
billionaire secret enemy

billionaire Andrew is a cold and ruthless politician and businessman. At a certain point, his business was collapsing and he wanted a boost so he decided to frame Jack, Mike’s father, arresting him for stealing a necklace that he didn't have. Mike’s father was persecuted, with the help of Officer Reynold as a witness and later on, Mike’s father died in prison. Mike thought of his revenge every day, and that incident made him an orphan. Years later, he found that billionaire Andrew was auctioning the necklace, he accused his father of stealing and he executed his revenge by exposing Andrew's evil deeds. Will he be successful in his conquest? Check out “Billionaire's Secret Enemy” a story based on revenge, trust, friendship, and betrayal

Ebenezer_Promise · 都市
24 Chs

Chapter Eleven: first target - Matthew

Chapter eleven: first target -matthew

"Eric! This is officer Joe and Ruby ( Eric offered them a handshake and they shook hands but officer Joe was not happy) and you will be in charge of the case they will assist you with any information you want and want you guys to work together" police commissioner Reynold said.

"Okay Sir" Eric said.

"Am I clear on the assignment?" police commissioner Reynold asked.

"Yes sir!"

"Yes sir!"

"Yes sir!"

Officer Joe, Ruby and inspector Eric replied.

"That is it, dismiss" police commissioner Reynold said, sending the officers out of his office. The three officers left the office to start working.

"Officer Joe, can you show me your clue board" inspector Eric said.

"Alright, come with me" officer Joe said. Inspector Eric and officer Ruby followed Joe into a room.

The policemen walked into the room and officer Joe showed Eric, a board with making clues and research with some possible leads in the case.

"This is impress" inspector Eric said.

"Right! I told the commissioner and he didn't believe me, take a look at this drawing" officer Joe said, showing inspector Eric same drawings he showed police commissioner Reynold.

"Okay, but this is alot of sketches" inspector Eric said.

"Yeah, but this one in particular (he pointed at the same sketch that resemble Mike) I think he is the possible suspect" officer Joe said, as he showed him the sketch.

"Are you sure?" Eric asked, as he examined the drawing.

"I don't know, but I just feel so" officer Joe said.

"Okay, but put it on the clue board, just in case" inspector Eric said.

"Okay" officer Joe said.

"But to be sincere, we have no lead on the suspect yet" officer Ruby said, pointing out the problem.

"Okay, I know that but good job officer joe" inspector Eric said.

"Thank you" officer Joe said.

"So Ruby, can you show me the report" inspector Eric said, requesting for the police report on the case.

Inspector Eric and officer Ruby walked out of the room leaving officer Joe in the room.

Meanwhile, Mike visited his friend, in his store. "What is our next move?" Manson asked, as he brings drinks from his little fridge in his store and gave one to Mike.

"I am still thinking" Mike said as he takes a sip of the drink and search the wallet he stole from the man on the bus.

Manson looked at him and said "I guess that is not yours".

Mike laughed and said "yeah, you are right!". Mike continued to search the wallet on till he finds the man's identification card and he read it and he became shocked.

Manson noticed the expression on his face and asked "what happened?".

"Oh my goodness!" Mike exclaimed.

"What?" Manson asked.

Mike brought out his phone and searched something on the internet and said "it is true!".

"What is going on? What is true?" Manson asked, as his curiosity builds in.

Mike showed him what he search on his phone.

"Matthew Frank, the business tycoon" Manson said, reading it out loud.

"You see?" Mike asked

"See what? There is not wrong there, it is just a business tycoon" Manson said.

"You are not seeing the picture, he is officer Matthew that accompanied Reynold in arresting my father" Mike said.

"Oh! Now I get, so what's up with him?" Manson asked.

"He is the first target of my revenge" Mike said.

"What! He did nothing wrong, he just accompanied Reynold to your home that day" Manson said.

Mike gasped and said "let me take you back to the my past, one day, young me, went to visit my father in prison and when I got there, but I wasn't allowed to see him, I didn't go away, I slept through the officers blocking me and ran towards my dad cell because knew my way around, they chased me. When I got there, I saw my dad bleeding and he was on the ground and over officer Matthew was standing over him, with a stick in hand, covered with blood and he shouted, get up fool! I was shocked and said dad! He turned and looked at me with a smile on his face, the other officers came and took me away. Now you know why I he is the first target".

"Oh, sorry about that, Really sorry but how are you going to get back at him?" Manson asked

"I think I have a plan" Mike said.

"You always have a plan, but how did the owner of the wallet have Matthew's name on the identification of card?" Manson asked.

Mike looked at the identification card and read through and said "the owner of the wallet works as a jewelry dealer for Mr. Matthew and Mr. Matthew is a jewelry seller"

"Fancy! But how did you know it's truly him, I mean the same Mr. Mathew, the former policeman?" Manson asked.

Mike brought out his phone and showed Manson and said "through his social media profile", Mike went through Mr. Matthew's social media profile and pictures.

"Yeah you are right, that is him" Manson said.

Mike got a call and he picked up his phone. "Hello dear" Mike said, Mike signified to Manson that it is Pearl that is on the phone.

"I just want to check on you and Roy, how are you doing?" Pearl asked over the phone.

"We are doing great, I escorted him to school" Mike said.

"Okay, please be back early today" Pearl said over the phone.

"Yes I will" Mike said.

"Okay bye, dear" Pearl said.

"Bye, love you.." Mike said.

"Love you too" Pearl replied and ended the call.

"I thought, she was at work today" Manson said.

"She was meant to be but she did a night shift to cover for someone that couldn't make it to work" Mike said.

"Oh, I see" Manson said.

"Back to the issue at hand" Manson said.

"How are we going to get back at him?" Manson asked.

"Hmmm.. Hold on, I think I saw something" Mike said. Mike put his fingers into one of the compartment of the wallet and he brought out a piece of paper.

Manson looked at him curiously.

"Yes! This is it" Mike said.

"This is what?" Manson asked curiously.

"This is the plan," Mike said.