

Sebastian's POV

A few minutes after we ate dad came to the restaurant. Fortunately, he was not with Steve. He sat next to us while smoking.

"Dad, are you smoking again? How many times have I told you to stop smoking already? It's bad for your health and you're already old," I said.

"I only smoke occasionally and then the girls are also bad why not you stop as well," replied their father.

Louis suddenly smiled at what their father had said, which made me frown.

"By the way dad, what's the important thing to talk about today?" I ask.

Their father looked seriously and then spoke.

"About Mr. Bill. Steve told me your suspicions of Mr. Bill about his other businesses, especially in his pharmaceutical firm. I think it's better that you don't interfere in his other business because both of you have nothing to do with it. "

"What has nothing to do, dad? He will soon be our business partner. So, we have the right to know some of his backgrounds. We have to be careful and the company may be affected by whatever he planning," I said.

"You two listen to me. You have stopped whatever you are planning with Mr. Bill. He has a lot of contacts with different people even the public sector or private sector. So, just listen to me. "

"But why, dad? Please explain to us what's going on? " Louis asked.

"I can't discuss it right now, it's better you don't know about it. I'm just saying it to both of you as your father. All I can say is, don't try to interfere with Mr. Bill because you don't know what he can do. "

"So, what? What will he do to us? He will kill us? " I said.

"Sebastian! Are you listening to me? How many times do I have to tell you that Mr. Bill is not an ordinary person? With a slap of his finger, he can bring down our company. "

I and Louis suddenly silenced. I don't know if I will believe him but as I looked at him I could feel the concern and fear on his face. Who is Mr. Bill and even dad doesn't want to interfere with him?

"Fine, we will stop investigating, Mr. Bill but promise us that nothing bad will happen to the company? You and mom build our company, I will not let anyone just bring it down. It's our mom's legacy."

"I know son. So please, don't bother. Everything you find out, just leave it there."

"Okay, dad," Louis and I said.

We did nothing but agree with dad. We also don't want something to happen to the company we've all worked so hard for this company to grow.

"By the way, have you eaten yet, dad?" Louis asked.

"Yes, I have eaten. I'm sorry, I haven't had lunch with you guys. Steve and I talked about this thing and then I would also be gone for two months. I have a business trip in Europe. "

"Okay, but why the duration is kind of long?" I ask.

"I have a lot to take care of and I also have a potential client to talk to in Germany so it will really take me a while to get home."

"Okay dad, just take care."

"I have confidence in both of you that you will not neglect the company. And I will also entrust the company to you two, sooner or later you will manage the company. "

"Dad, stop saying that. You're still alive, we're just taking over as being your children but originally, this is you and mom's company, " I said.

Dad just smiled at us and patted our two shoulders. "I'm sure your mom was very proud if she sees both of you now. By the way, before I forget, your Aunt Lucy's 50th birthday will be held by next day and we were invited to attend her birthday. I'm sure lots of business owners will attend her birthday so you better have your own girl dates on that day.

"Date? Why do we need that? " I ask.

"Because that is what it should be. I don't think it will be difficult for you to find a date, especially for you, Sebastian. "

"Dad, I don't have a girl. Maybe Louis have… "

Louis suddenly looked at me with a sharp stare as he drink his wine so I immediately averted his gaze and smiled.

"Why Louis, do you already have a girlfriend? Why don't I know about it? "

"Dad, don't believe with that man. I don't have a girlfriend, you know, I focus more on working for the company. "

"That's good then, I don't want you to be like your younger brother who has so many girls and at the end, I'm the one who makes the solution whenever he's involved in trouble."

"Dad, that was before already. I am mature now, like Louis, the company is also my priority. I am responsible now," I said.

"Oh, that's why you looked for a condo unit far from our house," said dad.

"I told you the reason why I looked for a condo unit far from our place. I just want to get used to being independent and we have already grown up. We are not like before."

"I know you both already grown up so when you said you got a condo unit, I didn't object to it. By the way, I think I need to go already and we still have golf practice with my friends. "

"Oh, okay, dad. Be careful then, " Louis and I said.

Dad got up and left the restaurant while Louis and I were the only ones left.

"You almost knocked me down earlier? Do you really have to do that, Sebastian? " Louis said.

"Relax, bro. I didn't say anything to dad between you and Michelle. Don't worry I won't throw you but don't you really intend to tell dad about you and Michelle? "

"I have plans but not now. How about you, who will you bring? your little pet-sitter? "

"Shut-up! I'm not sure yet. "