
Binary Skull on earth

Phil Hank, 21 years old, Lives in the 24th-century outskirts of New Chicago, Having a satisfied job while staying away from his Military family, Finds an Unusual Robot. A Robot that is 2 centuries old, First-generation labor class, Having learned Robotic Science and Artificial Intelligence Phil barely got it started. But unlike other labor class that is designed to do one specific task, this one can learn things by experiencing or doing things. An old Robot learning his way in the 24th century with Phil. Events happen and they get involved in things and have an amazing life-threatening adventure. An Action-pact, Adventure with a bit of Romance. Hope you enjoy!!!!

cm_s · SF
5 Chs

The Raid Part 1

Phil comes to a halt near the gate and looks at Jung with a soft smile on his face, Jung also stops beside him and looks back with a tilted head,

"Go ahead, it's not the world I'm proud of, but hey, it is a beautiful world." and points to the exit.

Jung takes the first step into the world, and Phil sighs, still smiling, as he follows Jung.

Phil decided to take a tram to his apartment and stroll to the subterranean tram station. Upon entering, they were greeted by the gazes of others. They stood with people staring at them. Phil also looked over at Jung while everyone else was looking at Jung. Phil was somewhat blushing at first, oblivious to other people's stares. While observing Jung, he kept himself occupied by imagining what it would be like to see the people, trees, automobiles, and everything else for the first time; as humans, we were accustomed to seeing new things and feeling awe at them when we were young then forget after some time. what would it be like to see, touch, and feel them for the first time? And what would it be like to watch these things from Jung's perspective, who was born just a week ago?

Phil dismissed this though, and with the wait of a few minutes, they entered the tram. The tram was big enough for 25 to 30 people, and enough space to have a household and a humanoid bot. Upon entering, people were startled by the huge Jung at first, and then they stared at him like he was a historical monument. Phil apologized to them, making Jung seat that has straps attached to it like a seat belt, but for the safety of people to not get hit by the metal body in case of an emergency,

The junkyard is on the opposite side of the outskirts, so it takes a while to get there. He pushes the button next to the seat, checks the belt, then takes a seat next to him and plugs in his earphones. Looking out the window, fatigued from the sleepless nights, only to see vehicles whizzing by. They disembarked from the tramp, and the trip to the flat was initially fraught with looks as they walked to his home.

"Welcome to my residence." Phil said, Jung simply nodded and walked in.

When he first walked into his apartment, he smelled something strange. and assumed that the air filters had worn out and needed to be replaced. His house was always clean and smelled wonderful, but when he checked everything was in working order, he found it odd and ignored it.

Phil walks over to his bed and opens the drawer next to it, revealing a coin-sized metal with a green jewel in the center and very light for a metal, the neckless given to him by his mother, which he had worn around his neck since he was a child but had not worn since he arrived here, but today he felt compelled to, so he takes it in his hand, holds it in his hand for a few moments before wearing it around his neck.

He takes the huge, thick book with the title Evolution from his shelf and hands it to Jung.

"But I can get any information from the Galactic Net." Jung said as he received the book.

"You know, there is a huge difference between to know something and to understand something You might know things from the net, but I want you to understand, and who knows, you might understand something that I don't know," He said while connecting him to his home system and ran some more checks, and taking a short nap before going to work. After waking up, he checks the message on his screen for a message from Alric, who was at the farm, advising him to arrive a little early.

Phil eats some meals and puts on his uniform before leaving early to go there with Jung. As they traveled, people were used to seeing people with their robots, but Jung stood out more because he was larger than other humanoid robots. With an embarrassed smile, he greeted hello to other neighbors and continued walking to avoid some absurd questions.

He sends a message to Alric about his arrival as he approaches the gate, and receives a message to come to the cafeteria. There were no limits on robots working alongside their partners on the farm. Jung was free to enter until he was registered on Phil's name. As they approached the gate, they noticed three armored vehicles with several individuals wearing ex-suits. As he logged in and entered, one of the people who looked like soldiers, strapped gun over his right thigh with feather logo on his uniform, stopped him.

