I and I alone."

    That makes sense. Karla thought. He only ate food from someone he trusted. That automatically excluded Karla —she really doubted Raul trusted her— but she couldn't give up just yet.

    "Then watch me as I cook. That way my food can be just as acceptable as yours." She suggested.

    "That is the silliest thing I have ever heard! Never has a dish been as good as mine. Never!" The old lady's eyes widened as she placed her palm over her chest.

    "And I'm not disputing that. I'm sure your cooking is sensational. It's just... My week is almost up, and I still haven't met your standards. I'll accept my eviction once the time comes, but  I feel so bad that Lord Raul spent $200 million on me, yet I'm completely useless to him. I want to do at least one thing for Lord Raul. Preparing a meal for him is the only way I can think to do that. Please mam, give me this one favor. I will deeply appreciate it." Karla hoped her speech and sad expression was good enough. Not that she didn't have confidence in her acting skills, but Nana seemed like a difficult person to fool.

    "Call me mam while we are cooking, and I will take away even more of your privileges." Nana walked pass Karla and entered the kitchen.

    "Alright. Wait... What?"

    "Grab an apron already! We are already behind schedule. Lord Raul's lunch can not be late!" Nana snapped impatiently.

Karla rushed into the kitchen and did as Nana ordered. She had scored. From the amazed look she had glimpsed on the maids' faces, this didn't happen often. Well, lucky her. It seemed the normally obnoxious old lady was in a good mood today.

    "We will cook ham, with pea soup." She stated.

Remembering the preferences of Kevin, when he had taken Karla out to a restaurant, just to hang out of course, many years ago, Karla suggested. "How about we cook spaghetti?" When Nana shot her daggers, she lowered her head. "Never mind."

    "Fine. Do what you like. If you displease Lord Raul with your dish, you will be kicked out even before I get the pleasure to do so." 

Nana said this, but didn't leave. Instead she paid close attention to what Karla was doing. Karla got the message. She was saying; "I will be watching you, but you will get no help from me". Karla didn't have a problem with that, except for the stress it took her to find the ingredients on her own. However, she soon got acquainted with her surroundings, and began the task at hand.

About 30 minutes later, the kitchen was uncomfortably quiet. It was empty now, except for Karla and Nana, who was still watching. Karla took raw eggs out from a crate, and breaking it, she poured the contents into the pot of boiling sauce.

    "You are the Karla from Lord Raul's high school days, are you not?" Nana asked out of the blue.

Startled, Karla turned to her. "Yes."

Nana nodded. That would explain the preferential treatment Raul was giving the young woman. When younger Raul had come for holidays at Valdezian Mansion, he hadn't stopped talking about a certain "Karla" with his elder brother Rico. The two would whisper, so no one would overhear, but Nana had very sound hearing. Once the family died, Nana stopped overhearing conversations like that, and the goofy boy she knew grew overnight into a man.

    "The Raul you knew is gone. You are dealing with a different person now. Keep that in mind." Said Nana.

Karla didn't need to be told. That much was obvious.

Nana recognized the knowing look in Karla eyes. It wasn't just her history with Raul, this one was different, Nana decided. Karla Nightingale was nothing like Raul's former mistresses. She seemed to have a purpose —a drive. Nana was yet to decide if that was a good thing or not. But one thing was for sure —she would do anything to protect Raul. It was the promise she had made to his mother when he had been given birth to, and she never broke a promise.

Putting the finishing touches on her delicacy, Karla looked at Nana, hoping for a sign of approval. She got none. Rather, Nana opened the kitchen door wide.

    "Take the food up to the penthouse. I will escorts you, to make sure there is no funny business."

    Talk about trust. Karla thought sarcastically.

Up the stairs, Karla climbed, followed closely by Nana. When they reached the door to the penthouse, Nana knocked, and told Raul his lunch was ready. From inside came a muffled "okay". Nana opened the door, but to Karla's surprise, she didn't follow her inside. Karla stepped into the classy apartment she'd only been to one other time, when Raul had aroused her to her limits. Gosh it brought back memories.

Sitting at a small dining table, tapping on his phone and looking handsome as ever, was Raul in a singlet and jersey shorts.