


Melissa's pov.

"I need to hide my wounded ankle from my mother don't you think I mutter while facing Melanie as we are about to get to the maids quarters.

"You don't need to, have told them yesterday night that you injured yourself while serving the visitors she replied making me raise my thumb at her.


We walked towards the building only to find the head maid waiting for us.


"What happened"  we muttered at the same time before walking to her.


"Good morning ma" we chorused.


"Don't greet me, just go to your duty post immediately and make sure you keep everything neat "she answered sharply.


We turn back to leave but I heard her calling me back.


"What's her problem" I mutter to myself before turning to face her?


What I asked looking at her


"I was told by the young master(referring to Bobby ) that as from today you should be coming to his room, I don't know what you guys are hoping to again he said while looking at me somehow.


I just nod without saying anything.


I searched for Melanie but she is nowhere to be found.


"Gosh "I murmur in frustration before heading towards Bobby's apartment.


I am still thinking whether to go or not when I sight him walking to his room, he kicked the door opened before heading in.


What's wrong with him?


I was about to move when I felt someone tapping my shoulder.


"Who is that" I questioned, as I turned to face the person but my heartbeat paused immediately I face the person.


"Drave......nnnnn" I stammered thinking of what to say.


"Good afternoon beauty queen" he grins while given me the cutest smile have ever seen.


My heart  skip a beat as I turn my head to prevent looking at his cute face.


"What are you doing here " I managed to say, looking at the floor and playing with the end of my gown at the same time.


"Nothing much just come to check something cos I will be moving in tomorrow " he answered making me raise my head to face him.


"Here " I questioned looking surprised at the same time.


"Yes of cos "he answered as he keeps staring at something at my back.


"What are you looking" I questioned trying to turn my head but he quickly grabs my head to face him and smiling at the same time.


What's that?


"Nothing just feels like kissing you right now" he mutters out of nowhere.




Before I could say anything he moves his lips closer to mine.


I quickly closed my eyes thinking of what's going to happen but instead of his lips to touch mine, I heard someone clearing his throat...


I opened my eyes only to find bobby staring at us.



Melissa's pov.

"Bobby" I muttered in surprise, my eyes glaring at him. He stayed mute for some minutes before clearing his throat. The look on his face held no emotion making it harder to guess what he was thinking, I regained my posture and quickly walked towards his direction, without giving Draven a second look.

It's obvious that he did that to make Bobby jealous, but what I don't seem to understand is his real intention. Did he have feelings for me? He was just joking around because he thinks Bobby is somehow interested in me? No, it can't be. He despised me, so I don't think that kind of thought is necessary in this situation. I glared at him again; he was now glaring at Draven.

"Anyway, I am very sorry for disturbing the two love birds" Bobby's voice breaks the silence. His voice jerked me out of my trance.

"Is not what you...

" I'm very happy that you realise your mistake" Draven cut me off before I could finish my statement, I glared at him in surprise, his voice sounded confident as if we  actually have something going, or having a mutual relationship which I am not aware of..

"Whatever, I don't care if you actually have something going on between you guys"

"I love that statement, you are indeed a good cousin" He whispered, narrowing his eyes at him. But instead of replying to him, Bobby only hummed in agreement before he diverted his attention to me. 

"Anyway, am here to see my petty maid, we have some unfinished business"

"Don't tell me you are referring to This beautiful damsel like that"  Draven boomed, His voice was euphonious.


I think of something to say in order to dismiss this petty argument between them but, my head is black right now. 

"Wow, what a nice boyfriend you get here" He  commented, which made my eyes widen...


"He is not my Boyfriend" I blabbered out before I could even stop myself. 


I tilted my head to catch a glimpse of Draven eyes who was now busy scrutinising my face. I quickly looked down in order to avoid his gaze.

"" Meet me in my apartment, in the next Five minutes" Bobby retorted all of a sudden. A hint of irritation in his voice. Before I could my brain could interpret what I just heard, he was out of sight. 


I quickly made an attempt to run to his quarter, but someone immediately held my hand which made me come to a sudden halt. "Gosh, I don't even remember that Draven was still standing behind me" I muttered silently to myself before facing him. I give him a weak smile. I'm sure my face clearly shows that my mind is troubled right now. The thought of what am going to face when I reach Bobby's is the only thing that is going through my mind right now.

"Ohhhhh, sorry for that, am lost in thought that why I don't even remember that you are here" I managed to say, I'm not sure if he heard me clearly because my voice is nearly above a whisper.

