
Billionaire Childhood Best Friend

Harvey Haung, the CEO of Haung Group, a multinational hotel chain in all six continent. He's one of the most intimidating young bachelor in the business world. He could bring down company that crosses him instantaneously. Hiding beneath that tough exterior is a doting you man who wants to spoil the love of his life rotten. Sophie Huo, Harvey's childhood best friend. She brutally turned him down four years ago and then disappeared. Four years later, she returned because of a job opportunity at her dream job location. She's a gorgeous yet feisty young woman who gets hit on constantly. Will Harvey win Sophie's love this time around? Or, will he be friend-zoned for life?

nonirue · 都市
6 Chs

Chapter Six

Chez Minchi...

Three handsome familiar faces walked into one of Chez Minchi private rooms and spotted their best friend, with a champagne glass in his hand, depressed. They looked at each other, nodded and then walked over to him.

"Hey Harvey," they greeted in unison.

Harvey looked up at them, with a drunken expression. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Amy," replied James. He sat down beside Harvey and took the glass from his hands. "Bro, you need to cut back on your drinking. I heard you when hard this morning."

Harvey leaned back in the couch and look up at the ceiling, recalling the events that took place last night.

Nicholas and Dylan sat down in the single couch opposite each other, adjacent to the couch that Harvey and James sat in.

"What did Sophie do this time?" Nicholas asked, getting straight to the point.

With his eyes still on the ceiling, he replied. "She likes Samuel Long."

"What?!" shrieked Dylan. He has a genuine one sided crush on Sophie since his high school days. But never acted on it because of Harvey's feelings for her. "What does that bastard have that I don't?"

James gave him a nasty glare, causing him to shut up. He looked at Harvey and said. "The mere fact that she moves in with you is a big step. Take is slowly, I am sure she will eventually see you as a potential lover."

"I am surprised you haven't intervened yet," Nicholas said.

"I promised her I wouldn't interfere with her love life. It seems the only way to make her mine is to get her pregnant and then marry her."

"Then do it," He replied nonchalantly.

Harvey sat up straight in the couch. "No. I want her to fall in love with me. I want our kids to be a byproduct of our love for one another."

The trio best friend sighed. He's hopeless they mentally stayed.

A City General Hospital...

Sophie spent the first seven hours of her shift shadowing Dr. Samuel Long and learned a lot about including where she stand with her coworkers. All the female staff has a crush on him but he's either oblivious to them or just feigning ignorant. Half of the female staff hate her because she works so close with him and the other half envied they fact that she work so close with him.

She sat down in a chair at one of the empty table in the lunch room, when a bubbly nurse bounced over and asked. "Dr. Huo May I join you for lunch."

"Sure," replied Sophie smiling.

The bubbly nurse sat down on the opposite side of the table with a bright smile plastered on her face.


"Oh, sorry," replied the nurse sheepishly. She extended her hand and said. "My name is Maria Long."

Sophie gasped. "Are you related to Dr. Long?"

Maria winked at her. "Yup. He's my awesome older brother." She leaned forward and whispered. "He's single and ready to mingle."

Sophie spat out the juice that was lingering in her mouth. Her face reddened like a tomato. "I never said..."

"My brother says that you are cute," interjected Maria.


Maria grinned wickedly. Operation coaxed Dr. Huo was a success. "No. But you are the first woman that he let his guard down around."

Sophie drank the last bit of juice left in her glass. She smiled at Maria warmly. "Thank you Maria."

Maria blushed slightly. In her eyes, there was none better or more beautiful than Dr. Sophie Huo, a perfect partner for her brother.

After work, Harvey's private mansion...

Sophie hummed happily as she prepared supper for herself and Harvey. He would be coming home soon and very hungry too. She check her cell for the fifth time that evening, she didn't hear from him at all today and just assumed he was busy. She opted to not disturb him via call.

Ding. Dong.

Sophie turned down the heat on the stove, removed her apron, revealing her shorts and tank top. She walked towards the main door and opened it, beaming with excitement.

She gasped when she saw Harvey drunk. With Nicholas and James supporting him. "What happened to him?"

Nicholas and James looked at each other, wondering if they should tell her the truth or not. Dylan suddenly appeared before Sophie and took her hand, kissing it. "Homeboy is heartbroken."

"Ehhh," shrieked Sophie. She pulled her hand out of his grasped and stated. "What's that bitch name? No one hurts my friends and get away with it."

The trio sweat dropped.

"Sophie," James said. "Can we continue this inside? Harvey isn't exactly light."

Sophie chuckled and then lead them towards the living room. She exit the room and came back later with a cold, damper towel. She kneeled down beside Harvey who was lying down on the couch, passed out and place the towel on his forehead.

"Sophie," Nicholas said getting her attention. He hesitated a bit but then asked. "Why did you turn down Harvey four years ago? I was positive you were in love with him."

Sophie sighed. That jerk even mentioned it to his friends. How she wish she could punched his drunken face.

She sat down on the couch where Harvey lay and looked at them. "I never looked at Harvey as a potential lover and I don't think I will."

"Why not? What don't you like about him?"

"Harvey is a great guy, any girl would be lucky to have him as a husband. But..."

"Just not you," Nicholas added.

Sophie's bangs cast a shadow over her eyes. She nodded her head.

"Okay, let's go," James said, changing the topic.

The boys see themselves out, why Sophie sat there deep in thought.

"Sophie..." She glanced at Harvey who sat up in the couch beside her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she replied with a bright smile. She stood up. "Are you hungry? I made all your favourites?"

Harvey grabbed her wrist, preventing her from taking another step. "You were about to cry. What's wrong? Did the guys say something to you?"

"No," she replied. She turned around and leaped into his arms, hugging him tightly. She whispered. "Let me remain like this for a bit please."

Harvey wrapped his arms around her. Sophie Huo, I am in love with you now and forever.