
Untitled Chapter


Bobby's pov.

" I never expected you to come this early," I muttered, staring at the girl sitting beside me from the corner of my eyes. It is very frustrating, but I just have to keep mute until u set my eyes on my father first, blabbing and pouring out my mind in front of Amelia seemed childish. 

"I'm very sorry, sir." She hesitated, then proceeded, while I looked out of the window, completely lost in my own reverie.

" We are heading to the airport now, and we will arrive in the next 10 minutes' ' she explained, I didn't say a word or dart my eyes to her, my mind and heart are not here with me. The only thing that filled up my mind was the name of the only girl have been trying to get out of my head, but the more I tried the more the affection kept on booming inside my heart, and I seemed to love it. Besides, this is what I want. Her exquisite voice that muttered my name when she was fast asleep, while I was holding her hand won't stop replaying inside my head, I tried to dislodge the voice out of my head by thinking about some other stuff, but i can't even think straight, unknowingly, i will just found myself lost in the middle of conversation, thinking about her. Maybe I should have not gone to check on her in the morning, because this is driving me crazy.

" Sir, are you okay?" Amelia's voice jolted me out of my thoughts, I tilted my head to her side, with a blank expression, like everything was fine with me.

" What? I'm fine, any problem?" I retorted tonelessly,  a smile formed on her lip, it didn't last a second before it disappeared.

" Have been calling your name since," she pointed out, " We are here," She concluded, her eyes fully engrossed into mine. I cleared my throat, " So fast," I tried not to act surprised. "So, if I may ask now, why are we here?" I questioned, her eyes widened immediately the word left my mouth, her eyes gazing at me suspiciously. " Any problem?" Her intense look is making me feel irritated, and her eyes creased, she looked down before talking.

" Have been explaining that since, I don't know you are not with me, sir" she stuttered, calling me sir and acting as if am a kind of God pissed me off, i just don't like how she behaved around me, maybe the person I talked with yesterday is no more, this is just the normal secretary I used to see in movies, trembling whenever they heard their boss voice, and also find it difficult to talk straight.

I sighed, looking out of the window for a few seconds, before I darted my eyes back to her. 

" Excuse us" I ordered, referring to the driver that was sitting behind the wheel in the front, the blonde hair guy muttered, " Okay, sir" before he pushed the door open and left the two of us alone. I glanced at Amelia, who was just looking for a way to dodge my gaze. 

" Amelia," I called, she raised her a little and stared into my eyes.

" I know you are doing all this to protect your job," I signed, "But still, don't dispute the fact that you are once my senior, and will knew each other before " her face relaxed a little bit, " Nothing to fear about me, please, you can be addressing me with sir when we are in the midst of people, but not when we are alone," I paused, " I don't want to hear the word 'sir' again, you are a friend to me" I tried to sound friendly, just to let her know am serious about it. I believe it is better to let her know that now, before she becomes my Secretary, because for now I am not the one controlling her.  

"Understood," she whispered, and bowed a little. " Fuck!" I muttered under my breath, my right hand moving on my bow tie in an attempt to loosen it,," I don't think I can't get used to this' ' I mumbled through gritted teeth. Her phone suddenly rang, I watched as her hand shoved into the shirt beneath her suit for her phone.

" Okay, we are here already" that's the only word she muttered before he ended the call, maybe it was disconnected from the other line.

" The Chairman is here" she said all of a sudden, my hand became numb and motionless on the tie, I glanced at her, throwing her a question look to confirm I actually heard her correctly.

" My dad?" I asked in awe, "Yes" she replied, " You never told me this?" I tried to act calm, even though my voice was different. Noticing my furious look, " I told you, but I never knew you are not with me when am explaining" her voice trailed off, she twirled her fingers into each other and stare at them. 

" Ohhhh," I but my lips in embarrassment, " I guess i'm at fault, then" I managed to say.  "Hope we can leave now?" 

" Yes," she retorted. And before I could say a word, she pressed a button on the earpiece she was wearing.

"Open the door" 

The door opened slowly, before Amelia could even put a stop to the last word, I immediately adjusted the tie I was dragging with my neck earlier, and stepped out of the car. I sneezed silently as the cold breeze hit my face, up to twelve bodyguards were beside me in a twinkle of an eye. I think I am loving this, a smile formed on my lips. Even though, am used to this lifestyle before, I find it weird why it felt so strange to me right now, also, me telling Amelia how to address me when we are alone earlier sounds strange, " This is not me," i like to be respect and addicted to bossing people around, only my PA back in Italy can testify to this, but anyway I feel bad for what have done to him, still, I knew deep down that something has changed about me, in which i find it hard to explain.

Amelia walked to me, gesturing me to move with her hand. Without saying a word, I started walking, people were staring at me and also moving to the side at the same time. At last my father was in sight, he was walking towards us, with his PA beside him, and with three bodyguards behind his back.. I didn't smile or frown as our eyes met, and I made sure I maintained the Stoic look as I got closer to him.

" Son," he called, I bowed my head a little, and  he patted my back at the same time. I stayed mute without saying a word. The only thing that that occupy my mind are the questions I can't wait to be out of the cage, and I won't back off until he provides an answer to them.

" Hope you are not angry son, we have a meeting to catch up with" he muttered tonelessly, like I can refuse to follow him in the first place. I raised my head a little, only to see that a white limousine had already pulled up a metre away from us. A guard rushed to the door and pulled it open. I wanted to say something, but he was already in the limo. I sighed before I followed him in, and the door closed on my face.