"Can I see your Robot's registration?" Phil shared his registration from his sidearm with the soldier, and he let them go, Phil assumed a VIP had arrived and dismissed the idea. The cafeteria was one level below the farm and was big enough for all the employees who worked there. Phil and Jung enter and find a small group of people sitting in the corner of the room. As they approached them, the four people were stunned. They glanced at Jung first, then at Phil, some with gaping mouths, others frowning, and some blank.

"Hmm.. where did you find it? Is this working correctly?", a person named Zale asked while inspecting the Jung with his glassware on. With a lab coat on over his suit, cleaned hair with oval-shaped glasses on, working at the research department, looked like the smartest one in the group.

"Yep, it works perfectly fine." Phil looked at Jung, "Let me introduce this is Jung, and Jung, these are my co-workers, Amy, Alric, Zale, and Roan."

"Nice to meet you all".

"Hello," everyone said, their voices hazy and disorganized.

"Isn't it quite old? I'm surprised it's working properly," Roan said.

"Found it in a junkyard, me and my friend reconstructed it, "Phil said, loudly, with his chest out.

"Oo, it's huge," Amy grasped with her hand over her mouth.

"So, what were you discussing?" Phil asked while taking a seat. Zale also goes back to his seat.

The group of four people circles around the table while Alric orders drinks for everyone over the tablet screen.

"They again increased farm production by 20%, I mean, a total of 45% increase in production needs to be done." Zale said, closing in on them.

"Hmm.. but why are we talking like this? Are we selling weapons or what?" Phil sighed deeply and made room for him to breathe.

"We might be, some security firm has been hired for farm protection, they will," Alric said, looking at his watch, "already here, I believe."

"Yeah, just got stopped by them,"

"Anyone would," Amy said, giggling and looking towards Jung.

"From whom, and why would anyone want to attack A Farm?" Phil leaned forward, his brows furrowed.

"Don't know, higher-ups are cautious about this not leaking any information. I just received the orders to increase the production, " Alric said.

"There might be some emergency or something," Phil said, trying to pass the topic.

"Then there would have been something over the net."

"Don't you think we are overthinking it,"

"We might be, we might be not." Alric said and the drinks came and Phil and one of the others serve them.

"But why are you on the afternoon shift, Phil?" Alric asked.

"O, I was late in the morning" and looked at Jung.

"That's very unlike you,"

Before Phil and Jung departed the cafeteria, they talked some more. He was thinking about the security firm and the sudden surge in production as he walked to the cabin. Something was wrong, his military family instincts told him. He also searched the galactic net for any information from other cities or planets.

They exit the pavement and enter the cabin. Phil settle to do some work and Jung sat at the corner table, They had adequate room in the cabin, with computers near a glassed-in screen that showed the farm.

After a while, he gets up to conduct his usual survey of the bot when suddenly the lights shut off and everything goes dark around him. He calls for Jung several times with no response from him, all the different thoughts came to him, and start to sweat lightly, he can hear his own breathing with shaking leg, he used his hand to navigate the room, after a few seconds the emergency generators starters with dim lights he looks at Jung to find him totally shut down, he gets near him to checks on him, not finding any faults in his hardware, he leaves him for a moment to check on the situation outside with everything shut down except a dim lights flickering softly.

He opens the door and no one in the hallway with silence everywhere he pinches himself serval times too aware of this is not a dream, stayed with the wall as he walked slowly toward the end of the hallway sound of heart beating sounded in-ear with slight exhaustion and gulping few times gets near the end with two ways upfront, he decides to go left to the emergence room, and hears a light noise almost as loud as ticking clock he reaches another hallway and turns to the right "boom" the sound of explosion startled him, the noises he heard started growing aloud, ahead he sees serval security bot set up with defense parameter, he stops not wanting to go near it and "boom" blinding him with some flashes as he falls backward, he heard some fuzzy gunshots with light explosion and heard someone with voice-changing device "get him with others".