
Untitled Chapte

Melissa's pov

Everything is dark, it feels like i'm choking silently. 

" Bobby!" I managed to say, but I didn't hear a sound, not to talk of hearing his voice, I creased. 

I feel so tense, my hand moving and poking around the nearest chairs, thinking I could be lucky to find my way out on my own without needing to wait for the light to turn on. Still, the fact that Bobby is nowhere to be found sent a cold shiver to creep over me, my lips trembling on it's own when I am not even feeling cold. Did someone follow us to this place? Did someone take Bobby and decide to leave me since I am not their target? I wondered, my eyes sparkled at the thoughts, No! it can't just be I grabbed a chair for support, unfortunately, I stumbled on something, before I could react i landed on the cold linoleum, 

And the light flickered on.

I Gasped, and closed my eyes tightly, my eyes ball scorching under my lids, trying to adjust with the sudden ray. But instead of opening after a few seconds, I just shut it close. What if Bobby has been attacked and they decided to turn back the light after their elimination as been carried out......

" Melissa!" his voice was cold, the concern is clearly audible to my ear. 

I flinched, is that really Him? Nothing happened? I gradually started to open my eyes slowly, my eyebrows pulling out in mystification. His face occupied the entire screen of my eyes, with his eyes blinking continuously. I don't know how my hands move on their own and nudged his head forward, like I just saw a ghost.

" Are you okay? what are you doing on the floor?" he probed, his forehead creasing in disbelief.

" Hmmm...mmmm" I stammered, as I stood back on my feet, avoiding his gaze to avoid further embarrassment.

"I thought you were kidnapped" I don't know how the words moved out of my mouth.

 His eyes widened at my words, " Kidnapped?, you can't be serious, that's just a prank" He mouthed, I can see that he was trying to restrain himself from laughing loudly, but his mouth failed him at last, he burst into a laugh, using his palm to cover his mouth at same time. 

I can feel my blood boiling in anger, is this funny to him, how can he just pull that kind of a prank that nearly made me have an attack. And he is still laughing at me, how can someone be so dum.....

" Is that a prank to you, why can't you tell me beforehand, that's so childish" I paused,  breathing heavily. " It makes no sense," I muttered through gritted teeth. I walked past him to take a seat,not even taking up to two steps before I suddenly came to a halt,glaring at the rounded table he was previously sitting beside. My mouth dropped in awe, " What's all this...is?" I stuttered, looking back at the mouth watering dishes that were beautifully arranged on it, it made no sense how all this was set up in that amount of time, without seeing or hearing anything.

He smiled, his lips tightening together, he took a few steps closer, about two inches away from him. I was still perplexed by all this, the fact that we are supposed to have a little talk about what he has to say, including I have to ask him, so, why make it seem like we are here for a date? S not like I am his Juliet, am I? 

He bent his head a little, giving me an intent look, my heart was moving erratically inside its abode,I find it difficult to think straight. Why is he doing this to me? my eyes were moving around his side in an attempt to avoid his long stare.

"I'm sorry for causing all this, I never saw this side of you before, very funny, I must admit" he smirked.

" We don't have enough time for all this prattle talk" he raised his hand to check his wrist watch. " Can we simply discuss these over dinner," Hus breathe hit my face, I find my inhaling it silently, yawning for more, what a stupid thought. He stood straight again, his hand grabbed my shoulder without any hint, my body trembled as his cold hand rested on mine, I wanted to complain and yanked his hand away, but it feels like I have completely forgotten how to do that. He turned me with his hand, nudged me towards the table. 

He gestured to me to sit with his hand, before he moved to my side to take his seat

" Back to the reason why I am doing all this,"  the serious tone made me divert my attention from the wine I was about to grab from the table, and look up to meet his eyes.











