


Lauren Hastington

/"I miss this so much!/" I squealed as we entered Coachella. I held Dylan's hand and looked around the place.

/"Let's take a picture first!/" Elena said and she doesn't bring a camera. We paid someone to take our photos from Lucas' company. We stood together and posed together.

/"You look so hot today.. I love it./" Dylan whispered to me after we took a photo.

/"Really?/" I smirked and kissed his cheek. We walked inside and decided to spread out to find food because we're hungry. Later on we'll go to the VIP side.. but now I want to eat so bad.

/"I want onion rings../" Calla said and I linked my arm to hers.

/"Let's go./" I said and Priscilla joined us. We ordered 3 onion rings and the boys are currently talking 2 meters away from us.

/"Thank God, Lucas and Crystal are already cool with each other. I won't be fun without her./" Priscilla said and I chuckled.