
To my aid



Last chapter

Melissa's pov

Bobby the blond hair girl shouted and rushed to hug him, I glared at them blinking in incredulity. If only this girl knew how cruel he is, she would not be happy around him. I'm exhausted already because of the room arrangement. "I  think this is a great chance for me to escape from this devil" I muttered silently to myself. I placed the flower vase on the table before facing them. They are now busy chatting with each other, I guessed he doesn't even remember that someone is here.

"I'm done," I managed to say, tilting his head to look at me . I don't try to hide the fact that I am exhausted and frustrated already. 

"Can you.....  

" Who is she?" The blonde hair girl cut him off before he could even finish his statement. Why is she asking him out of a sudden, is it not clear that I am a maid... I glared at Bobby waiting for his answer.

" Just a maid," he replied coldly. I remained frozen for some seconds because of the statement.  I wanted to say something but restrained myself from saying something that I will regret later.

"Get me chilled Apple drink" he commanded, stopping my train of thoughts. I nodded before walking to the dinning room without saying anything 


Melissa's pov

I signed in exasperation before walking out of the living room. What did he take me for? Looking down on me because I'm a maid disgust me already, not to talk of saying it to my face. Anyway, is that not what I am, I thought sadly. If only have gathered enough money for my college I will not be here. I climbed up the stairs to the dining room. I start walking towards the freezer, but I suddenly lost my balance, I land on my buttocks as I whispered in pain. My injured ankle is now bleeding due to the fall. I tried to stand again but ended up sitting back. After about fifteen minutes I finally managed to regain my posture. The pain was unbearable as it prevented me from walking straight, I found myself staggering to the freezer.

I sat down on the stool which was placed in front of his mini bar. I took a large ice bar from the fridge and placed it on my injured ankle with the hope that it would ease the pain. But to my disappointment, it still remains the same, the wound is now bleeding so much that the bandage is now soaked with my precious blood. I'm sure if one of my parents finds out about this they are going to nag. But wait, I was supposed to bring an Apple drink for Bobby and his so-called lost friend. I'm sure he would be angry right now, I am sure he's not going to give in to my excuse not to talk about letting it go. I stretched my hand to pick two glass cups from the bar, and placed it on a tray while still sitting.  I staggered to my feet and walked to the freezer, I opened it and quickly took out a bottle of drink. I walked back to the stool and sat down again before pouring it into the cups. I am not supposed to pour the drink until I reach back to the living room but because I don't want to look at his face , and sneak out of his sight as soon as possible.

I closed back the bottle cap before picking the tray. I lurched on my feet again, then I walked down back to the sitting room. I could hear their loud noises as I moved closer. But I stopped abruptly when I heard the girl telling him about becoming the new CEO of his father's company. I waited at the door step for them to finish the conversation before walking in. 

"What have you been doing since?" He questioned immediately I stepped into the room, my eyes fixated on the floor, looking for an excuse to.

I kept on moving towards them without saying a word, it was clear that they both fixed their eyes on me now. I raised my head to look at him, unfortunately my leg missed a step, before I could figure out what just happened, all the drinks as now soaked Bobby's shirt, glass shattered on to the cold tile. My mouth wide open without knowing what to do or say.

I gasped when I realised what I just did, I raised my head to look at his angry face, I feel like the earth should swallow me right away. It was clearly written on his face that he was angry. I remained speechless and silent at the same time.

"Are you blind?" His grumpy voice questioned loudly, making me tremble on hearing it.

I opened my mouth to defend myself by telling him of my  wounded ankle, and pleaded, but closed it immediately.

"Bobby take it easy " the tiny voice of the pretty girl that has been watching our Little clash come..

"Just Get out, I will call you when I need you" he muttered calmly, trying to hide the rage in his voice. I walked out silently without saying a word... The pain of someone at me and looking down on me is not something I can forgive and forget. I pushed the open before stepping out. Different thoughts running through my mind. I don't even have the idea that I have been crying since until the salty liquid touched my lips. I walked out of the building silently, using my left palm to my face. 

I think it is time I look for another job to support my family other than being looked down on like I am trash by this spoiled brat. I kept on walking back to the maid quarters. The pain from my ankle is now getting unbearable as I kept forcing myself to walk. I'm now sweating profusely because of the stress..   I sighted some maid coming out of the mansion's first floor, fortunately my best friend was among them...

"Melanie!!" I shouted from where I was standing, fortunately she heard me. I waved my hand to signal that I needed her help, I sat down on the cold floor waiting for her to come get me.  I could see her running towards me, looking concerned.  

"What happened to you? Why are you like this " she bombarded me with questions immediately he got to me. 

" Calm down, it's nothing serious" I answered calmly, she was not trying to catch her breath.  She stretched her hand to me, telling me to stand up and use her hand   for support.

"I can't walk properly"


I pointed at my bleeding ankle, she gasped  on seeing it. 

"Did you fall on something?" She questioned, looking concerned.

"Not really, I slipped" 

"Are you not with Bobby, you should have changed the bandage before you left his place" she snapped.

"Just forget it" I hummed silently, not sure if she heard me clearly.

"Let's just go to the quarter to get it treated," she commanded. She tried lifting me up but ended up dropping me to the ground due to weight. I groaned in pain as my buttocks touched the cold floor again.

"Let's just wait for.......

"Do you need any help?" a familiar voice was heard from the back making the two of us look at the person. 

"Draven " I murmured silently, nearly above a whisper. His smiling turned into frown immediately as our eyes met. I looked back to the floor, hitting my tongue in the process. Not this time, I thought to myself.

"Do you know him?" Melanie questioned, as he linger when he reached us... "Yes" I answered gloomy, embarrassed at my present condition.

"Have been looking for you," he paused, he glanced at me suspiciously. "Are you okay?" He questioned, changing his eyes to my leg.

"As you can see, she is injured," Melanie answered before I could even say a word.  

"Can you walk?"  He kneels down beside me, his eyes displaying an emotion I don't comprehend. He looked like he care and for some minutes I forgot about what Bobby did just by staring at his Crimson eyes.

"Ok, let me carry you to my room" he whispered all of a sudden.

"Ehhhh..nnn.nnn." I stammered trying to know if I heard him clearly, I glanced at Melanie. she was now smiling at me, am sure she must be thinking about some crazy stuff right now….

" I'm not forcing you if you don't want to, but I am sure you don't want your mom to question you about how you got injured " he cut me off, stopping my train of thought.

."I think that'll be better" Melanie replied before looking at me..She stooped beside me...

"Is he not the same at the party?" She whispered. I only nodded at her before she stood up again....
