
Billionaires Toxic Relationship

KissBlink237 · ファンタジー
25 Chs

chapter 5 new life

Alex'S Mansion

Alex POV

i sat at one corner of my large sitting room drinking wine with Ethan and Manson

Ethan: what are you planning on doing with that beauty Alex

Manson: dame she is so f*cking hot her

tiny beautiful hips and boobs just at the right position make her body a perfect view to behold

Bam .....

i fired a gun at manson

how dare you talk about my woman like that.

the next time you speak lustfully about her, you won't only lose an arm your entire generation will be wipe out from the surface of the earth.

I smiled seeing the trembling expression on Thier faces

i dip my hands into my pocket and brought out some dollars

Alex: use this to clean yourself i said throwing the money at his face

and report yourself to work tomorrow morning or send in your resignation letter if you feel you can't continue working with me

I emptied the bottle of whiskey that was on the table and headed upstairs

Manson: he is a beast

am leaving and never coming back

Ethan: calm down man you shouldn't have crossed the line

you know Alex has never brought a lady to his place

if he brought that girl here it means she must be very special

Manson: i don't f*cken care he has crossed the line today

tell him karma is coming back i said and left his house

Alex: i got out of the elevator and walk straight to my room i don't know why am going there but I can't stop myself from moving forward

i arrived at the door and met it slightly open

i walked in and found her sleeping peacefully.

i stood there for like few seconds admiring her beautiful heart shaped lips

Dame Gabi i want to kiss you so badly i whisper as i lean in closer

i wonder what it will be like to kiss this lips again

i moved my face closer to hers inhaling her sweet Flora smell.

the anger i was feeling moment ago disappear within the twinkle of an eye.

moment later she slowly rolled he eyes

and boom

she shot her eyes widely open

Ahhhhhhh i heard her scream as she jumped out of bed

Gabi: what are you doing in my room.... sorry I mean in your room?

As you rightly said it my room and I can be where ever i want and at any time

Gabi: get out of here

i need privacy.

get your fucking ass out of here

she pull Me by the collar and dump me out of the room before slamming the door directly to my face

i stood still for few seconds not being able to come to terms with what just happened.

did she just locked me out of my own room...

hmmm it seems she likes playing with fire

i walked angrily to the guest room and laid down

my life is going to get interesting i murmured while trying to forced myself not to sleep

Next morning

Gabe's POV

i hurried into the bathroom and took my bath as quickly as possible making sure Mr rude doesn't walk in on me

i ran out of the bath room with a thick blue towel wrap around my chest.

Alex was seated at the bed manipulating his phone

Alex: how dare you touch my belongings

he rush towards me and siezed the towel leaving me naked

you animal..

i scream as i ran around the room looking for something to cover my body,

i could clearly see him secretly smiling at my behavior

face the other i said and don't even dare look this way

he turn his face to the wall smiling evily

no peeping or i will break your head

can you really do that he asked with his voice filled with so much pride

you wanna try i said picking up the bed lamp and heating it so hard on his head,

the lamp scattered into millions pieces and blood started flushing out

i tried moving backward.

and gasp in pain as i mistakenly step my feet on one of the broken pieces

ahhh i scream as i saw how my blood color the tiles beneath my feet

ignoring his head injury he pick me from the floor as if I was a toy and sat me on the bed aaah it hurt so much i cried

he took my foot and carefully took out the tiny pieces that were stock in my feet

he took out his phone and place a call accrose

get me the first Aid box immediately he said and hung up

gosh he is too close

a smirked form on his face and i can see his chest rising and falling in sync as mine.

my body gravitated towards him yearning for his touch

Gabi what is wrong with you i twisted my face as i scolded myself

he looked at me and rolled his eyes

Alex: does it still pain alot

his deep rough voice created and irresistible

urge inside of me

it doesn't hurt I replied

the anger in his eyes suddenly turns into sadness and the tenseness in his shoulders loosens and his face soften

we got interrupted by Alice who rush into the room carring a first Aid box

Alice: pardon my manners master i shouldn't have rush in unannounced.

i never knew you were having a private time with my lady

her words made me realize I was still naked and Alex was seated infront of me

Aaaaaahhhhh i began screaming again

and he looked at me as if he just saw a mad woman for the first time

i gathered all the energy i had in me and pushed him to the floor

get out of here i said as i wrap my body with the bed spread

Attend to her wounds was all he said and storm out of the room angrily

Alice: my lady you shouldn't be that harsh towards master he was only trying to help you

i bit my fingers mischievously when i knew i acted like a spoil brat

he deserved it i whispered to myself