
Seeing Again

Claire's POV

I hadn't heard Brad for a few days. Despite seeing more patients and trying to help them, my heart was still hurting. My disappointment was compounded when I learned that Garry hadn't received any response either. In spite of the fact that I was conscious of how my texts sounded sorrowful at times, I was sincerely heartbroken. Because I was worried about him.

I was astonished when Laura came into my office one day and asked for my help. "Doctor Wilson? Brad was expecting to see you today in the waiting area. He insists it's an emergency. Please let me know if you'd like to take some time off."

"Yes, Invite him here. Thank you," I murmured after a brief pause. Looking at the blue dress I was wearing, I ran my hand through the frizzy, down-do that had been plaguing my hair that day. It matched his eyes well.