
Billionaire Confusion

Felicia’s love life seemed to be a never-ending roller coaster. She falls in love with the toxic Zion while she is Dylan’s girlfriend, and then Asher comes into the picture. Her life took an unexpected turn of events when she found out she was pregnant. Who is the father of the child? Who will she end up choosing? Read on to find out!

Ojuolape_Maryam · 都市
6 Chs

chapter four

I opened my eyes slowly, trying to remember where I was. The rays of the sun through the window touched my face gently.


I turned but he wasn't beside me anymore. I sighed as I stood up from the bed, there was a bouquet of flowers and a note on the side table.

"Last night was incredible…."

I smiled reading it all over again. Then it hit me

"Dylan…. Shit" I ran out of the room to look for my phone downstairs

8 missed calls and 9 messages

"Hi love, " I said immediately after he picked up the phone.



"Felly where are you?" His voice sounded so calm and that made me worried.

"I ….I was down last night and I needed someone to talk to, so I went to Sasha's…. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just wasn't in the mood to talk" I held my breath.


"I was worried…. I was really worried" I could hear him sigh over the phone.

"I'm sorry"

"What is really going on Felly? The driver told me you've been coming home yourself lately. Is there something wrong? You don't like the car he picks you up with?" I rolled my eyes.

"No… I just miss you being around. I prefer you being my driver " I chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

"I'll be back in a couple of days okay? Please don't do anything stupid before I get back. Be strong. I love you so much " I closed my eyes tight feeling guilty.

"I love you too"

Hung up

I sat on the couch and buried my face in my hand.


Zion didn't call or check up on me or even come to my place of work as he always did. His number kept going straight to voicemail. I was worried. Did something happen to him? Or was he ignoring me?

I went to his penthouse on two occasions but he wasn't home and I don't know his real residence.

I'm probably just overthinking

I pulled up in front of his penthouse once again. Took a deep breath as I got out and went to the door pressing the doorbell. I waited a little after going for the bell three times.

I sighed and turned to leave.

The door opened

It was him!

His face gave away no emotion. I didn't care, I ran to hug him. He didn't hug me back.

I stepped back trying to read his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked calmly "Why are you avoiding me?"

"Come in" I stepped in as he closed the door. Pulling me into his hands with a kiss. Hungrily removing each other's clothes.

We lay in bed breathing heavily in silence staring at nothing in particular.

"Why were you avoiding me?" I finally asked waiting for an answer but I got none. Instead, he stood up and walked toward the bathroom but I followed him.

"What is wrong with you? You just fuck me and give me attitude?" I yelled at him. He stopped and turned to face me.

"What do you want Felly?" He asked scratching his forehead.

"What are we even doing? What is this Zion? You zoned me out for days, I showed up at your house a couple of times but you were never here, and your line keeps going straight to voice mail." Tears filled my eyes, I was really trying to control it.

"You are overreacting, we fucked and that's it. You have a boyfriend, stick to him." I blinked a couple of times looking confused.

"All these were for nothing?" I asked trying to understand the situation

"Oh God! Were you expecting a fucking relationship?!!! ..... Oh common!" he yelled rolling his eyes in frustration. " we really can't be anything more, I'm just attracted to you, you are really good in bed but you are a commoner, I can't be seen with you all the time. I'm a billionaire " he explained but it all sounded strange and confusing. Dylan is a billionaire but he is my boyfriend so I really don't understand.


"Fuck you!" I picked up my clothes and left.


Dylan was back and honestly, I didn't feel different. It was the same sad me. Zion broke my heart. It's insane how I got my hopes high so quickly for a stranger.

I'm so dumb

I walked down the stairs tracing the scent of the food my mom was preparing.

"Oh Girl you look like hell, you sure you dating a billionaire?" Fiona looked at me like I was crazy. Why is she still in this house?

I sat at the dining table ready to dig into whatever was going to be served.

"Dylan dropped by earlier dear," my mom said dishing out the food. " he dropped a package saying something about a dinner date"

"Oh! " I replied looking uninterested. My dad was out of the house already. My mom sat opposite me and Fiona beside me.

"Is there something wrong?" Mom asked looking really concerned.

"I'm fine mom"

" I don't think you are girl, you come back from work and lock yourself up in the room, is it boy problem?" Fiona won't just shut up.

"God! I'm fine… why is everyone overreacting?" I stood up in frustration and went upstairs banging the room door.


The chauffeur pulled up in front of a fancy Chinese restaurant where Dylan had made a reservation earlier. The door was opened for us. We stepped out and were greeted by paparazzi I hate this shit!

We went into the building. Eyes were on us, all thanks to Dylan's rich ass. I mentally rolled my eyes.

We sat down and the food started coming in.

" I missed you so much, " Dylan said with a bright smile which I returned picking up my cutlery.

We ate in silence.

"Is something wrong? You've been different since I got back" Dylan said chewing on his food. I looked at him.

" I'm just stressed I guess"

"Then quit your job, you know I can provide anything you want for you"

" We are not having this conversation "

"Why don't you want to quit?" I sighed trying to calm my already growing temper. I've been like this for days, I get mad at every little thing.

"I don't want to be idle and play billionaire girlfriend all the time" I explained calmly

"You can have a business, I don't mind investing in it" he dropped his cutlery reaching for my hand across the table. "Please just think about it… I'm not okay with you working at a restaurant. We can do better than that….. please"

Honestly, I am so lucky to have him in my life. He really understands me and humble billionaires are rare.

The dishes were cleared out in preparation for dessert. The lights in our section were dimmed to match the cool atmosphere

"I'll consider it and think of the business I'd like to work on" he smiled looking really happy. Dessert was brought in. The cover was opened for me

I froze!

Dylan stood up and walked to me then went down on his knees

"Will you marry me, Felicia?"
