
Untitled Chapter

This was supposed to be the last chapter, but due to some reasons, I’m very sorry that you all need to wait till I upload tomorrow.

Melissa's pov.

One thing I realised about life is that it doesn't stay still, sometimes it will make you feel like you are the most cherished creature on earth, and some other times it will seemed like it's you against the entire world because no matter how much you tried to get things straight at this dedicate time, it won't just work out. It will look like the Genie is no longer on your side.

What happened a few days back still seemed mysterious to me no matter how much I thought about it. Everything just happened within a twinkle of an eye, and even though I am one of the victims, I find it hard to explain what really happened because I'm still trying to get myself together because of the physical pain and mental pain I experienced during the occurrence of everything. I'm just happy that I eventually survived at the end. 

I don't know what day today is, but am pretty sure have been on this bed for about a week, and I do see my Mom every single day. Just that I have never got the chance to talk to her, not that I don't want to but I don't think I'm okay to answer the question she will ask immEdiately she realised I have gained back my consciousness. or maybe I should not think about that, what if Bobby has explained everything to her? Gosh! here comes the thought have been trying to avoid. 

Since have been avoiding to talk to anyone, it's a little bit hard to ask of Bobby, I don't even have any idea of how I got here not to talk of knowing what happened to him back there, I wanted to gather some courage and asked Melanie when I noticed she was the only one with me in the afternoon, but I withdraw from the idea, I don't think I'm physically fit to hear the answer. Moreover, he would have been here to check up on me if nothing is going on....  

The sound of the door being closed pushed me out of my reverie, without looking at the person that entered, I shut my eyes close. Followed by footsteps.

" Is she sleeping?" I heard a voice, but I'm way too lost in my own thoughts to be thinking about who the person is.

" She has been like this for days, since the day of the incident," Melanie explained,  ``if I lost my memories, I don't think I will ever forget that soft voice of hers, not even in my dream. She isn't happy, and I know this is because of me. I wanted to flutter my eyes open and jumped out of the bed to give her a tight hug, I'm not just ready for that.....

" So sad that she won't set her eyes on me before I leave England," 

" Not like you won't come back to England," Melanie explained to the other person. For some reason I was forced to open up my eyes a little bit just to get a quick glimpse of the person. What if she was talking to Bobby? No way, it's in possible for me not to recognise his voice immediately, even though the voice sounds familiar, I'm too tired to start thinking about the person that it belongs to.

I managed to open my eyes a little, I never expected who I’m presently staring at, my eyes widened.

“Draven!” I blurted his name out , completely forgot that I was pretending.


Melissa's pov.

One thing I realised about life is that it doesn't stay still, sometimes it will make you feel like you are the most cherished creature on earth, and some other times it will seemed like it's you against the entire world because no matter how much you tried to get things straight at this dedicate time, it won't just work out. It will look like the Genie is no longer on your side.

What happened a few days back still seemed mysterious to me no matter how much I thought about it. Everything just happened within a twinkle of an eye, and even though I am one of the victims, I find it hard to explain what really happened because I'm still trying to get myself together because of the physical pain and mental pain I experienced during the occurrence of everything. I'm just happy that I eventually survived at the end. 

I don't know what day today is, but am pretty sure have been on this bed for about a week, and I do see my Mom every single day. Just that I have never got the chance to talk to her, not that I don't want to but I don't think I'm okay to answer the question she will ask immEdiately she realised I have gained back my consciousness. or maybe I should not think about that, what if Bobby has explained everything to her? Gosh! here comes the thought have been trying to avoid. 

Since have been avoiding to talk to anyone, it's a little bit hard to ask of Bobby, I don't even have any idea of how I got here not to talk of knowing what happened to him back there, I wanted to gather some courage and asked Melanie when I noticed she was the only one with me in the afternoon, but I withdraw from the idea, I don't think I'm physically fit to hear the answer. Moreover, he would have been here to check up on me if nothing is going on....  

The sound of the door being closed pushed me out of my reverie, without looking at the person that entered, I shut my eyes close. Followed by footsteps.

" Is she sleeping?" I heard a voice, but I'm way too lost in my own thoughts to be thinking about who the person is.

" She has been like this for days, since the day of the incident," Melanie explained,  ``if I lost my memories, I don't think I will ever forget that soft voice of hers, not even in my dream. She isn't happy, and I know this is because of me. I wanted to flutter my eyes open and jumped out of the bed to give her a tight hug, I'm not just ready for that.....

" So sad that she won't set her eyes on me before I leave England," 

" Not like you won't come back to England," Melanie explained to the other person. For some reason I was forced to open up my eyes a little bit just to get a quick glimpse of the person. What if she was talking to Bobby? No way, it's in possible for me not to recognise his voice immediately, even though the voice sounds familiar, I'm too tired to start thinking about the person that it belongs to.

I managed to open my eyes a little, I never expected who I’m presently staring at, my eyes widened.

“Draven!” I blurted his name out , completely forgot that I was pretending.


Melissa's pov.

One thing I realised about life is that it doesn't stay still, sometimes it will make you feel like you are the most cherished creature on earth, and some other times it will seemed like it's you against the entire world because no matter how much you tried to get things straight at this dedicate time, it won't just work out. It will look like the Genie is no longer on your side.

What happened a few days back still seemed mysterious to me no matter how much I thought about it. Everything just happened within a twinkle of an eye, and even though I am one of the victims, I find it hard to explain what really happened because I'm still trying to get myself together because of the physical pain and mental pain I experienced during the occurrence of everything. I'm just happy that I eventually survived at the end. 

I don't know what day today is, but am pretty sure have been on this bed for about a week, and I do see my Mom every single day. Just that I have never got the chance to talk to her, not that I don't want to but I don't think I'm okay to answer the question she will ask immEdiately she realised I have gained back my consciousness. or maybe I should not think about that, what if Bobby has explained everything to her? Gosh! here comes the thought have been trying to avoid. 

Since have been avoiding to talk to anyone, it's a little bit hard to ask of Bobby, I don't even have any idea of how I got here not to talk of knowing what happened to him back there, I wanted to gather some courage and asked Melanie when I noticed she was the only one with me in the afternoon, but I withdraw from the idea, I don't think I'm physically fit to hear the answer. Moreover, he would have been here to check up on me if nothing is going on....  

The sound of the door being closed pushed me out of my reverie, without looking at the person that entered, I shut my eyes close. Followed by footsteps.

" Is she sleeping?" I heard a voice, but I'm way too lost in my own thoughts to be thinking about who the person is.

" She has been like this for days, since the day of the incident," Melanie explained,  ``if I lost my memories, I don't think I will ever forget that soft voice of hers, not even in my dream. She isn't happy, and I know this is because of me. I wanted to flutter my eyes open and jumped out of the bed to give her a tight hug, I'm not just ready for that.....

" So sad that she won't set her eyes on me before I leave England," 

" Not like you won't come back to England," Melanie explained to the other person. For some reason I was forced to open up my eyes a little bit just to get a quick glimpse of the person. What if she was talking to Bobby? No way, it's in possible for me not to recognise his voice immediately, even though the voice sounds familiar, I'm too tired to start thinking about the person that it belongs to.

I managed to open my eyes a little, I never expected who I’m presently staring at, my eyes widened.

“Draven!” I blurted his name out , completely forgot that I was pretending.