"Is okay, I understand" he smiled, I can't help but feel overwhelmed, looking at his heart melting Tan eyes. I was tempted to touch his cute face and deal his texture of his blonde hair. For some minutes which seems like hours. I'm lost in thought.

"What are you thinking?" He questioned his enormous eyes of worries.


"Nothing" I quickly replied, jerking my face from his grip in the process.

"If you're thinking about Him, you don't need to worry am on your side "

"It's not about him, but thank you for your concern" I lied, praying he wouldn't notice it from my voice.

"I'm glad to be here, I think you should leave now. I will be back tomorrow, till then take and don't hesitate to tell me anything especially Bobby" he winked, I smiled at him and nodded in agreement.

The thought of someone caring about me, makes my heart feel at ease. We exchange contact before saying goodbye. And I must say, I can't wait to see him tomorrow. When he was out of sight, I quickly put it into my back pocket and started heading towards the Spoilt brat apartment. The compound is somehow silent during this time of the day. The maids would be in their quarter, resting in preparation for the dinner.

After walking for about ten minutes. I finally found myself standing in front of His door. I waited for some time contemplating whether I should ring the bell or not. Eventually I rang it, the door opened almost immediately, making me flinch in surprise.

"You frightened me, " I stammered, looking at him in confusion. It seems like he has been waiting for me to appear since.He only opened the door, but refused to reply to what I said. I bit my tongue in frustration, I don't understand this silent treatment again. Besides, I am not here on my own will, in fact I never want to be here.

He cleared his throat and glanced at me for a moment before looking away. No matter how much I tried, it is very hard to read his face, which usually stays rigid and holds no emotion. I'm still surprised how it is very possible for someone to hide his emotions perfectly.

"You are late" he cut my thoughts off.

"I'm sorry, I never meant to be late" I managed to say.

"I'm sorry, I can't let you go scout free for disobeying my order, Sweetie" he smirked menacingly. "What's it this time?" I found myself asking...

"Ohhh, nothing much, we can keep that punishment till another day" he stated giving me a stoic look that holds no emotion.

"Ok" I answered, the room is very cold, and I can feel my leg moving frantically on its own. My clothes also don't help with the situation. I was wearing a cropped top and a jean trouser. 

"Can I go now?" I begged when I couldnot bear it any longer.

"Ohhh, you still have to wait" he muttered without looking at me. 

"Then can you pls lower the temperature of the Air Conditioner then?" I asked through gritted teeth, and am now visibly shaking.  He raised his head to look at me, without saying a word he took the Remote Control and reduced it.

"Thank you" 

"No need, go get me a piece of paper from the shelf"

I stood up almost immediately and walked towards his big library, and I must say the place is amazing. Is somehow funny how these Rich Guys don't value what nature gave them for free. I was mesmerised by the sight of the book shelf, I even thought I was in a bookstore because the place is flooded with different kinds of books. 


After searching for some time, I eventually got hold of one white plain sheet. I walked back to the sitting room and hand it over to him without saying a word.


I sat down like a Robot that's being controlled by its owner.

"Hope you know, you will be resuming to my quarter starting from tomorrow"  he spoke nonchalantly.

"I don't know" I mumbled weakly, hadn't been am ok, i won't be arguing with him right now. He looked at me and smiled. 

"Ohhhh,  at least I just told you now" he cooed, I frowned at his reaction. Sitting with him like this is not something I ever expected. I secretly looked at him again, fortunately he was not looking in my direction, he was engrossed with God knows what he was busy writing on the sheet of paper. I'm no longer patient right now. I grumbled in order to attract his attention but all to no avail.

"I'm not too fine, can you pls let me go now?"  I probed impatiently.

"Let me write my rules, then you will go for today," he said coldly. I don't quite understand what he meant by "His rules", 

I prayed he would finish this quickly and let me go back to the quarters. The thought of me staying with him for the next ten minutes irritated me. Eventually, he cleared his throat to draw my attention. I looked towards with the hope to hear him ask me to leave but to my disappointment he handed over the white sheet. I at first hesitate to collect it from his hand, but quickly grab it when he shoots me a deadly glare.

I glanced down to look at what was written on the paper. And I was shocked with the first sentence you set my eyes on.

" Rules and Regulations For My Babysitter" I don't know. When I read the sentence aloud, I restrained myself from laughing...


"You must be kidding me, Rules for me?" I questioned, looking confused.

"Here we go again, I guess the obedient petty maid is gone" he smiled wickedly. He stood up and walked towards me grinning at the same time.

"You have no authority to question me, and you know that right?"  He whispered, using his hand to touch my forehead.